Johnathon's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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U 50x66
's review

it was amazing

Superb biography by Isaacson of the late Apple co-founder, culled for interviews with him & many of those around him. Isaacson is unsparing in his treatment of Jobs, despite his cooperation (reportedly, he only objected to the original cover), pointing out his many faults, from his early abandonment of his first daughter, Lisa, to his near tyrannical rule at Apple, which lead to him being ousted the first time. A main theme is that Jobs had what is called a 'reality distortion field', in which he saw the world as he wanted it to be instead of how it was. In many ways, it was his strength, as it allowed him to craft Apple into a one of a kind company while creating products people weren't even dreaming off (a prime example as ITunes, created during a time the music industry was shunning digital media only to fully embrace it through Jobs's force of will). However, it also was his biggest fault, if not out right killing him (Isaacson makes it pretty clear if Jobs had listened to his doctor's advice, he very well could have survived his cancer). Overall, this is an example and fair-minded biography on Steve Jobs, who love or hate, was easily one of the great genius's this country has produced.

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Reading Progress

September 9, 2015 – Started Reading
September 9, 2015 – Shelved
September 28, 2015 – Finished Reading

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