| United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - 1889 - 952 pages
...Ъоот, dam, weir, breakwater, bulkhead, jetty, or other structure outside established harbor-lineĢ without the permission of the Secretary of War in...commerce, or anchorage of said waters ; and it shall not he lawful hereafter to commence the construction of any bridge, bridge-draw, bridge piers and abutments,... | |
 | United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - 1895 - 618 pages
...where no harbor lines are or may be established, without the permission of tho Secretary of War, iu any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river,...waters, and it shall not be lawful hereafter to commence tbe construction of any bridge, bridge draw, bridge piers and abutments, causeway, or other works over... | |
 | Washington (State) - 1893 - 1616 pages
...lines, or in any navigable waters of the United States where no harbor lines are, or may be established, without the permission of the secretary of war, in...obstruct or impair navigation, commerce or anchorage in said waters;' and by section 12, in amendment of section 12 of the river and harbor act of August... | |
 | United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - 1896 - 778 pages
...are or may be established, without the permission of the Secretary of War, in any port, roadstea<l, haven, harbor, navigable river, or other waters of...navigation, commerce, or anchorage of said waters ; anil it shall not be lawful hereafter to commence the const ruction of any bridge, bridge draw, bridge... | |
 | United States. War Department - 1894 - 914 pages
...where no harbor lines are or may lie established, without the permission of the Secretary of W<*r, in any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river, or other waters of the United States, in suchmanuer as shall obstruct or impair navigation, commerce, or anchorage of said waters; and it shall... | |
 | United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - 1892 - 726 pages
...lines, or in any navigable waters of the United States where no harbor lines are or may be established, without the permission of the Secretary of War, in...any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river, OP other waters of the United States, in such manner ae shall obstruct or impair navigation, commerce,... | |
 | Kansas. Supreme Court, Elliot V. Banks, William Craw Webb, Asa Maxson Fitz Randolph, Gasper Christopher Clemens, Thomas Emmet Dewey, Llewellyn James Graham, Oscar Leopold Moore, Earl Hilton Hatcher, Howard Franklin McCue - 1903 - 956 pages
...any navigable waters of the United States where no harbor lines are or may be established, without permission of the secretary of war, in any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river, or other water of the United States, in such manner as shall obstruct or impair navigation, or anchorage of... | |
 | United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - 1894 - 900 pages
...States where no harbor Hues are or may be established, without the permission of the Secretary of W..r, in any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river, or other waters of the United States, iu suchiuanuer as shall obstruct or impair navigation, commerce, or anchorage of said waters; and it... | |
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