Jackie Brady's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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I'm more of an Elon Musk fan than a Steve Jobs acolyte, but I felt I had to read this biography, too. The reason I like Musk more is that his vision extends beyond an obsession with the products he creates/designs. He has a deep passion for seeing humans overcome challenges and venture into space. His convictions run deeper than Jobs' superficial consumerist desire to create great products and companies. Both men seem difficult, but I appreciate Musk's vision more. That's not to say that I don't enjoy my Apple products like any other consumer whore out there. But damn--I'd much rather have a Tesla.

In terms of the book itself, I'm unenthusiastic. Having seen the Steve Jobs film starring Michael Fassbender, I didn't feel like I learned much new info from this book. It extends beyond the end point of the movie, of course, but Jobs' character is consistent and is well portrayed by Fassbender. The part I liked best was the part detailing his involvement in Pixar since that is what I knew least about already. I also knew little about his odd eating habits and strange beliefs, but those did not endear him to me.

I say if you're only going to read one biography, read Musk's.
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July 24, 2016 – Started Reading
July 24, 2016 – Shelved
July 31, 2016 – Finished Reading

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