4Mullokandov Ariel's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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's review

it was amazing

The idea that Steve Jobs was not only a great businessman but also a great leader shows that he is truly a great team leader that has ingenuity and is an example to humans living in America who are trying to accomplish the American dream. Steve jobs once said "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." Steve jobs is a inventor who created some of the best world leading technology we use in our everyday lives. The book talks about Steve's personal life as well as challenges Steve and his design team had to overcome as they design new products. Throughout the book you realize that Steve repeatedly leaves and joins apple because he wanted his vision of apple be on track to what he envisioned the future of apple to look like. Steve had a professional business life as well as a personal life. One thing Steve said before he passed away in 2011 was "I could not have made it without my families support." On July 1st 1976 Steve started apple with his partner Steve Wozniak, according to both of the Steve's a lot of people loved the product. However Steve jobs became depressed because he left the company. The author of the book mentions Steve was depressed for quite some time because he was trying to continue the company into a direction he wanted the company to go into. Although Steve was an adopted child he truly shows that the American dream can happen to anyone with imagination. I rated this book 5 out of 5 because Steve Jobs is an amazing person who accomplishes the American dream despite the challenges that throw him off course along the way.

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