Todd's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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it was amazing

Is this about a man who made a company or a company that made a man? You do not need to be a fan of Apple products or Steve Jobs to enjoy this book. Steve Jobs permitted the good, bad and ugly to be exposed by Walter Isaacson. Isaacson does a brilliant job at keeping his writing neutral, permitting the reader to reach their own conclusions. This is more than just a biography or a history of arguably the most influential/disruptive company in recent time. I did not like what I read about Steve Jobs and his treatment of others; Apple co-founders, family members, staff, etc. Cruel does not begin to describe it, however, it is also not fair to lead anyone to believe that is the totality of who is was; it was only one of the many sides he had. He was visionary; not just creating and identifying future needs and wants, he saw beyond the shell of the products he designed. The fact a consumer was not able to see a part of a device, did not matter; the back and inside needed to be as beautiful as the front and outside. Functionality was paramount; the number of swipes or touches to achieve a desired outcome was to be at a minimum. He asked the impossible of his employees, and expected they would make it possible. He was a leader and demoralizer at the same time.

If you enjoy the mystery that constitutes human behavior and can compartmentalize those things about a person that should be revered verses those that should be despised, I highly recommend this book. If you enjoy reading about the origins of companies and the influence from its founding members, I highly recommend this book. If you enjoy reading about triumphs, failures and resurrections, I highly recommend this book. Do not begin reading it with a preconceived notion of the man or company. Allow yourself to be surprised, disgusted, amazed, and amused, and I bet you will not be disappointed.
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March 1, 2016 – Shelved

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message 1: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Karmel Anything in the book that wasn't in the movie? Or did you not see the movie?

Todd I cannot be of assistance, because I have not see the movie.

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