National Security Act Amendments of 1949. Hearing ... on S. 1269 and S. 1843 ... March 24 and 29, April 6, 7, 11, and 12, May 5 and 6, 19491949 - 299 pages |
From inside the book
Results 6-10 of 49
Page 14
... coordinate and bring together and bring into sharp focus their views , and make a recommendation upon issues which they have not resolved before , has been pointed out particularly for me by the work of General Eisenhower in the last 2 ...
... coordinate and bring together and bring into sharp focus their views , and make a recommendation upon issues which they have not resolved before , has been pointed out particularly for me by the work of General Eisenhower in the last 2 ...
Page 15
... coordinate that right on the spot , is that not correct , Mr. Secretary ? Secretary FORRESTAL . That is correct . I might interject , by the way , in response to one of Senator Byrd's observations on economy , that the step to which you ...
... coordinate that right on the spot , is that not correct , Mr. Secretary ? Secretary FORRESTAL . That is correct . I might interject , by the way , in response to one of Senator Byrd's observations on economy , that the step to which you ...
Page 18
... coordination , transfers , and consolidations , that is , he can coordinate , transfer , and consolidate , as may be necessary for the purpose of eliminating unnecessary duplication of overlapping fields of pro- curement , personnel ...
... coordination , transfers , and consolidations , that is , he can coordinate , transfer , and consolidate , as may be necessary for the purpose of eliminating unnecessary duplication of overlapping fields of pro- curement , personnel ...
Page 19
... coordination you want . The proposed act gives you the power to bring it about ; is that the difference ? Secretary FORRESTAL . Yes ; I would say so . What I call the philos- ophy of the act is essentially different under this concept ...
... coordination you want . The proposed act gives you the power to bring it about ; is that the difference ? Secretary FORRESTAL . Yes ; I would say so . What I call the philos- ophy of the act is essentially different under this concept ...
Page 28
... coordinated procurement , interdepartmental procurement , foreign purchases , contract forms and provisions ... coordinate procurement of surplus materials were combined with the Navy's Surplus Materials Procurement Section in ...
... coordinated procurement , interdepartmental procurement , foreign purchases , contract forms and provisions ... coordinate procurement of surplus materials were combined with the Navy's Surplus Materials Procurement Section in ...
Common terms and phrases
1947 is amended accounting activities administrative Admiral DENFELD agencies Air Force annual savings appropriations armed services Army Assistant Secretaries authority bill budget budgetary Bureau CHAIRMAN Chiefs of Staff civilian committee Comptroller Congress coordination cost Department of Defense Development Board direction duties EBERSTADT economy effect equipment estimated executive department fiscal functions Hoover Commission inventories Joint Chiefs legislation Management Fund March 29 Marine Corps matter MCNEIL ment Munitions Board National Defense National Military Establishment National Security Act Naval Navy operation organization perform personnel present President procurement proposed question recommendations Research and Development responsibility Secre Secretary FORRESTAL Secretary of Defense Secretary of National Secretary ROYALL Secretary SYMINGTON Senator BALDWIN Senator BYRD Senator HUNT Senator JOHNSON Senator KNOWLAND Senator SALTONSTALL tanks thing three military departments tion transfer Tydings unification United States Senate views words
Popular passages
Page 168 - Defense, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Air Force...
Page 3 - Defense, the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force, generally.
Page 274 - Act or in any other provision of law shall be construed to prevent a...
Page 3 - Director, the person acting for him is hereby delegated, subject to the direction, authority, and control of the Secretary of Defense, and in accordance with...
Page 288 - ... relative importance of the work to be done, or upon the service to be rendered, rather than upon the things to be acquired, such as personal services, supplies, equipment, and so on. These latter objects are, after all, only the means to an end. The all-important thing in budgeting is the work or the service to be accomplished, and what that work or service will cost.
Page 2 - EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946, AS AMENDED, WITH RELATED LAWS (60 Stat. 23) [PUBLIC LAW 304— 79TH CONGRESS] AN ACT To declare a national policy on employment, production, and purchasing power, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SHORT TITLE SECTION 1 . This Act may be cited as the "Employment Act of 1946".
Page 277 - Force, with their assigned combat and service components; to provide for their authoritative coordination and unified direction under civilian control of the Secretary of Defense but not to merge them; to provide for the effective strategic direction of the armed forces and for their operation under unified control and for their integration into an efficient team of land, naval, and air forces but not to establish a single Chief of Staff over the armed forces nor an armed forces general staff (but...
Page 6 - Administrator, who shall be appointed from civilian life by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate...
Page 108 - Defense, and the Secretary of Defense shall be the head thereof. "(b) There shall be within the Department of Defense (1) the Department of the Army...
Page 4 - Act, without regard to the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended...