Claudine DiMuzio / Just Jane 1813's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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's review

it was amazing

When Steve Jobs passed away, we lost one of the greatest visionaries of our time. Not always kind, at times too impersonal, yet passionate and driven in his mission to make technology hip and user-friendly. Can we all be all things to all people? No. Am I glad there are people like him willing to dream bigger than most of us to help the world become a better place? Yes! Now, what we do with the technology is up to us.

This book does a good job presenting a sweeping, yet detailed account of Job's early years up until his tragic death. I loved learning about his early beginnings, his relationship with his family, his love/hate relationship with Gates and his unstoppable drive to live a life driven by purpose and passion, while not allowing fame and money to become his ultimate goals. The fact that I'm a huge fan of Steve's work added tremendously to my enjoyment!!
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Reading Progress

October 29, 2011 – Started Reading
November 15, 2011 – Finished Reading
January 1, 2016 – Shelved
January 1, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read

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Dung He's such an interesting guy. I've read two books on him.

Claudine DiMuzio / Just Jane 1813 Which books?

Dung Ugh, I hit something and it deleted everything I typed... 1) Steve jobs: the man who thought different by Karen Blumenthal 2) Becoming Steve Jobs: the evolution of a reckless upstart into a visionary leader by Brent Schlender. I'm currently reading a book on Winston Churchill and they have similar qualities...

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