Weam E.'s Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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's review

This is a book about Steve Jobs. Who is one of my favorite idols.ever.

He inspires me so much in possibly everything I do in life.

I've wanted this book since it came out. But I was in this long dated reading slump. So I didn't get it. and didn't have the motivation to get it and read it.

Until on my 19th birthday, my bestfriend bought it for me, It's one of my favorite gifts to date.

Yet, as much as I want to read/devour this book. I don't see myself reading this book. Mainly because this is nonfiction and it's huge. I'm writing this in August, 8 months after I got it. (And yay me) I picked it up yesterday and read a few chapters. (finally)

I'm one who likes to pick up a book, finish it off and put it on my bookshelf .I don't see this happening with this book. I will read it. Just a few chapters here and there until I'm finally done. And I will also be giving a full review of this book at that time. But this book will remain, technically, unread until I really do have the time and mind to read it.

But for now, I am honored to have this book in my collection. And I can not wait for the day that I turn that last page.

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
May 20, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
May 20, 2013 – Shelved

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