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limitation on loans is $10,000 with 10-year maximum term at current rate of 7-1/2 percent.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 96 loans were granted. In fiscal year 1971, an estimated 90 loans will be granted. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: 50 CFR 250; Fishery leaflet 585; "Fisheries Loans for Vessels and Gear." INFORMATION CONTACTS:

Regional or Local Office: Applicants are encouraged to communicate

with the office of financial assistance in their respective area listed in the appendix.

Headquarters Office: Chief, Division of Financial Assistance, National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1801 North Moore Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Telephone: (703) 557-4625.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 11.415, Fishing Vessel Mortgage and Loan Insurance.

11.410 FISHERMEN - REIMBURSEMENT OF LOSSES (The Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967)


Law 90-482; 22 U.S.C. 1971-1977; Reorganization Plan No. 4, 1970.

OBJECTIVES: To provide for reimbursement of losses incurred as a result of the seizure of a U.S. commercial fishing vessel by a foreign country on the basis of rights or claims in territorial waters or on the high seas which are not recognized by the United States. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Insurance.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: The act is to provide reimbursement of losses and costs (other than fines, license fees, registration fees, and other direct costs which are reimbursable through the Secretary of State) incurred as a result of seizure. The vessel must be documented or certified under the laws of the United States.


Applicant Eligibility: Owner's vessel must be a fishing vessel documented by the United States, and remain documented by the United States.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Owners must be citizens of the United States. Crew members must be citizens of the United States or legally domiciled aliens.

Credentials/Documentation: Proof of documentation and proof of


Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: Any owner desiring to enter into an agreement with the Secretary of Commerce under the authority of the act shall make an application to the Director, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20240, on an application form furnished by that Bureau. The application shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount of $60 plus $1.80 per gross ton as listed on the vessel's documents (fractions of tons are not included) for each vessel to be included under the agreement. After agreement is executed, no

fee paid or portion thereof is returnable.

Award Procedure: Cash Settlement.

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 1 to 10 days.

Appeals: None.

Renewals: Agreement is renewable from fiscal year to fiscal year. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS:

Formula and Matching Requirements: None.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: From effective date of agreement for balance of fiscal year ending on June 30.

Reports: None.

Audits: None.

Records: None.


Account Identification: 06-48-4318-0-3-506.

Obligations: (Reimbursed losses of fishermen) FY 70 $14,170; FY 71 est $160,000; and FY 72 est $150,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $100 to $100,000 plus; average $7,000 to $8,000.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 66 guarantee agreements were executed and 2 claims paid. In fiscal year 1971 (estimate), 175 guarantee agreements will be executed and 17 claims will be paid.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: 50 CFR 258, as amended. Application kit furnished by National Marine Fisheries Service (see appendix for list of addresses).


Regional or Local Office: See appendix for list of addresses of Division of Financial Assistance.

Headquarters Office: Chief, Division of Financial Assistance, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1801 North Moore Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Telephone: (703) 557-4625.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 11.415, Fishing Vessel Mortgage and Loan Insurance; 19.201, Protection of Ships from Foreign Seizure.


FEDERAL AGENCY: NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AUTHORIZATION: Fishery Cooperative Marketing Act of 1934; 48 Stat. 1213; 15 U.S.C. sections 521-522; Reorganization Plan No. 4, 1970.

OBJECTIVES: To provide technical advice and assistance in organizing and operating fishery cooperatives.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Services are provided: to persons engaged in fishery industry, such as fishermen catching, collecting, or cultivating aquatic products; or as planters of aquatic products, on public or private beds as stated in the Fishery Cooperative Marketing Act of 1934. These cooperatives must organize under the laws of their respective States and are restricted by Federal statutes concerning monopolistic practices. Assisted the organization of many of the nearly 100 fishery cooperatives in the United States; checked operations for compliance with the

provisions of the Fishery Cooperative Marketing Act of 1934; published a manual containing basic information on organizing and operating a fishery cooperative; and published up-to-date list of fishery cooperatives. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicant Eligibility: Groups interested in forming cooperatives may request advice and assistance, as well as copies of publications. Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Credentials/Documentation: None. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS: Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: Contact the Division of Current Economic Analysis, National Marine Fisheries Services, 1801 North Moore Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209, or any regional office listed in the appendix.

Award Procedure: Not applicable.
Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable.

[blocks in formation]


AUTHORIZATION: Act of March 5, 1937; Public Law 75-15 and others; 15 U.S.C. 612c; 16 U.S.C. 742c; Reorganization Plan No. 4, 1970.

