Collin's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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This is a good book and is well written. I love learning the history behind products that I use or am familiar with, and Walter Isaacson's book lays out the history of all the products Steve Job's is responsible for. I liked when they mess around with parts to make cool technology .

I like this book because it talks about how Apple was started. It talks about how they designed the first Mac.
The first Mac was built in Steve Jobs’ garage. After the first Mac was built, they took it to a computer show. Those attending the show liked the look of it. People were interested in buying the Apple 1computer, after attending this show. At this point Steve Job’s and Steve Wozniak they built the Apple 1 out of Steve’s garage. They were having a hard time buying parts to build the Apple 1 (pg. 156) because they did not have the working capital. Since they did not have the money to build the Apple 1; they had the customers pay part down and rest when finished.
Once they were building & selling the Apple 1; they started designing the Apple II(pg 189). With the new design of the Apple II they wanted it to have its own keyboard. (updated)

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Reading Progress

December 11, 2012 – Started Reading
December 11, 2012 – Shelved
January 18, 2013 –
page 0
January 22, 2013 –
page 69

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message 1: by Bernadette (new)

Bernadette S Updated review needed.

message 2: by Collin (new) - added it

Collin updated

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