Neil Graham's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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's review

it was amazing

I've always referred to Steve Jobs as an amazing leader, and I would act like I knew most of his story. My friends would look at me with incredulity whenever I referred to the buzz words, 'Steve Jobs'. Only recently, I have read this entire book book; now, I know Steve's entire story, and have an amazing insight into how Steve was able to use his imagination and leadership skills to bring his inspiring ideas into reality. From the start of the book, Walter Isaacson explains that he has the highest intention to keep the biography as unbiased as possible, and was able to show an angle that can be interpreted by the reader; I fully appreciate this style of writing, and I expect that any other creative mind would appreciate it as well. I recommend this book to anyone who has been affected by the vision that Steve has created, whether it is from Apple's revolutionary products, or Pixar's spirited and emotional films.

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Reading Progress

July 26, 2015 – Started Reading
July 26, 2015 – Shelved
July 26, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
July 27, 2015 –
page 31
4.92% "Interesting how actions in one's childhood determine what kind of person they will become throughout the rest of their lives"
August 10, 2015 – Finished Reading

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