OBJECTIVES: To promote the free flow of domestically produced fishery products; to develop and increase markets for fishery products of domestic origin; and to help develop improved marketing practices.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Encourages the consumption of U.S. fishery products through educational programs for volume feeding and consumer groups. Assists industry and the food trades to reduce losses and increase efficiency through improved handling, distribution, quality control and merchandising and aids in the production of fishery educational motion pictures through industry or State sponsorship.


Applicant Eligibility: These services are available to anyone.
Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility.

Credentials/Documentation: None.


Preapplication Coordination: Preliminary coordination with nearest regional office is desirable.

Application Procedure: Personal contact or letter to the appropriate

regional office listed in the appendix.

Award Procedure: Not applicable.

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable.

Appeals: Not applicable.

Renewals: Not applicable.


Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS:

Reports: None.

Audits: None.

Records: None.


Account Identification: 06-48-1421 0-0-506; 06-48-1422 0-1-506; 06-48-5139 0-2-506.

Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $850,200; FY 71 est $717,900; and FY 72 est $717,900.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not applicable.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 1 motion picture was produced, 1,000 newspaper food editors per month were provided with consumer educational material, 60 presentations were conducted for school lunch supervisors, and 2 educational publications and 1 educational film strip were released.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Program publications are in the "Fishery Market Development Series" and are sold through the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Examples are: "Let's Cook Fish!," FMDS No. 8, $0.60; "Seafood Slimmers," FMDS No. 7, $0.25.


Regional or Local Office: Refer to National Marine Fisheries Service Regional Offices listed in the appendix. Potential applicant should make initial contact with nearest regional office.

Headquarters Office: Chief, Division of Marketing, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1801 North Moore Street, Room 405, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Telephone: (703) 557-4573.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 11.408, Current Economic Analysis of Food Fish, Shellfish, and Industrial Fishery Products; 11.414, Fishing Statistics and Market News; 10.153, Market News.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

FEDERAL AGENCY: NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AUTHORIZATION: Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956; Public Law 84-1024; 16 U.S.C. 742d. 64 Stat. 1067, 16 U.S.C. 1946. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Convention. 63 Stat. 70; 56 Stat. 267 as amended by 64 Stat. 467. Reorganization Plan No. 4, 1970.

OBJECTIVES: To collect and disseminate data on the harvesting of fish resources and on receipt wholesale prices, exvessel price landings, and import data for fishery products.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Dissemination of Technical Information. USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Subscriptions are available, as well

as specific information.


Applicant Eligibility: Anyone interested in receiving fishery statistics
and market data may subscribe.
Beneficiary Eligibility: Not applicable.
Credentials/Documentation: None.


Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: Contact any regional office of the National Marine Fisheries Service listed in the appendix.

Award Procedure: None.

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: Not applicable.
Appeals: Not applicable.

Renewals: Subscription mail lists are recircularized every 18 months.


Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: None. Audits: None.

Records: None.


Account Identification: 06-48-1421-0-1-506; 06-48-5139-0-2-506. Obligations: (Salaries and expenses) FY 70 $1,635,500; FY 71 est $1,906,100; and FY 72 est $2,206,100.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: Not applicable.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, mailed 1,500,000 copies of Market News, 5,000 annual copies of Fisheries Statistics, and 4,000 copies of Fish of the U.S. Prepared 300 monthly or annual reports.


Regional or Local Office: Make initial contact with nearest National
Marine Fisheries Service Regional Office listed in the appendix.
Headquarters Office: Division of Statistics and Market News,
National Marine Fisheries Service, 1801 North Moore Street,
Arlington, Virginia 22209. Telephone: (202) 343-6944.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 11.001, Census and Statistical Reports; 11.412, Fishery Marketing Assistance; 11.413, Fishery Products Inspection and Certification; 15.604, Fishery Research Information; 17.001, Foreign Labor Data.


FEDERAL AGENCY: NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AUTHORIZATION: Public Law 86-577; Act of July 5, 1960; Public Law 90-341; Act of June 15, 1968; Title XI, 52 Stat. 969, as amended; 46 U.S.C. 1271-1279, Section 6, 70 Stat. 1122; 16 U.S.C. 742; Reorganization Plan No. 4, 1970.

OBJECTIVES: To provide financial assistance to upgrade the U.S. fishing fleet.

TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: For insurance of loans and/or mortgages up to 75 percent of actual vessel cost, for lenders providing funds for construction, reconstruction or reconditioning of fishing vessels. Maximum maturity, 15 years.


Applicant Eligibility: Must have a mortgagee approved by the Secretary of Commerce as able to service the mortgage properly; and a mortgagor approved as possessing the ability, experience, financial resources, and other qualifications necessary to the adequate operation and maintenance of the mortgaged property.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility.
Credentials/Documentation: Financial statements, records, business


Preapplication Coordination: None.

Application Procedure: Submittal of application for fishing vessel mortgage and/or loan insurance form to the headquarters office listed below with $50 filing fee.

