NOTIFIABLE DISEASES - Reported cases by geographic division and by state, United States, 1980 - continued Endemic Imported NOTIFIABLE DISEASES - Summary of reported cases by age, United States, 1980 Variation in reporting occurs in the age groups <5 and 20-29 in the state of Arizona, therefore, totals for these age groups do not include cases in which age breakdowns differ from the categories shown above. Refer to age tables in Part 2. NOTIFIABLE DISEASES – Deaths from specified notifiable diseases, United States, 1970-1979 (Numbers after cause of death are category numbers of the Ninth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, 1975.) Source: National Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics of the United States, Vol. II, for 1970-1978; Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Provisional Statistics, Annual Summary for the United States, for 1979. Deaths are classified according to the Eighth Revision for 1970-1978 and according to the Ninth Revision for 1979. U.S. total resident population (in thousands) 1980 census; July 1 est. 1971-1979 Amebiasis Anthrax Aseptic meningitis NOTIFIABLE DISEASES - Summary of reported cases, United States, 1971-1980 Botulism, total Brucellosis (undulant fever) Chancroid Chickenpox Cholera Diphtheria Encephalitis, primary Gonorrhea Granuloma inguinale Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis, unspecified Legionellosis Leprosy Leptospirosis NOTIFIABLE DISEASES - Summary of reported cases per 100,000 population, United States, 1971-1980 Population data from those states where diseases were not notifiable (NN) were excluded from rate calculation. Civilian resident population used for chancroid, gonorrhea, granuloma inguinale, lymphogranuloma venereum, and syphilis. *Not previously notifiable nationally. **Per 1,000 live births. |