Laura Jeanne's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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's review

it was ok

I'm on disc 4 of 15. It's a bit slow, interesting but definatly one I would not get through if I was reading it, but worth listening to. Steve Jobs definatly brings to mind the old adage that there's a fine line between genius and crazy.

I'm over half way! Why is it that non-fiction writers think they have to put every little piece of information that they dug up in the book? I don't care what restaurant they ate at! Put it's intertesting enough for me to keep listening. I had no idea that Steve Jobs owned Pixar.

Finally, I'm done. I would never get through this book if I was reading it, but it's a good one to listen to. Could have used some editing, but overall very interesting.
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April 3, 2012 – Started Reading
April 3, 2012 – Shelved
April 24, 2012 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Cecilia (new)

Cecilia I am very interested in this book. Please let me know what you think! :)

Laura Jeanne I'm on disc 4 of 15. It's a bit slow, interesting but definatly one I would not get through if I was reading it, but worth listening to. Steve Jobs definatly brings to mind the old adage that there's a fine line between genius and crazy

message 3: by Raymond (new)

Raymond I am NOT the least interested in the life and times of THAT reject or Zuckerberg!

Laura Jeanne Why is it that a lot of non-fiction writers like to hear themselves write? This author repeats himself and is at time confusing. I can't tell if it's his writing or the fact that Steve Jobs is a very confusing person. The book is interesting, but tends to drone on.

Laura Jeanne I'm on disc 8 out of 20 and we're only up to 1985.

Laura Jeanne There are two types of books. The ones you can't wait to finish to find out the ending, and the kinds you can't wait to finish because they've become boring. Right now I'm into two of the latter, Steve Jobs and Fly Boys.

Laura Jeanne I'm finally on disc 15. There are a lot of interesting facts, but the author tends to drone on and on and he repeats himself. This book could have done with more editing. Still, it is interesting enough to keep listening. Steve Jobs wasn't always a nice person, but he was a genius. I have a lot of respect for him.

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