Senator YARBOROUGH. I was not talking about the fact that one failed, but as to the stunning fact to me that somebody would come in and admit they had failed. Mr. FOWLER. I have been through them. Senator YARBOROUGH. We all have successes and failures, and I think it strengthens your statement when you admit that. I appreciate your candor. Mr. FOWLER. Thank you, sir. Senator YARBOROUGH. Thank you very much. Thank you for coming down here to testify. Mr. FOWLER. It is my pleasure. Senator YARBOROUGH. We expected you yesterday, but we understood you could not make it in the fog. I was in New York City and I can well understand why. I was there during the rain and fog at La Guardia. Mr. FOWLER. Thank you. Senator YARBOROUGH. The hearing is adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. (Whereupon, at 12:05 p.m., the subcommittee adjourned, subject to the call of the Chair.) 86-260 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY PREVENTION AND CONTROL ACT HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT, MANPOWER, AND POVERTY OF THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE UNITED STATES SENATE NINETIETH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 1248 TO PROVIDE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE TO COURTS, CORRECTIONAL SYSTEMS, AND COMMUNITY AGENCIES TO INCREASE THEIR CAPABILITY TO PREVENT, TREAT, AND CONTROL JUVENILE DELINQUENCY; TO ASSIST RESEARCH EFFORTS IN THE PREVENTION, TREATMENT, AND CONTROL OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES H.R. 12120 TO ASSIST COURTS, CORRECTIONAL SYSTEMS, AND COMMUNITY AGENCIES TO PREVENT, TREAT, AND CONTROL JUVENILE DELINQUENCY; TO SUPPORT RESEARCH AND TRAINING EFFORTS IN THE PREVENTION, TREATMENT, AND CONTROL OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES SEPTEMBER 21, 26, 28, OCTOBER 19, 20, 25, AND 26, 1967 LIBRA Printed for the use of the DOCS. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare にしん DE CRAIFORNIA LEY UN CONTENTS Page Amendments intended to be proposed by Senator Dodd_ Amendment intended to be proposed by Senator McGovern H.R. 12120 (as reported by House Committee on Education and Labor) - Kennedy, Hon. Edward M., a U.S. Senator from the State of Massachu- Dodd, Hon. Thomas J., A U.S. Senator from the State of Connecticut___ Gardner, Hon. John W., Secretary, U.S. Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare; accompanied by Lisle C. Carter, Jr., Assistant Sec- retary for Individual and Family Services; Ralph K. Huitt, Assistant Secretary for Legislation; Mary E. Switzer, Administrator, Social and Rehabilitation Service; and Virginia Burns, Assistant to Assistant Sec- retary for Individual and Family Services, U.S. Department of Health, McGovern, Hon. George, a U.S. Senator from the State of South Dakota. Battle, Mark, Administrator, Bureau of Work Programs, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.; accompanied by Dr. Curtis Aller, Associate Chappell, Louis, representing NOC-YOC, Brooklyn, N.Y. McCoy, Barbara E., representing Neighborhood Development Youth Daniels, Bruce, and Roland Britt, both of Philadelphia, Pa., representing Crime Prevention Association, Boys Club of America, Philadelphia; Cynthia Boston, and Harold Preston, both of Roxbury, Mass.; repre- senting Blue Hills Christian Center, Roxbury; a panel_ Terry, Miss Gilda, and Sherilyn Henderson, both of Bridgeport, Conn., representing New Breeds in Motion; Louis A. Elisa II, New York, N.Y., |