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Commissioner of the Revenue. An act to establish the office of commissioner of the revenue.
(Obsolete.) July 24, 1813...................



Congress. An act fixing the time for the next meeting of Congress. July 27, 1813....... 48
Message of the President to be transmitted free of Postage. An act to authorize the transporta-
tion of certain documents free of postage. July 28, 1813.....

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Dutics on Licenses to Retailers of Wines, &c. An act laying duties on licenses to retailers of

wines, spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandise. (Repealed.) Aug. 2, 1813.... 72

Pensions. An act to provide for the widows and orphans of militia slain, and for militia
disabled in the service of the United States. (Obsolete.) Aug. 2, 1813...........
Army of the United States. An act explanatory of an act entitled "An act to raise ten
additional companies of rangers." (Obsolete.) Aug. 2, 1813.................

Appointment of Officers of the Army in the Recess of the Senate. An act to authorize the ap-

pointment by the President of certain officers in the recess of the Senate. (Obso-

lete.) Aug. 2, 1813.......

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Collection of Internal Duties. An act making further provision for the collection of internal duties, and for the appointment and compensation of assessors. (Obsolete.) Aug. 2, 1813.......

Licenses from the Government of Great Britain prohibited. An act to prohibit the use of licenses or passes granted by the authority of the government of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. (Repealed.) Aug. 2, 1813.....




Pensions. An act to amend and explain the act regulating pensions to persons on board private armed ships. (Obsolete.) Aug. 2, 1813....


Claims to Lands in Arkansaw. An act giving further time for registering claims to lands in the late district of Arkansaw, in the territory of Missouri, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.) Aug. 2, 1813..

STATUTE II.-1813, 1814.

Embargo. An act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbours of the United States. (Repealed.) Dec. 17, 1813...

Appropriations. An act making certain partial appropriations for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. (Obsolete.) Jan. 11, 1814.......


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Direct Taxes. An act to amend the seventh section of the act entitled "An act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States." (Obsolete.) Jan. 17, 1814................ 94 Nantucket. An act authorizing the President of the United States to grant certain permissions to the inhabitants of the island of Nantucket. (Obsolete.) Jan. 25, 1814... 94 Army of the United States. An act making further provision for filling the ranks of the regular army, encouraging enlistments, and authorizing the re-enlistments for longer periods, of men whose terms of service are about to expire. (Obsolete.) Jan. 27, 1814.....


An additional Judge in the Missouri Territory. An act for the appointment of an additional judge for the Missouri territory, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.) Jan. 27, 1814. 95 Army of the United States. An act authorizing the President of the United States to cause certain regiments therein mentioned to be enlisted for five years, or during the war. (Obsolete.) Jan. 28, 1814.......


Army of the United States. An act to raise three regiments of riflemen. (Obsolete.) Feb. 10, 1814.....

Public Lands. An act giving further time to purchasers of public lands to complete their payments. Feb. 19, 1814.........

Army of the United States. An act to continue in force an act to raise ten additional companies of rangers. (Expired.) Feb. 24, 1814.....

Army of the United States. An act to authorize the President to receive into service certain volunteer corps. (Obsolete.) Feb. 24, 1814...........


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Return of Vessels detained by the Embargo. An act to provide for the return to their own districts, of vessels detained by the embargo in districts other than those where they are respectively owned or belong. (Obsolete.) March 4, 1814............... Treasury Notes. An act to authorize the issuing of treasury notes for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. (Obsolete.) March 4, 1814....... 100 Indiana Territory. An act to establish the mode of laying off the territory of Indiana into districts, for the election of its members for the Legislative Council. March 4, 1814. 103 Pensions. An act giving pensions to the orphans and widows of persons slain in the public or private armed vessels of the United States. March 4, 1814..... Floating Batteries. An act authorizing the President of the United States to cause to be built, equipped, and employed, one or more floating batteries for the defence of the waters of the United States. (Obsolete.) March 9, 1814...


Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the support of the military establishment of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. (Obsolete.) March 19, 1814......

Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the support of the navy of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. (Obsolete.) March 19, 1814......




... 105



... 105


Bounty to Owners, ġc., of private armed Vessels. An act in addition to an act entitled “An act allowing a bounty to the owners, officers, and crews of the private armed vessels of the United States." (Obsolete.) March 19, 1814....... Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. (Obsolete.) March 24, 1814........... 106 Loan not exceeding twenty-five Millions of Dollars. An act to authorize a loan for a sum not exceeding twenty-five millions of dollars. March 24, 1814.. 111 District Court of the United States in the Virginia District. An act to alter the time for holding the District Courts of the United States for the Virginia districts. March 24, 1814.....


