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versity of Missouri. The development has ta and so many different instructors have con made alterations that it would be impossible 1 of them by name. It has seemed wise now n the manual but to rewrite it to a large exte instructions where experience showed them 1 creasing the content of many of the shorter omitting some which had become obsolete. exercises, which have been tried out in the lal added, new diagrams drawn, and the arrang agree in general with the order of presentat matter in Physics, A Text-Book for Colleges k ences have been given to that text and also to Kimball, College Physics by Duff, and A Tes Third Edition, by Spinney.

It has been found that a large percenta electing the courses for which this manual had no previous work in physics and practi training. The material presented is theref more elementary nature than in books desi of greater experience in science and mathem of theory of laboratory practice and of erro data have not been attempted. An effort confine the apparatus described to types whi any reasonably well-equipped laboratory and methods have been described. In general deavored to present a list of experiments w important principles brought out in a tex physics rather than a group of laboratory e very obvious relation to the class-room wo value mainly for training in laboratory tech Enough exercises have been given to pe to select a group to fit the apparatus at his dis


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