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3. Western District

1. Office of Chief of District (Headquarters, San Francisco, California) Chief of District (Senior Chemist)

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Administrative Assistant to Chief

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The Classifications of Activities in this series have for their purpose to list and classify in all practicable detail the specific activities engaged in by the several services of the national government. Such statements are of value from a number of standpoints. They furnish, in the first place, the most effective showing that can be made in brief compass of the character of the work performed by the service to which they relate. Secondly, they lay the basis for a system of accounting and reporting that will permit the showing of total expenditures classified according to activities. Finally, taken collectively, they make possible the preparation of a general or consolidated statement of the activities of the government as a whole. Such a statement will reveal in detail, not only what the government is doing, but the services in which the work is being performed. It is hardly necessary to point out the value of such information in planning for future work and in considering the problem of the better distribution and coördination of the work of the government. The Institute contemplates attempting such a general listing and classification of the activities of the government upon the completion of the present series.


1. Enforcement of the Food and Drugs Act
2. Enforcement of the Tea Act

3. Enforcement of the Naval Stores Act
4. Enforcement of the Insecticide Act
5. Enforcement of the Import Milk Act
6. Enforcement of the Caustic Poison Act

7. Coöperation with state and local authorities in the enforcement of regulatory laws and ordinances concerning food and drugs 8. Collaboration with other government organizations desiring chemical investigations


The Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration, being purely a regulatory service, does not engage in research or scientific work except in so far as is necessary to carry on its regulatory activities. It therefore contributes little to the various series of educational publications of the Department of Agriculture. It issues the annual reports of the Chief of Administration, Service and Regulatory Announcements, and occasionally a technical bulletin or circular of the Department series giving the results of its technical studies or a description of its activities.

Annual Reports. The annual report of the Chief of Administration replaces after July 1, 1927, the annual report of the former Insecticide and Fungicide Board, and those portions of the former annual report of the Chemist which relate to the enforcement of the Food and Drugs Act, the Tea Act, and the Naval Stores Act.

Service and Regulatory Announcements. The Service and Regulatory Announcements, issued at irregular intervals, as necessary, by the Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration, contain the texts of the acts enforced by the Administration and the regulations for their enforcement, standards for the various products covered, opinions, decisions, and other information necessary in the enforcement of the regulatory acts. Notices of Judgment under the acts are also issued from time to time. These publications are distributed to public officers whose duties make it necessary for them to have such information, to journals specially concerned, and to manufacturers and firms whose business is affected by them. Supplements and indexes to Service and Regulatory Announcements and indexes to Notices of Judgment are published from time to time.

The Administration also issues a monthly publication "The Food, Drug, and Insecticide Review" which consists of reports for the sole use of federal, state, and city officers engaged in the regulation of commerce in foods, drugs, insecticides, naval stores, and caustic poisons.

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