Trent Gaallagher's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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M 50x66
's review

it was amazing

Steve Jobs by author Walter Isaacson is a book that takes you through the journey of Steve Jobs life. It shows how is company Apple that he founded evolved over the years. It showed the struggles of his health and his challenges with his peers but with all of these obstacles he overcome allowed him to become the innovative man we all knew him for. He changed the way people view technology and the way you build a company without his influence who knows were the world would be right now an this book displays so many reasons why and how he captivated the world. It pay tribute to him with quotes, stories and may other great memories.
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Reading Progress

April 4, 2016 – Started Reading
April 27, 2016 – Finished Reading
May 6, 2016 – Shelved

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