A Academic facilities see, Education facilities Accident prevention see, Occupational safety and health see, Public safety Addiction see, Alcoholism see, Narcotics, drug abuse Adult education 84.002, 84.191, 84.213, 84.214, 84.257, 84.258, 84.287, see also, Vocational education development Advanced technology see, Trade adjustment assistance Aeronautics, space 43.001, 43.002 AFDC see, Aid to Families with Dependent Children Age discrimination see, Civil rights Aging and the aged abuse and neglect prevention 16.547, 16.583, 16.611, age search 11.006 community services 93.104, 93.138, 93.150, 93.229, employment 12.404, 16.101, 17.207, 17.235, 17.259, equity conversion loans 14.183 food, nutrition 10.551, 93.045, 93.047, 93.053 health, medical 84.177, 93.043, 93.052, 93.156, 93.569, home health services 64.009, 64.011, 93.052, 93.778, housing 10.427, 14.138, 14.149, 14.157, 14.191, 14.400, in-home, community based, long-term care 94.016 line of credit 14.183 loans for mortgagees 62 years and older 14.183 pension plan termination insurance 86.001 physical fitness information 93.289 preventive health services 93.043 research, demonstrations 93.048 see also, Social Security Senior Companion Program (SCP) 94.016 social services 93.042, 93.044, 93.047, 93.048 tax counseling 21.006 Title XIX 93.778 transportation services 20.500, 20.513, 20.518 10.051, 10.055, 10.078, 10.079, 10.084, 10.085, 10.153, 10.994, 78.004, 98.003, 98.009 see also, Agriculture marketing see also, Agriculture stabilization see also, Commodity futures market see also, Food, nutrition Agriculture labor see, Farmworkers 10.056 SUBJECT INDEX business, industrial 10.768, 10.999 commodities 10.051, 10.603 construction, irrigation, drainage systems 10.437 farm operating expenses 10.406, 10.437 farm ownership 10.407, 10.437 interest assistance 10.437 meat, poultry inspection 10.477 natural disasters 10.404, 10.444, 10.449 soil, water conservation 10.069, 10.070, 10.072, 10.437, 10.055, 10.080, 10.081, 10.153, 10.155, 10.156, 10.162, Agriculture research, education agriculture marketing 10.203, 10.250, 10.290, 10.681 aquaculture 10.200 basic and applied research 10.001, 10.200, 10.215, collaborative research 10.961 crop improvement 10.206, 10.681 economic research 10.224, 10.250, 10.290, 10.670, energy 10.200, 10.857, 10.859, 81.022, 81.113, 81.114 extension service 10.500 food quality, nutrition 10.200, 10.206, 10.212, 98.005 international agriculture 10.224, 10.960, 98.005 natural resources management 10.215, 10.223, 10.250, patent licensing 10.001 66.600, 66.610, 66.708 Air transportation 20.106, 20.109, 20.901, 20.930, 97.100 dental care 93.288 economic development 10.225, 10.446, 10.767, 10.769, health education 93.107, 93.145, 93.185, 93.186, nutrition 10.565, 93.047, 93.228, 93.237, 93.288, psychiatric care 93.228, 93.288 see also, Hawaiian natives vocational education 17.805, 84.169, 84.245, 84.331, Alcoholism 16.616, 16.727, 20.607, 64.019, 84.186, 93.150, 93.193, see also, Narcotics, drug abuse see, Alaskan natives see, Health professions see, Indian entries 10.025, 10.029, 10.207 see, Veterinary medicine see, Laboratory animals see, Historic sites and monuments Appalachian Corridors 23.003 Appalachian Program 23.001, 23.002 research, results 10.001, 10.203, 10.205, 10.253, 10.254, Appalachian Region Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 10.212, soybean 10.200 Special Research Grants 10.200 technical agricultural assistance 10.443, 10.574, 10.604, training 10.306, 10.455, 10.670, 12.350, 15.608, 16.614, emergency conservation 10.054 soil, water conservation 10.069, 10.070, 10.072, 10.437, water pollutants 10.069 wetland restoration 10.072 wildlife, woodland conservation 10.069 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) AIDS 93.006, 93.153, 93.914, 93.917, 93.918, 93.924, 93.928, see also, Communicable diseases Air pollution 66.001, 66.032, 66.033, 66.034, 66.038, 66.110, 66.508, economic, social development 23.002, 23.009 highway system development 23.003 Local Development Districts (LDD) 23.009 Apprenticeship training 17.201, 17.271, 17.303 see also, Employment, development, training see, Disabled, general historic buildings 15.914, 15.915, 15.923 Arthritis research see, Medical research Arts, education artists development 19.409, 45.025 artifacts indemnity 45.201 artists program development 45.025 cultural development 19.409, 84.351, 85.100 folk arts 45.024 Indian arts, crafts 15.850 special projects 19.409, 45.024, 45.309 Atmospheric, astronomical science see, Geology Audiovisual educational aids arts exhibits 68.001 braille 42.001 |