Quang Ong's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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's review

it was amazing

Many have heard of the prodigy, Steve Jobs, but does everyone know the real story behind his personal life? Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs biography is an amazing outlook about how his multibillionaire company all began. Everyone believes his company started in a garage with his best friend, but his life story is much more hectic. Isaacson does an incredible job of including a handful of dramatic events, and extreme detail about his life, for example: his experience with Pixar, his health, and a lot more. To add on to the drama composed in this biography, there were quite a lot of suspense and tragic moments including Steve Job's cancer, which led to his death. Overall, this book is recommend this biography to anyone who is an Apple fanatic, or anyone who has interest in the tech world.

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Reading Progress

October 7, 2015 – Shelved
September 12, 2016 – Started Reading
October 13, 2016 – Finished Reading

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