Award Procedure: Payment of mortgage and loan defaults.
Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 90 days or less.
Appeals: To the Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Renewals: Not applicable.


Formula and Matching Requirements: Not applicable.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Maximum mortgage term is

15 years. Application must be approved before vessel is launched if new construction, or before work completed if reconstruction or reconditioning.


Reports: None.

Audits: None.

Records: Secretary has the right to inspect all relevant books of



Account Identification: 06-48-4417-0-3-506.

Face Value of Loans: (Insured) FY 70 $3,500,000; FY 71 est $6,500,000; and FY 72 est $5,000,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $20,000 to $1,000,000; $100,000.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, completed 15 contracts of mortgage, insurance; and in fiscal year 1971 (estimate), 20 contracts of mortgage insurance will be completed. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Fishery leaflet 499, 50 CFR Section 3, 255. "Federal Fishing Vessel Mortgage and Loan Insurance."


Regional or Local Office: Regional offices of financial assistance listed in the appendix.

Headquarters Office: Chief, Division of Financial Assistance, National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1801 North Moore Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Telephone: (703) 557-4625.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 11.409, Fisheries Loan Fund; 11.505, Ships Exchange and Sales.



AUTHORIZATION: Jellyfish Act of 1967; Public Law 89-720; 16 U.S.C. 1201-1205; Reorganization Plan No. 4, 1970.

OBJECTIVES: To provide for the control or elimination of jellyfish,

other such pests, and floating seaweed in the coastal waters of the United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Funds can be used for research and

other studies to control and eliminate jellyfish and other such pests and in conducting research for the purpose of controlling seaweed which adversely affect fish and shellfish and water based recreation. Funds cannot be used for law enforcement, public relations, or construction of permanent buildings.


Applicant Eligibility: Any State department, division, or commission empowered under its law to manage or administer fish and shellfish resources or water based recreation programs.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility.
Credentials/Documentation: None.


Preapplication Coordination: Applications must be coordinated with the State department, division, or commission empowered under its laws to manage or administer fish and shellfish resources or water based recreation.

Application Procedure: Submission of a project proposal form 2-238 to the appropriate regional or area director of the National Marine Fisheries Service listed in the appendix.

Award Procedure: Funds are made available on a reimbursable basis to cooperators through regional offices. Notification of grants are made to the State Central Information Reception Agencies on SF 240.

Deadlines: Project proposals should be submitted 30 days in advance of desired effective date, and 30 days prior to June 30 of the fiscal year in which funds will revert.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 16 to 18 working days. Appeals: No formal appeal procedure. If application is unacceptable, the reasons are fully stated to the applicant. If the applicant desires to resubmit application, project must be revised in accordance with recommended changes.

Renewals: No renewal. However, an approved on-going project can be extended by submission of an amendment document. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS:

Formula and Matching Requirements: The Federal share of a project

cost shall not exceed 50 percent.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: The life of the act. Federal funds remain available for obligation until June 30 of the fiscal year in which apportioned.


Reports: Progress or segment reports, which are usually annual, or others as requested by Region or Area Offices of the National Marine Fisheries Services. Progress reports may be the form of a manuscript. A completion report is submitted upon completion of work described in approved project proposal. Format for reports is determined by recipient.

Audits: Federal audits will be conducted at least once every 3 years of the recipients financial management of projects including subcontracts. Audits ascertain fiscal compliance with Act, regulations, and project agreement requirements.

Records: All records of accounts and supporting documents will be retained by recipient and subcontractors for a period of 3 years after final payment.


Account Identification: 06-48-1421-0-1-506.

Obligations: (Grants) FY 70 $174,800; FY 71 est $174,800; FY 72 est $174,800.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $8,000 to $50,000; $21,000.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 8 contracts were awarded in 6 States and Puerto Rico.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: 50 CFR 254. National Marine Fisheries Service Circular 293, "Federal Aid Program Activities 1968," National Marine Fisheries Services, Circular 322, "Federal Aid Program Activities 1969."


Regional or Local Office: Potential applicants should make initial contact relative to this program at the region or area offices of the National Marine Fisheries Service. See the appendix for a list of addresses of these offices.

Headquarters Office: Chief, Division of Federal Aid, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1801 North Moore Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Telephone: (703) 557-4606.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 11.405, Anadromous and Great Lakes Fisheries Conservation; 11.406, Commercial Fisheries Disaster Assistance; 11.407, Commercial Fisheries Research and Development; 12.100, Aquatic Plant Control; 15.604, Fishery Research Information; 15.605, Fish Restoration; 15.607, Pesticide Appraisal and Monitoring.


