Jesse's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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did not like it

Couldn't even finish this. About 1/3 into it I realized I had no desire to continue; it's just story after story of Jobs being a jerk, Jobs being a baby, and Jobs getting his way for some unexplainable reason.

Yes, I get that he helped bring about a new technological era, but I was never really fond of him to begin with. Reading this book made me like him less, and pity just about everyone who's come in contact with him.

If there's a really good reason for me to keep reading this I'd like someone to tell me why.
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July 11, 2013 – Shelved

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message 1: by John (new)

John Wiswell If it piles on anecdotes of the same sort so often then, even if accurate, it could easily be written into tedium. I think that's a reasonable complaint.

message 2: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Hey if you liked the steve jobs book, you might like my book on the founders stories behind the most successful Kickstarters to date. You can check it out on Kickstarter here: We have a little over a month to make it happen!

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