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In this type, a question or statement is followed by four or more choices as answers, only one of which is correct. Example

In the following statements or questions place the number preceding the correct answer in the space provided.

2. The unit of structure of animals and vegetables is the 1. atom

2. molecule

3. cell

4. gland


The right answer being "cell," the number 3 is placed in the blank space.


This type question consists of two groups of related words, phrases, or symbols which are to be matched.


To the right of each phrase or symbol in list B write the number of the one most closely related item in list A.

3. Match the following anatomical positions. All items in

[blocks in formation]

The number preceding the correct matching terms in list A are placed in the blank spaces to the right of the items in list B.


This type question consists of a statement which is either true or false. Write the word "True" or "False," as applicable, in the blank space provided.


Write the word "True" or "False" in the blank space provided after each statement.

4. The clavicle is commonly known as the collar bone. True

This statement being true, the word "True" is written in the blank space provided.

When the answers to an assignment have been written on the sheet of paper, they should be checked with the text and then rechecked with the answers in back of the book. All mistakes should be corrected at this time so that all answers are right; then proceed to the next assignment.


This training course for Chief Hospital Corpsman contains a series of instruction tests covering each of the references listed under "introduction."

These questions are presented in forms described by the Bureau of Naval Personnel text, Constructing and Using Achievement Tests, NavPers 16808-A, and conform to the requirements for advancement to Chief Hospital Corpsman as set forth in the Manual of Qualifications for Advancement in Rating, Nav Pers 10868 (Revised).

To provide a comprehensive coverage of the contents of this course, the student taking the course should:

1. Read the reference texts thoroughly.

2. Fill in the answers to each question in the assignment. 3. Review the texts and try to correct all mistakes.

4. Refer to the answers at the back of the book for final correction.

In this manner it is expected that the student will review the text at least twice and should thus obtain a more definite understanding of the subject.

A description of the types of questions used, together with instructions, appears under the heading "How to Use This Course" in the preceding pages.

The student should be instructed not to fill in the answers in this book. A blank sheet of paper is to be used for this purpose with proper headings designating the subject, the assignment number, and the answers written thereon. This measure should preserve the books in good condition for future use by other students.

Upon completion of this course, the Training Officer should proceed with the preparation of a test covering all the assignments of this course. The student's grade for successful completion of this course can be determined by his performance in the test and should be recorded in his service record.

In the event that the student is to be transferred to another activity before completing the training course, certification

showing the number of assignments completed should be made by the Commanding Officer and forwarded to the next duty station. A sample copy of a letter form with the required information which might be used is provided below.


From: Commanding Officer.


Commanding Officer,


Subj: Certification of Progress in the Navy Training Course for Hospital Corpsmen (Group X ratings).

1. This is to certify that John Charles DOE, 732 01 60, HM1, USN, has completed work on the Navy Training Course for CHIEF HOSPITAL CORPSMAN as indicated below:

a. All instruction tests have been successfully completed up to and ineluding assignment number




Hospitalman, Nav Pers 10664

Hospital Corpsman 3, Nav Pers 10665

Hospital Corpsman 2, Nav Pers 10666

Hospital Corpsman 1, Nav Pers 10667


Handbook of the Hospital Corps, U. S. Navy, BuMed, 1953 Manual of the Medical Department, U. S. Navy, BuMed, 1952 Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual, Nav Pers 15791

Navy Correspondence Manual, NavExos P-388

Navy Filing Manual, NavExos P-20

Radiological Safety Regulations, NavMed P-1325

Manual of Naval Hygiene and Sanitation, Vol. 1, Nav Med P-126


General Training Course for Petty Officers, Nav Pers 10055

Extracts from Uniform Code of Military Justice, Nav Pers 10873 Manual for Navy Instructors, NavPers 16103-B

Survival in the Water, Nav Pers 10080

Chemical and Biological Warfare Defense, Nav Pers 10098

Atomic Warfare Defense, Nav Pers 10097

U. S. Naval Security Manual, OpNav Inst 5510.1A
Personal Affairs of Naval Personnel, Nav Pers 15014

U. S. Navy Regulations

Landing Party Manual (Chapters 1, 3)


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