Duties on Sales at Auction. An act to amend the act entitled "An act laying duties on sales at auction of merchandise and of ships and vessels." (Obsolete.) March 24, 1814.......




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Shawneetown. An act concerning Shawneetown. March 28, 1814.... Army of the United States. An act for the better organizing, paying, and supplying the army of the United States. (Obsolete.) March 30, 1814... Exchange of Land in the City of New York. An act authorizing the President of the United States to exchange a certain parcel of land, in the city of New York, for other lands in the same city or its vicinity. March 30, 1814....... Land Claims in the Mississippi Territory. An act providing for the indemnification of certain claimants of public lands in the Mississippi territory. March 31, 1814............................... 116 Elizabeth City a Port of Entry. An act making Elizabeth City the port of entry and deli







very for the District of Camden in the State of North Carolina. April 9, 1814.... 120 Courts of the United States in New York. An act for the better organization of the courts of the United States within the State of New York. April 9, 1814.... Land Titles in Louisiana and Missouri. An act for the final adjustment of land titles in the State of Louisiana and territory of Missouri. April 12, 1814................. Embargo and Non-Importation. An act to repeal an act entitled "An act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbours of the United States," and so much of any act or acts as prohibit the importation of goods, wares, and merchandise, of the growth, produce, or manufacture of Great Britain or Ireland, or of any of the colonies or dependencies thereof, or of any place or country in the actual possession of Great Britain. April 14, 1814......

Assent of Congress to an Act of the Assembly of Tennessee. Direct Taxes. An act declaring the assent of Congress to an act of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, therein mentioned. April 14, 1814....................



Marine Corps. An act authorizing an augmentation of the marine corps, and for other purposes. April 16, 1814.... ... 124

Flotilla Service. An act authorizing the appointment of certain officers for the flotilla service. (Obsolete.) April 16, 1814....

Assent of Congress to an Act of the State of Maryland and Georgia. An act to revive and continue in force "An act declaring the assent of Congress to certain acts of the States of Maryland and Georgia." April 16, 1814......


... 125

Claims to Lands in the Illinois Territory. An act confirming certain claims to land in the Illinois territory, and providing for their location. April 16, 1814................................. ... 125 Money paid into the Courts of the United States. An act directing the disposition of money paid into the courts of the United States. April 18, 1814....

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Pensions. An act granting pensions to the officers and seamen serving on board the reve-
nue cutters in certain cases. April 18, 1814........................
Congress. An act fixing the time for the next meeting of Congress. April 18, 1814...... 128
Compensation to the Paymaster of the Army, &c., and appointment of Assistant District Paymasters.

An act fixing the salary of the paymaster of the army of the United States, and
allowing a sum for the employment of additional clerks in his office, for the year
one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and providing for the appointment of
assistant district paymasters. (Expired.) April 18, 1814........
.... 128

Laws of the United States. An act authorizing a subscription for the laws of the United
States, and for the distribution thereof. (Obsolete.) April 18, 1814.....


Vessels captured on Lake Erie. An act authorizing the purchase of the vessels captured on Lake Erie. (Obsolete.) April 18, 1814......................

Public Lands. An act extending relief to certain purchasers of public lands in the Mississippi territory. April 18, 1814......




Post-roads. An act to alter and establish certain post-roads. April 18, 1814............. 130 Flags, Standards, and Colours captured from the Enemy. An act to provide for the collection and preservation of such flags, standards, and colours as shall have been or may hereafter be taken by the land and naval forces of the United States, from their enemies. April 18, 1814........

..... 133


Compensation of Marshals, Clerks, and Attorneys. An act to lessen the compensation of marshals, clerks, and attorneys in the cases therein mentioned. (Repealed.) April 18, 1814.... Militia. An act in further addition to an act entitled "An act more effectually to provide for the national defence by establishing a uniform militia throughout the United States." (Obsolete.) April 18, 1814.....

Militia. An act in addition to the act entitled "An act to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions, and to repeal the act now in force for those purposes." (Expired.) April 18,


Pay of Officers, Seamen, and Marines in the Navy. An act concerning the pay of officers, seamen, and marines in the navy of the United States. April 18, 1814....................





Claims to Lands in Louisiana. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act for ascertaining the titles and claims to lands in that part of Louisiana which lies east of the river Mississippi and island of New Orleans." (Obsolete.) April 18, 1814.... 137 Compensation of Clerks in the Senate and House of Representatives. An act to fix the compensation of the clerks employed in the offices of the secretary of the Senate and clerk of the House of Representatives. (Obsolete.) April 18, 1814..................


