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Why should not divers studies, at divers hours, delight, when the
variety is able alone to refresh and repair us ?

BEN JONSON'S Discoveries.







C. Baldwin, Printer, New Bridge-street, London.


Africa, Southern, Burchell's Travels in,
277-the Karro Poort, 279-the Gariep
River, 280-Asbestos Mountains, Hip-
popotamus hunt, 281-the Briquas, 284.

Agriculture, 107, 215, 327, 439, 551, 655.

America, North. See Canadas and United

South, 229. See Chili, Mexico,

Peru, and Public Events.

American War, observations on, 577.

Amethyst, capture of the, Gilbert's picture

of, 615, note.

Antiquities, Mexican, 526, 527.

Archer of Ulvescroft, the, a tale, 44.

Aristocracy, Parisian, 633-divided into

three classes, 634-aim of the monied

class, 635.

Armstrong, Archibald, (Jester to James I.)
287, 408.

Association of ideas, 617-anecdotes illus-
trative of, 617, 622, 624.

Australia, intended British factory in, 252.

Bacon's Elements of Science, reviewed,

Bullock's Mexico, 521-want of informa-

tion in the work, 522.
Buonaparte, his attention to public morals,
484 his address in availing himself of

the influence of the Fine Arts, 615.

Burns and Byron, 117-Burns' death,

118-his burial, 120.

Byron, Lord, compared with the author of

Waverley, 69_contrasted with Burns,

117-his personal character, 337-va-

nity, 338-person, 339- singularity,

339-grossness in conversation, 340-

letters, 340-capricious temper, 341

religious principles, 341-military en-

thusiasm, in Greece, 343-temper, 344

-misanthropy, 345-poetry, 345-Con-

versations (by Medwin), 449-unwarrant-

able destruction of his Memoirs, 449-his
personal appearance, 451 - conversa-
tional powers, 452-education, 452-his
opinion of various contemporaries, 457
-his Prophecy of Dante, 457-opinion
of Sir Walter Scott, 457-estimate of
his own character, 458-conversation
with Col. Stanhope, 460-aversion to

Bentham and the Liberals, 460-letter

to M. Beyle, 460-ditto to Mavrocor-
dato, 461-ditto to Col. Stanhope, 461.

Bentham, his political principles attacked Cabbage palm, the, 180.

by Lord Byron, 460.
Berenger, French Poet, 593.
Biography: Schiller, 16, 149, 259-
George Peele, 61-Burns, 117-Byron,
117,337,449-Queen Elizabeth, 122
-Roger Marbeck, 122, notes-Richard
Royston, 285-Archibald Armstrong,
287-Dr. E. D. Clarke, 393-Major-
Gen. Macquarie, 417-W. Hayley, 502
-H. Kirke White, 608.

Biron, Marshal, tragedy, 535.

Blackwood, Reply to, 335.

Blakesmoor in H-shire, 225.

Blindness, case of a boy born blind, 270.

Boisserée's work on Cologne Cathedral,

Bonjour's Mari à bonnes fortunes, 536.
Books, new, 109, 218, 330, 442, 554, 662.
Botany, of the Five Island district, 181,


Botta's History of Italy, 98.

Brazil, St. Salvador, Bahia, 252.

Brisbane river, New South Wales, disco-

very of, 205.

Brown, Dr. his theory of association, 621.
Browne, Sir T., Evelyn's letter to, 489.

Canadas, the, 577, lamentable ignorance
respecting, 578-the attention of our
government required, 579-remarks on
the cultivation of tobacco and hemp,
580-importance of these provinces to
England, 582-emigration to them con-
sidered, 583-fees on grants of land,
584-impolicy of selling grants, 584-
difficulties to be encountered by Emi-
grants, 585. See Emigration.

Cary's translation of Dante, 529.

Catalani, Madame, 85, 202, 203, 539.

Characters: Beau Shatterly, 137 - Sir

Morgan Walladmor, 365-Padre Onora-

to, 414 St. Henry, 466-Captain Jack-

son, 482-Female characters in Wilhelm

Meister, see Wilhelm.

Charles, Prince, his journey into Spain,
477-Sir R. Wynn's account of ditto,



Clarke, Dr. E. D., Life and Remains of, Eisteddvod, celebration of the, at Welsh-

[blocks in formation]

Commonwealth, Godwin's History of, 57.

Commerce, 108, 216, 328, 440, 552, 656.
Retrospect of, 657.

Constant, Benjamin, remark on a passage
of Lord Byron's, 346-his work de la
Religion, 320, 483-character, &c. 634.
Constantinople, the Fanariotes of, 561-
office of the Bâche-Capi-Kiahaya, 566-
Hotgias, 569.

