San Simeon's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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bookshelves: 7th-grade-books

the book was extremely interesting. it wasn't as much about him as i was hoping, i read this book expecting to learn a lot about him, but most of the book is just about apple. and i am just as interested in apple as i am in Steve jobs but when i started reading this book i was kind of expecting to learn about steve jobs apposed to learning about apple. but even though i didn't necessarily get what i wanted from the book i did end up learning a lot about business and smart decisions.
but overall the book was really good, i learned a lot about him and his family and his rivals and what he had to go through to get where he had gotten himself. he taught me that no matter what people tell you no matter how much you just want to fit in, you just have to be who you are. because Steve Jobs never changed anything about himself or about his products, unless he didn't like them. steve jobs taught me that the reason in life to ever change anything about yourself is because you don't like something about who you are. because throughout the book people are always telling Steve to try to be a nicer person to his coworkers, and steve jobs didn't do anything. the only time he ever did anything was if he wasn't happy with himself.

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Reading Progress

October 25, 2012 – Started Reading
October 25, 2012 – Shelved
October 25, 2012 –
page 180
28.57% "i started the book a year ago so i am still pretty vague on the details, and there isn't much of a single story since it is just based on countless interviews, but its interesting to be able to see how this man was able to build one of the worlds biggest most popular computer companies in his garage, its awesome to see how it all became what it is today, and so far i would recommend this book to anyone who can read.."
October 28, 2012 –
page 200
31.75% "not much else has happened that is really relevant to apple. in the last 20 pages the focus has been more focused about Steve Jobs and the first time he was almost kicked out of apple. in my opinion i think that this John Sculley guy is kind of a jerk because he had Steve "Fired" because the public didn't want to but the appleII or the Lisa, so i do think it was important for the author to include that part."
October 31, 2012 –
page 200
31.75% "i think including the part about all of his previous business partners turning there backs on him was really important, because it shows that he really had to go through some tough stuff to become the success that he was, it was also important to show how risky he was, i mean litterally once he got fired from apple he created a new company!!!! it was called "NeXT", and he stole some of apples workers! its awesome!!"
October 31, 2012 –
page 221
35.08% "i think including the part about all of his previous business partners turning there backs on him was really important, because it shows that he really had to go through some tough stuff to become the success that he was, it was also important to show how risky he was, i mean litterally once he got fired from apple he created a new company!!!! it was called "NeXT", and he stole some of apples workers! its awesome!!"
November 3, 2012 –
page 240
38.1% "the author is really including every little detail about jobs. everything from how he gets buyers thinking that its a good deal when really its $6,500 for one computer to a staircase that jobs wants to put into his future computer stores. i am a little annoyed about how the author didn't really say much about what got jobs interested in animation and movies, he just sums up that steve wanted to sell computers to them"
November 9, 2012 –
page 262
41.59% "these last 2 chapters have really been mostly about his family, and lovers. i think it was important to show his personal life, as well as his business life. but i think including the fact that he was adopted, and that he has a long lost sister and he hates his biological father was important, but i don't feel like it was really as important as some of the other things in the book."
November 12, 2012 –
page 280
44.44% "right now steve seems like a really confusing person. first he spent 16 months renovating a house because of the smallest thing, also he went to Germany just to get a washing machine and he gets really dramatic when it comes to his girlfriends. but at the moment he is really hung over this "Laurene Powell", and he stopped everything in his life just for her. so in my opinion you cant anticipate what he is gonna do."
November 13, 2012 –
page 300
47.62% "At the moment it starting to look like steve is going to come back to apple. not only because of whats going on, but because of the time period. its 1995 at the moment so he only has 15 years to create, the mac book, iPod, iPhone, iPad, and so much more and it takes longer then you might think. But it also seems like Steve is happy about leaving NeXT.
November 13, 2012 –
page 300
47.62% "continuing.
the reason I think he's happy is because Both apple and NeXT are going under, but Apple is not only more well known, but it is worth a lot more then next, at the time. And because Apple is going under and the only products ever produced by apple before the 90's were created by Steve Jobs, so the fact that they wanted him didn't seem like much of a surprise."
November 14, 2012 –
page 330
52.38% "At the moment i am completely confused. all steve jobs has ever wanted since he got fired was to be rehired as the CEO, he's finally offered the job and he turns it down. he said it was because he was already the CEO of pixar and he didn't want to be the CEO of 2 major companies. i think he just didn't want to look to desperate, and he wanted to keep calm and control himself. but so far thats it."
November 18, 2012 –
page 357
56.67% "now i am just amazed. in less then a couple years steve jobs became the ceo of apple, created a new computer and completely rebirthed apple. he was abble to bring the stock from way up, and at the same time saved Pixar. in my opinion it doesn't even seem posable, i dont think anyone right now would be able to save two half dead companies from going under. i don't even think that bill gates could do it."
November 28, 2012 –
page 380
60.32% "honestly i think he's starting to do what most people do. he is having a rush of popularity with the stores and now he's trying to make them better and better. its like with his products, you buy the newest one and then 6 months later something newer comes out and everyone wants that. he did that with his stores, he kept trying to use the latest technology to make his stores better. which shows sort of who he is."
December 6, 2012 –
page 417
66.19% "i think that with the iPod steve literally saved apple, they bought themselves at least 10 years in the technological race with Microsoft. and it not only helped with competition, it more helped with steve by being able to create such a groundbreaking product, that is only available to apple users, which improved sales of every apple product, to me this is only saying that he's a smart person and a smart business man"
December 12, 2012 –
page 440
69.84% "what i just read was not as much about Steve as it was about the relationship between Pixar and Disney, and how steve interlocked with those two companies. i am still shocked by creating all these movies steve came up with the idea to let the iPod play movies and t.v shows. most people i know don't get that from seeing a movie. and he did it exactly the same way he did it with songs. he asked ABC and they said yes"
December 17, 2012 –
page 470
74.6% "right now i am confused. apple originally started as a computer company. but it seems that as technology moves all steve wants to do is create better apple versions of whatever else is out, like with the iPod and right now with the iPhone. but i guess it all sort of makes sense. if apple is making these devices only compatible for other apple users apple is booming. so it seems like jobs is all business."
December 20, 2012 –
page 490
77.78% "this chapter was more of a memoir then i biography. in this chapter all the author talked about was steve's cancer. the chapter was only personal. but they did talk a lot about when he returned from his medical leave, how he had no changed at all. he was still the same intimidating boss at apple that everyone was scared of approaching."
January 10, 2013 –
page 513
81.43% "right now i am how much power he is able to have. at one point he goes to a japanese restaurant and orders a pasta, and they make it! i think even his family is shocked. but most of all i am a little scared. because i think that sometimes he has a tendency to overpower to take control of any situation he is involved in. which i think is why he was fired from apple betrayed by his coworkers. but being him helped him."
January 18, 2013 – Finished Reading
January 24, 2013 – Shelved as: 7th-grade-books

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Jefferson710 im gonna catch up with u... it is hard cause im readin TWO books

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