LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE. NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON S. 3562 TO PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE FEDERAL PROGRAM FOR AND DRUG DEPENDENCE MARCH 16, 17, 23, 24, AND 25, 1970 PART 1 Printed for the use of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare 42-424 O U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1970 Hartke, Hon. Vance, a U.S. Senator from the State of Indiana.. Freedman, Dr. Daniel X., professor and chairman, Department of Psychi- Cochin, Joseph, M.C., Ph. D., professor of pharmacology, Boston Univer- sity Medical School; Chairman, Scientific Review Committee, Center Glueck, Bernard, M.D., director, Institute of Living, Hartford, Conn---- Fink, Max, M.D., professor of psychiatry, New York Medical College--- Nowlis, Helen, president, National Coordinating Council on Drug Abuse Education and Information; accompanied by Thomas Price, vice presi- dent; and Peter Hammond, executive director_-_- Freedman, Alfred, M.D., chairman, Department of Psychiatry, New York Brill, Dr. Henry, chairman, Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Depend- ence, American Medical Association's Council on Mental Health; accom- panied by Bernard P. Harrison, director, AMA Legislative Department__ White, Hon. Kevin, mayor, Boston, Mass--. West, Louis Jolyon, trustee, American Psychiatric Association, professor and chairman, Department of Psychiatry, and medical director, Neuro- Psychiatric Institute, University of California School of Medicine, Gaver, Dr. Kenneth D., administrator, Mental Health Division, State of Oregon, appearing on behalf of the National Association of State Mental Egeberg, Dr. Roger O., Assistant Secretary for Scientific Affairs, Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare; accompanied by Morton G. Miller, M.D., Associate Director for Special and Collaborative Pro- grams, National Institute of Mental Health, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and Theodore Ellenbogen, consultant----- Meyer, Dr. Roger, assistant professor of psychiatry, Boston University, Boston, Mass., former Chief, Center for Studies of Narcotics and Drug WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1970 Wasilewski, Vincent T., president, the National Association of Broad- Keim, Robert P., president, Advertising Council, Inc., New York_ STATEMENTS Bear, Larry Alan, commissioner, Addiction Services Agency, Human Re- Cochin, Joseph, M.C., Ph. D., professor of pharmacology, Boston University Prepared statement.. Egeberg, Dr. Roger O., Assistant Secretary for Scientific Affairs, Depart- Fink, Max, M.D., professor of psychiatry, New York Medical College_ Freedman, Dr. Daniel X., professor and chairman, Department of Psychia- Page 351 373 388 131 207 201 145 156 271 168 194 115 Graver, Dr. Kenneth D., administrator, Mental Health Division, State of 257 Glueck, Bernard, M.D., director, Institute of Living, Hartford, Conn--- 164 109 373 Luria, Salvador, M.D., Sedgwick professor of biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology- 340 Meyer, Dr. Roger, assistant professor of psychiatry, Boston University, 321 Prepared statement.. 334 Prepared statement before the Subcommittee on Public Health and 322 Miller, Morton G., M.D., Acting Assistant Director for Special and Collaborative Programs, National Institute of Mental Health, HEW, prepared statement 286 236 Nixon, Hon. Richard M., President of the United States of America_ 175 Stimmel, Dr. Barry, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, N.Y____ Wasilewski, Vincent T., president, the National Association of Broadcasters, Washington, D.C... 388 351 West, Louis Jolyon, trustee, American Psychiatric Association, professor |