Constitution, the English, 625, 632.

Contrasted Scenes, 308.

Conversations, Lord Byron's, 449.

Cookery of the French, 178.

Crichton, Dr., case of habitual reverie,

[blocks in formation]

Elements of Vocal Science, Bacon's, 145.

Elia, papers by: Blakesmoor, 225-Capt.

Jackson, 481.

Elizabeth, Queen, 122.
Emigration to the Canadas considered, 583
-its momentous importance, 583-dif-
ficulties to be encountered by Emigrants
in Canada, 585-expenses of Emigra-
tion, 586-of Settling, 587.

English, sensuality of the, 339.

Errors of Ecstasie, 571.

Eudore and Cynodocée, French Tragedy,


Evelyn, Letter of, respecting his Work on

Gardens, 589.

Excerpta Antiquaria, 122, 416.
Excursion to the Five Islands and Shoal
Haven, New South Wales, 181.
Expression, poetical, 513.

[blocks in formation]

Falsification of the History of England,


Fanariotes of Constantinople, 561-act as
Drogmans, 561-appointed Hospodars
of Wallachia, 562-influence with the
Turks, 567-their Education, 569-
Women, 570. See Constantinople, and

Fancy, how far possessed by women, 187.
Farren, Mr. on the Madness of Lear, 79-
his Beau Shatterly, 177.

Female Genius, plea for, 53-remarks on,
184, Surrey's Letter, 223 (L. H.) Julius
Cæsar, juniors ditto (L. H.), 333.

[blocks in formation]

Forest Legends: No. I. The Archer of
Ulvescroft, 44-No. II. Bradgate in
the 17th Century, 599.

Foster, Sir Stephen, 645.

France, society and morals in, 484.
French Cookery, 178-Drama, see Drama
Literature, 99, 206, 318,430, 535.
Poets, see Poets.

School of Painting, 611-encou.

ragement given to, 615. See Painting.
- Engraving and Lithography, 616.

Froissart, Buchon's edition of, 207.

Funds, the, 661.

Gardens, account of Evelyn's unpublished

work on, 589-list of celebrated gardens,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

of Evelyn, 589.

Gout, the Praise of, 91.
Greece, Lord Byron in, 342.

Affairs of, 103, 322, 438, 545,

546, 548. See Public Affairs.

Hall, Capt. Basil, Journal on the coasts of
Chili, &c. 229.

Hamlet, remarks on the Ghost in, 87.

Harrington, Sir John, 122.

Harvest, the, 327, 439.

Hayley, W. Life of, 502-his publications,
503 death of his son, 505-his second
marriage, 506-last illness, 507-do-
mestic habits, 507-personal character,
509-literary ditto, 510.

Hemp, necessity of cultivating, in the Ca-
nadas, 580.

-- of England, Fabrication of, 625-
by Hume, 632.

History, foreign publications on, 98, 207,
319, 430, 536.

-- of the Commonwealth of England,
by Godwin, 57-character of preceding
historians, 58.

Kant's idea of a Universal, 385.

Hoaxing, literary, 381.
Hohenlohe, Prince, advice to, 400.
Hume, misstatement of, 632.

Idea of a Universal History, 385.

Imagination, female, 185.

Indian's Tale, 139.

Inuendo, beauties of the, 348.

Irving, W. 401-compared with Sir Walter
Scott, 403 inferiority of his Tales of a
Traveller, to his preceding works, 404.

Jackson, Captain, by Elia, 481.
Jesters, Old English: G. Peele, 61-Col-
lections of Jests, 285-Archee, 287, 408.
Johnson, Rev. Dr. character of Hayley,


Karl and his Horse Nicolaus, 497.
Kant's Idea of a Universal History, 385
-what he meant by this term, 391,
note. See Men, and Society.

Knowledge, superficial, remarks on, 25,

La Harpe, French poet, 596.

Lacy, J. on the Theatricals of the Day,

[blocks in formation]


Bullock's Residence in, 521-San

Miguel de los Ranchos, festival, 525-

Mexican Idol, 526-Montezuma's bath,


Milton, his History of England, 589-

enmity of the Whigs to, 630.

Misanthropy, 344.
Moses, the finding of, 516.
Music, English, 146-importance of in
female education, 148.

Report of: Rossini, 84-Catalani,
Pasta, Catalani's benefit, 85 - Cam-
bridge Musical Festival; Royal Society
of Musicians, 86-Master Liszt, Mr.
Labarre, Concerts, Mr. Cutler's Oras

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