Diane 's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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's review

it was ok

As brilliant a man Jobs is, I'm extremely disappointed in the type of man he was as a friend, a father, and a leader. I am merely going by what the interviewer, Walter, gathered but Jobs was an angry and volatile man who must have suffered from at least one if not more personality disorders. He is the kind of man by whom I would have been intimidated as well as with whom I'd have no desire to associate. And that is disappointing. I absolutely love the way he broke through the norm and truly thought outside the box as well as far beyond what was then perceived as possible let alone necessary. I love apple products, having yet to a encounter one with which I've been frustrated. They're all fabulous. Jobs pushed people to work hard and achieve the impossible but his relationships were always hanging by a thread. He was vulgar and if you didn't please him, you were an absolute zero. If CEOs and other business leaders are as pompous, vulgar, extremely difficult and mean, (which the interviewer had no trouble highlighting from Disney to Microsoft) then I'll gladly keep my day job. ;)

The book has a lot of expletives as well as delves into Jobs' several girlfriends/lovers and his history with various drugs. Again, disappointing.

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Reading Progress

November 17, 2012 – Started Reading
November 17, 2012 – Shelved
January 1, 2013 – Finished Reading

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