FEDERAL AGENCY: NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AUTHORIZATION: National Sea Grant College and Program Act of 1966; Public Laws 89-688 and 89-454; 33 U.S.C. 1122-1124; Reorganization Plan No. 4, 1970.

OBJECTIVES: To support the establishment of major university centers for marine research, education, training, and advisory services.


USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: These grants may be used for research and development, education and training, and extension services. Also, coherent area support is provided to some institutions. The grants may be used for personnel salaries, contractual effort, travel, and instrumentation.

Restrictions are that grant money cannot be used to rent, purchase, or construct ships or facilities.


Applicant Eligibility: Proposals may be submitted by universities, colleges, junior colleges, technical schools, institutes, laboratories, and public and private agencies. Selections are made on a competitive basis.

Applicants must have demonstrated capability to serve the State or region in marine affairs.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Credentials/Documentation: The proposals may be signed by the principal investigator(s), the appropriate department head, and by an official authorized to commit the institution in business affairs. APPLICATION AND AWARD PROCESS:

Preapplication Coordination: None except that informal proposals are welcomed.

Application Procedure: Made in the form of a formal proposal to the headquarters office listed below fully documenting the need for the grant and the proposed amount of the grant.

Award Procedure: Awards are made competitively on the basis of proposal evaluation.

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 90 to 120 days from the time of proposal submission.

Appeals: None.
Renewals: By negotiation.

Formula and Matching Requirements: At least 1/3 of the total cost
must be obtained from other than Federal sources.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable.

Reports: As required by each grant. Substantive reports will be required annually and at the end of the support period. Interin reports are expected as important results are obtained. Annual and final fiscal reports.

Audits: Accounting records relating to expenditures under each gran are subject to audit during the life of the grant and for 3 year thereafter. The NOAA has an audit program which involves sample audits. Completely audits major grants.

Records: Grantees are expected to maintain separate records for each grant to ensure that funds are used for the general purpose for which the grant was made. Records are subject to inspectior during the life of the grant and 3 years thereafter.


Account Identification: 06-48-1422-0-1-506.

Obligations: (Grants) FY 70 $7,000,000; FY 71 est $8,000,000; anc FY 72 est $10,000,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance: $300,000 to $1,700,000 $750,000.

PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In fiscal year 1970, 9 grants were awarded.

REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: 45 CFR 600-635; Program Literature: "Suggestions for Submission of Proposals, National Sea Grant Program," NSF 67-18 (no charge). INFORMATION CONTACTS:

Regional or Local Office: None.

Headquarters Office: Director, National Sea Grant Program, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 6010 Executive Blvd., Rockville, Maryland 20852. Telephone: (202) 343-6025.

RELATED PROGRAMS: 11.418, Sea Grant Project Support; 47.018, Oceanography - Basic Research Grants.


FEDERAL AGENCY: NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AUTHORIZATION: National Sea Grant College and Program Act of 1966; Public Laws 89-688 and 89-454; 33 U.S.C. 1121-1124; Reorganization Plan No. 4, 1970.

OBJECTIVES: To support individual investigations to pursue projects in marine research, education, training, and advisory services having limited objectives that can be accomplished within a limited time.


USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: These grants may be used for research and development, education and training, and extension services. Also, coherent area support is provided to some institutions. The grants may be used for personnel salaries, contractual effort, travel, and instrumentation.

Restrictions are that grant money cannot be used to rent, purchase, or construct ships or facilities.


Applicant Eligibility: Proposals may be submitted by universities, colleges, junior colleges, technical schools, institutes, laboratories, and public and private agencies. Selections are made on a competitive basis.

Applicants must have demonstrated capability to serve the State or region in marine affairs.

Beneficiary Eligibility: Same as applicant eligibility. Credentials/Documentation: The proposals may be signed by the principal investigator(s), the appropriate department head, and by an official authorized to commit the institution in business affairs.


Preapplication Coordination: None except that informal proposals are welcomed.

Application Procedure: Made in the form of a formal proposal to the headquarters office listed below fully documenting the need for the grant and the proposed amount of the grant.

Award Procedure: Awards are made competitively on the basis of proposal evaluation.

Deadlines: None.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time: 90 to 120 days from the time of proposal submission.

Appeals: None.

Renewals: By negotiation.


Formula and Matching Requirements: At least one-third of the total cost must be obtained from other than Federal sources.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance: Not applicable. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS:

Reports: As required by each grant. Substantive reports will be required annually and at the end of the support period. Interim reports are expected as important results are obtained. Annual and final fiscal reports.

Audits: Accounting records relating to expenditures under each grant are subject to audit during the life of the grant and for 3 years thereafter. The NOAA has an audit program which involves sample audits. Completely audits major grants.

Records: Grantees are expected to maintain separate records for each grant to ensure that funds are used for the general purpose for

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