PART 2: Statistical Tables, Graphs, Maps, and Notifiable Diseases in the United States ANTHRAX - Reported cases in humans by 5-year periods, United States, 1920-1980 50 * 1920-24 25-'29 '30-'34 '35-'39 ''40-'44 '45-49 ''50-'54 '55-'59 '60-'64 '65-'69 '70-'74 '75-79 80-84 *I CASE REPORTED IN 1980 5-YEAR PERIODS The single reported case of anthrax for 1980 occurred in a 30-year-old rendering-plant worker in Colorado. Anthrax was diagnosed in cattle in the vicinity of the rendering plant, and carcasses from involved premises were processed at the plant. ASEPTIC MENINGITIS – Reported case rates by month, United States, 1977-1980 1980 JFMAMJJASONDJ F MAMJJASON DJFMAMJJASONDJ F M A M J JASOND 1977 1978 1979 The seasonal pattern of the curve reflects the increased activity of enteroviruses, the leading cause of aseptic meningitis, during the warmer months. After increasing each year from 1977, the number of reports for 1980 declined. |