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" States where no harbor lines are or may be established, without the permission of the Secretary of War, in any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river, or other waters of the United States, in such manner as... "
Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for the Year ... - Page 8
by United States. War Department. Corps of Engineers - 1889
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Laws of the United States Relating to Navigation and the Merchant Marine

United States - 1895 - 468 pages
...OBSTRUCTIONS TO NAVIGATION. bor, navigable river, or other waters of the United States, in such mauuer as shall obstruct or impair navigation, commerce,...hereafter to commence the construction of any bridge, bridge draw, bridge piers and abutments, causeway, or other works over or in any port, road, roadstead,...
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Miscellaneous Reports. Cases Decided in the Courts of Record of ..., Volume 17

New York (State). Courts - 1896 - 836 pages
...wharf, pier, etc., or structure of any kind * * * in any navigable waters of the United States * * * without the permission of the secretary of war, in any port, roadstead, haven, navigable water or other water of the United States, in such manner as shall obstruct or impair navigation,...
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Annual Reports of the War Department, Part 6

United States. War Department - 1897 - 662 pages
...lines, or in any navigable waters of the United States where no harbor lines are or may be established, without the permission of the Secretary of War, in...hereafter to commence the construction of any bridge, bridge draw, bridge piers, and abutments, causeway, or other works over or in any port, road, roadstead,...
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Public Documents of Massachusetts, Volume 12, Part 2

Massachusetts - 1897 - 336 pages
...structure of any kind outside established harbor lines, or where no harbor lines are or may be established, in any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river...navigation, commerce or anchorage of said waters ; And whereas, The Board of Metropolitan Sewerage Commissioners of Massachusetts has applied to the Secretary...
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Annual Report

Massachusetts. Metropolitan Sewerage Commission - 1897 - 216 pages
...structure of any kind outside established harbor lines, or where no harbor lines are or may be established, in any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river...navigation, commerce or anchorage of said waters ; And whereas, The Board of Metropolitan Sewerage Commissioners of Massachusetts has applied to the Secretary...
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Annual Report, Volume 8

Massachusetts. Metropolitan Sewerage Commission - 1897 - 214 pages
...structure of any kind outside established harbor lines, or where no harbor lines are or may be established, in any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river...navigation, commerce or anchorage of said waters ; And whereas, The Board of Metropolitan Sewerage Commissioners of Massachusetts has applied to the Secretary...
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Public Documents of Massachusetts, Volume 12

Massachusetts - 1897 - 1074 pages
...structure of any kind outside established harbor lines, or where no harbor lines are or may be established, in any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river...such manner as shall obstruct or impair navigation, com» merce or anchorage of said waters ; And whereas, The Board of Metropolitan Sewerage Commissioners...
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Report of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Army, Part 6

United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - 1897 - 654 pages
...lines, or in any navigable waters of the United States where no harbor lines are or may be established, without the permission of the Secretary of War, in...port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river, or otlier waters of tbe United States, in such manner as shall obstructor impair navigation, commerce,...
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The Military Laws of the United States: Under the Dircection of the ...

United States - 1897 - 1178 pages
...War, in any port, roadstead, harbor. navigable river, or other waters of the ['uited States, in each manner as shall obstruct or impair navigation, commerce, or anchorage of said waters; and it -lull not Ix- lawful hereafter to commence the construction briden. He., un••i AIM bridge, bridge...
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Documents of the City of Boston, Volume 1

Boston (Mass.). City Council - 1897 - 1466 pages
...of any kind outside established harbor lines, or where no harbor lines are, or may be established, in any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, navigable river, or other waters of the United States, iu such manner as shall obstruct or impair navigation, commerce or anchorage of said waters ; or to...
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