Basic Educational Opportunity Grants Program: 1978-79 Family Contributions Schedule : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Postsecondry Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, First Session, Held in Washington, D.C., September 12, 1977U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978 - 137 pages |
From inside the book
Results 6-10 of 18
Page 29
... high school . But he has been doing it for years in business and goes back now to get a skill . A secretary ... institution if they tried to accommodate this type of student . That clearly is not the intention of anybody that is ...
... high school . But he has been doing it for years in business and goes back now to get a skill . A secretary ... institution if they tried to accommodate this type of student . That clearly is not the intention of anybody that is ...
Page 30
... high school equivalency or high school graduation . I think it was purely an over- sight that we did not tidily decide that if you are going to do this with one category of institution you examine how all the others are . I am sure that ...
... high school equivalency or high school graduation . I think it was purely an over- sight that we did not tidily decide that if you are going to do this with one category of institution you examine how all the others are . I am sure that ...
Page 105
... institution lost its eligibility because of the enrollment of students who were non - high school graduates , please ... Higher Education Act as amended and in the light of the prohibition against federal control of education in ...
... institution lost its eligibility because of the enrollment of students who were non - high school graduates , please ... Higher Education Act as amended and in the light of the prohibition against federal control of education in ...
Page 110
... higher education as undergraduates on at least a half - time basis are eligible to receive Basic Grants ( 20 U.S.C. 1070a ) . That statute also permitted students ... institution of higher education set forth in Section 1201 ( a ) 110.
... higher education as undergraduates on at least a half - time basis are eligible to receive Basic Grants ( 20 U.S.C. 1070a ) . That statute also permitted students ... institution of higher education set forth in Section 1201 ( a ) 110.
Page 111
... Higher Education Act by Section 181 of P.L. 94-482 did not authorize the Commissioner to terminate the eligibility of an institution of higher education that was previously eligible under Section 1201 ( a ) before the enactment of ...
... Higher Education Act by Section 181 of P.L. 94-482 did not authorize the Commissioner to terminate the eligibility of an institution of higher education that was previously eligible under Section 1201 ( a ) before the enactment of ...
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Common terms and phrases
1978-79 Family Contribution academic aid is received aid is requested applicant's asset reserve award Basic Educational Opportunity Basic Grant application Basic Grant eligibility Basic Grant Program BEOG program BIAGGI BUD SHUSTER Bureau of Student business assets calendar year prior calendar year(s Califano certificate Chairman committee CONGRESS THE LIBRARY criteria data elements dependent determining Division Educational Opportunity Grant enrolled Family Contribution Schedules family size offset Federal Register FORD high school graduates higher education income tax Independent Applicants independent student institution of higher JOHN BRADEMAS JULY 12 KORNFELD LIBRARY OF CONGRES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS million need analysis services non-high school graduates Notice of Proposed Office of Education Opportunity Grant Program percent percentage personal assets postsecondary education problem PROFFITT proprietary institution proprietary schools questions recipients regular students require Section September 12 spouse statement step parent Student Financial Aid Student Financial Assistance Student Loan SUBCOMMITTEE ON POSTSECONDARY tax exemption tion
Popular passages
Page 110 - ... a program of training to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation; and (4) is a public or other nonprofit institution.
Page 105 - institution of higher education" means" an educational institution in any State which (1) admits as regular students only persons having a certificate of graduation from a school providing secondary education, or the recognized equivalent of such a certificate...
Page 97 - Honorable William D. Ford, Chairman Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education Committee on Education and Labor House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: On August 1, 1985, we testified before your Subcommittee on our report entitled, "Many Proprietary Schools Do Not Comply With Department of Education's Pell Grant Program Requirements.
Page 133 - Region 1 Boston Region II New York Region III Philadelphia Region IV Atlanta Region V Chicago Region VI Dallas Region VII Kansas City Region VIII Denver Region IX San Francisco Region X Seattle...
Page 137 - ... arrangements with private vocational training institutions where such private institutions can make a significant contribution to attaining the objectives of the State plan, and can provide substantially equivalent training at a lesser cost, or can provide equipment or services not available in public institutions...
Page 5 - Student" means a student who: (1) Has not and will not be claimed as an exemption for Federal income tax purposes by any person except his or her spouse for the calendar year(s) in which aid is received and the calendar year prior to the academic year for which aid is requested. (2) Has not received and will not receive financial assistance of more than $600 from his or her parent(s) in...
Page 79 - Colleges and Universities, the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges...
Page 33 - Thank you for the opportunity to be with you today to discuss the Basic Educational Opportunity Grant Program and to share with you our...
Page 9 - ... family has suffered a loss of or damage to assets resulting from a natural disaster in an area that has been declared a national disaster area by the President of the United States.
Page 5 - ... the calendar year prior to the academic year for which aid is requested; and (3) Has not lived or will not live for more than 2 consecutive weeks in the home of a parent during the calendar year in which aid is received or the calendar year prior to the academic year for which aid is requested.