Duties on Licenses to Retailers of Wines, &c. An act to amend the act laying duties on licenses to retailers of wines, spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandise, and for other purposes. (Repealed.) April 18, 1814..... Appropriations. An act making additional appropriations for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. (Obsolete.) April 18, 1814....... Claims to Lands in Louisiana. An act concerning certificates of confirmation of claims to lands in the State of Louisiana. (Obsolete.) April 18, 1814.....







1. For the printing and distribution of an additional number of the journals of Congress, and of the documents published under their order. Dec. 27, 1813...................


2. Expressive of the sense of Congress of the gallant conduct of Captain Oliver H. Perry, the officers, seamen, marines, and infantry, acting as such, on board of his squadron. Jan. 6, 1814...

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3. Relative to the brilliant achievement of Lieutenants Burrows and M'Call. Jan. 6, 1814.....


4. Relative to the brilliant achievement of Captain James Lawrence, in the capture of the British vessel of war the Peacock. Jan. 11, 1814........

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5. Directing a sword to be presented to the nearest male relation of midshipman John Clark. Feb. 19, 1814....



STATUTE III.-1814, 18.

Right of Suffrage in the Mississippi Territory extended. An act further to extend the right of suffrage, and to increase the number of members of the Legislative Council in the Mississippi territory. (Obsolete.) Oct. 25, 1814........


Virginia Military Land Warrants. An act for extending the time for locating Virginia military land warrants, and for returning the surveys thereon to the general land-office. (Expired.) Nov. 3, 1814........



The President authorized to cause to be built or purchased Vessels for the Navy. An act authoriz ing the President of the United States to cause to be built or purchased the vessels therein described. (Repealed.) Nov. 15, 1814..........

Loan of three Millions of Dollars. An act to authorize a loan for a sum not exceeding three millions of dollars. (Obsolete.) Nov. 15, 1814. ..

Publication of the Laws of the United States in the Territories. An act to authorize the publication of the laws of the United States within the territories of the United States. (Obsolete.) Nov. 21, 1814................


A Clerk to be appointed in the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue, &c. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to appoint a clerk in the office of the commissioner of the revenue, with power to sign licenses. Nov. 22, 1814....... Allowances to Merchant Vessels during the War for bringing back destitule and distressed seamen. An act authorizing the Secretary of State, during the continuance of the present war, to make an additional allowance to the owners and masters of vessels, for bringing back to the United States destitute and distressed American seamen. (Obsolete.) Dec. 1, 1814.......


Army of the United States. An act making further provision for filling the ranks of the army of the United States. (Repealed.) Dec. 10, 1814.................... Duties on Stamps. An act supplementary to an act laying duties on notes of banks, bankers, and certain companies; on notes, bonds, and obligations, discounted by banks, bankers, and certain companies; and on bills of exchange of certain descriptions. (Repealed.) Dec. 10, 1814.....

Duties on Carriages. An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by duties on carriages and the harness used therefor. (Repealed.) Dec. 15, 1814...................

Army of the United States. An act directing the staff officers of the army to comply with the requisitions of naval and marine officers in certain cases. (Obsolete.) Dec. 15, 1814........ Appropriations for the Service of the year 1814. An act making additional appropriations for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. (Obsolete.) Dec. 15, 1814.... Duties on distilled Spirits and on Licenses to Distillers. An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on spirits distilled within the United States and territories thereof, and by amending the act laying duties on licenses to distillers of spirituous liquors. (Repealed.) Dec. 21, 1814.....


Duties on Sales at Auction and on Licenses to retail Wines, &c., and on Postage. An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on sales at auction and on licenses to retail wines, spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandise, and for increasing the rates of postage. (Repealed.) Dec. 23, 1814..

Loan of twenty-five Millions of Dollars authorized. An act supplementary to the acts authorizing a loan for the several sums of twenty-five millions of dollars, and three millions of dollars. (Obsolete.) Dec. 26, 1814...........................














Public Lands in the District of Vincennes. An act giving further time to locate certain claims to lands, confirmed by an act of Congress, entitled "An act confirming certain claims to lands in the district of Vincennes." (Obsolete.) Dec. 26, 1814......... 163 Leasing of Lands reserved for Schools in the Mississippi Territory. An act to provide for leasing certain lands reserved for the support of schools in the Mississippi territory. (Obsolete.) Jan. 9, 1815....


Direct Taxes. An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying a direct tax upon the United States, and to provide for assessing and collecting the same. (Repealed.) Jan. 9, 1815. 164 Additional Duties on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise manufactured within the United States. An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on various goods, wares, and merchandise manufactured within the United States. (Repealed.) Jan. 18, 1815..... 180 Duties on Household Furniture and on gold and silver Watches. An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on household furniture, and on gold and silver watches. (Repealed.) Jan. 18, 1815...


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