John Devlin's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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it was ok

(2.9) A layered approach to Jobs personality and his business acumen. I can't say anything is lacking in this bio. Jobs is painted as rather a brute in his dealing w/people but it's undeniable he got results and many of those who had the biggest axes to grind felt in retrospect they had achieved much more because of his unrelenting perfection and his drill sergeant mien.

I came to this book with the idea that Jobs was no Edison and that many today have tried to deify him as such. Isaacson makes that assertion in the book's coda and I would be happy to detail why he's wrong; nevertheless, my appreciation for Jobs, the industrial designer, and his ability to wring great designs and engineering that needed to comport w/that rigid design increased greatly.

As a coda of my own: a guy w/undeniable smarts spent a significant part of his life as a fruitarian who eschewed regular bathing. Really, Steve, really.
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