Kenny Bellew's Reviews > Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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it was amazing

I read this for my Read Harder 2016 Challenge (Biography category). This book messed with my head. First, it shattered all of concepts of technical events that occurred from the time I first saw an Apple II to today. In 1985, I was trying to decide whether to buy an Apple II or a Tandy 1000. I became a PC guy in 1985, and still don't regret it, but my perception of each Apple release-- from Apple's motivation to understanding their market challenges-- has never been correct. This book rewrote my own history and screwed with my head while doing so.
Second, as the book nears the death of Job (hopefully, not a spoiler), I found myself constantly about to burst into tears. I never realized how many of my memories and experiences were created by Steve Jobs-- From Toy Story to many of my day-to-day technical interactions. It's like little pieces of Steve are peppered throughout my daily life, and watching him die in this book was like he was my brother. After spending over 700 pages getting to know Steve, and he turns out to be mostly a jerk from the first page, I loved him and hated him, and I mourned his loss with a heartfelt passion.
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Reading Progress

January 11, 2015 – Shelved
January 25, 2016 – Started Reading
February 2, 2016 – Finished Reading

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