Amauri Caetano Campos's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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I suppose Walter Isaacson doesn't hail from technology sector, so there is no detailed analysis of the impact of Apple products and innovations in this area: Jobs' accomplishments is largely constrained to social impact, and even that is confusing and unstructured. But okay, let it slide, there is another nuisance I want to mention. For me, the major problem of this biography is that it's not merely a biography, but also an insipid, plodding flattery, written in such a subjectively fawning fashion that amortizes the pleasure of reading. And it's very, very repetitive. I could hardly bear to read that Jobs was a lover of simplicity, that he could be a jerk sometimes, cried a lot when he didn't get his way but also extremely friendly and kind to people etc, etc. And what is that silly insistence on that infamous Jobs' Reality Distortion Field? Is that a scientific fact now, a new clinically proven type of disorder? Or has lie changed its definition overnight?
That's not a personal criticism of Steve Jobs, I'm just pointing out the lack of factual sense in some parts of the book. Of course, it is a very extensive work and apparently very complete too, but I felt bored sometimes and, I confess, I didn't feel attracted by the narrative. The end with Jobs' last words is very beautiful though.
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message 1: by Lealdo (new)

Lealdo Good review. I believe enough in the criticism you've written, for I understand the way a biography like this can be repetitive, to not want at all to cast a glimpse of the eye at another drooping hagiograpy of Jobs. Fuck it if he was even a drop of the innovator every fan wants him to be; I want to know about the human behind all that, and this kind of real information seems to be thoroughly hard to find...

Amauri Caetano Campos Lealdo wrote: "Good review. I believe enough in the criticism you've written, for I understand the way a biography like this can be repetitive, to not want at all to cast a glimpse of the eye at another drooping ..."

Thanks for the feedback, man!

message 3: by Lealdo (new)

Lealdo You're welcome! Reading it was a pleasure.

(btw, it was supposed to be 'hagiography' on my reply)

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