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I Federal Power Commission (Parts 0-299)

II Tennessee Valley Authority (Parts 300–399)

III Delaware River Basin Commission (Parts 400-499)

IV Office of Water Resources Research, Department of the Interior (Parts 500-599)

VI Water Resources Council (Parts 701-799)

VIII Susquehanna River Basin Commission (Parts 800–899)

Title 19-Customs Duties

I United States Customs Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 0-199)

II United States International Trade Commission (Parts 200-299)

Title 20-Employees' Benefits

I Office of Worker's Compensation Programs, Department of Labor (Parts 0-199)

II Railroad Retirement Board (Parts 200-399)

III Social Security Administration, Department of Health, Educa tion, and Welfare (Parts 400-499)

IV Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, Department of Labo (Parts 500-599)

V Manpower Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 600-699) VI Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 700-799)

VII Benefits Review Board, Department of Labor (Parts 800-899)
VIII Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries (Parts 900–999)

Title 21-Food and Drugs

I Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Parts 0-1299)

II Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice (Parts 1300-1399)

III Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention (Parts 14001499)

Title 22-Foreign Relations

I Department of State (Parts 0–199)

II Agency for International Development, Department of State (Parts 200-299)

III Peace Corps (Parts 300-399)

IV International Joint Commission, United States and Canada (Part 400-499)

V United States Information Agency (Parts 500-599)

VI United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (Parts 600


VII Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Parts 700-799) VIII Employee-Management Relations Commission (Parts 800-899) X Inter-American Foundation (Parts 1000-1099)


I Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 0-899)

II Highway Safety Program Standards, Department of Transportation (Parts 1200–1299)

Title 24-Housing and Urban Development

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and
Urban Development (Parts 0-99)

SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Devel-

I Office of Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 100–199)

II Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing Production and Mortgage Credit-Federal Housing Commissioner (Federal Housing Administration), Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 200-299)

III Government National Mortgage Association, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 300-399)

IV Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing Management, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 400-499)

V Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 500-599)

VI Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 600-699)

VII Community Development Corporation, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 700-799)

VIII Low-income Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 800-1299)

IX Office of Interstate Land Sales Registration, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 1700-1799)

X Federal Insurance Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 1900-1999)

XIII Federal Disaster Assistance Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 2200-2299)

Title 25-Indians

I Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior (Parts 0299)

II Indian Arts and Crafts Board, Department of the Interior (Parts


III Indian Claims Commission (Parts 500-599)

Title 26-Internal Revenue

I Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 0-699)


I Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Department of the
Treasury (Parts 0-299)

Title 28-Judicial Administration

I Department of Justice (Parts 0–199)

III Federal Prison Industries, Department of Justice (Parts 300-399)

Title 29-Labor

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Labor (Parts 0-99)

SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Labor

I National Labor Relations Board (Parts 100-199)

II Office of the Assistant Secretary for Labor-Management Relations, Department of Labor (Parts 200-299)

III National Railroad Adjustment Board (Parts 300-399)

IV Office of Labor-Management and Welfare-Pension Reports, Department of Labor (Parts 400-499)

V Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor (Parts 500-899) IX Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission (Parts 900-999)

X National Mediation Board (Parts 1200-1299)

XII Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (Parts 1400-1499) XIV Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Parts 1600-1699) XVI Automotive Agreement Adjustment Assistance Board (Parts 1800– 1899)

XVII Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 1900-1999)

XX Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (Parts 2200-2299)

XXV Office of Employee Benefits Security, Department of Labor (2500-2599)

XXVI Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (2600-2699)

Title 30-Mineral Resources

I Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration, Department of the Interior (Parts 0–199)

II Geological Survey, Department of the Interior (Parts 200-299) III

Board of Mine Operations Appeals, Department of the Interior (Parts 300-399)

IV Federal Metal and Nonmetallic Mine Safety Board of Review

(Parts 400-499)

V Interim Compliance Panel (Coal Mine Health and Safety) (Parts


VI Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior (Parts 600-699)


Title 31-Money and Finance: Treasury

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of the Treasury (Parts 0-50)
SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Money and Finance

I Monetary Offices, Department of the Treasury (Parts 51-199)
II Fiscal Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 200-399)
IV Secret Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 400-499)

V Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury
(Parts 500-599)

VI Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Department of the Treasury (Parts 600-699)

Title 32-National Defense

SUBTITLE A-Department of Defense

I Office of the Secretary of Defense (Parts 0-499)
V Department of the Army (Parts 500-699)

VI Department of the Navy (Parts 700-799)

VII Department of the Air Force (Parts 800-1099)

SUBTITLE B-Other Regulations Relating to National Defense

XII Defense Supply Agency (Parts 1200-1299)
XIV The Renegotiation Board (Parts 1400-1499)

XVI Selective Service System (Parts 1600-1699)

XVII Office of Emergency Preparedness (Parts 1700–1799)
XVIII Defense Civil Preparedness Agency (Parts 1800-1899)
XIX Central Intelligence Agency (Parts 1900-1999)

XX Interagency Classification Review Committee (Parts 2000-2099)
XXI National Security Council

XXII National Security Agency Central Security Service

Title 32A-National Defense, Appendix

I Office of Preparedness, General Services Administration

VI Domestic and International Business Administration, Department of Commerce

VII Department of Commerce and Department of Transportation
VIII Transport Mobilization Staff, Interstate Commerce Commission
XV Federal Reserve System

XVIII National Shipping Authority, Maritime Administration, Department of Commerce

XIX Office of the Maritime Administrator, Department of Commerce

Title 33-Navigation and Navigable Waters

I Coast Guard, Department of Transportation (Parts 0–199) II Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army (Parts 200-299) IV Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, Department of Transportation (Parts 400-499)


II Office of Federal Management Policy, General Services Administration (Parts 200-299)

Title 35-Panama Canal

I Canal Zone Regulations (Parts 0-299)

Title 36-Parks, Forests, and Public Property

I National Park Service, Department of the Interior (Parts 0–199) II Forest Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 200–299) III Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army (Parts 300-399) IV American Battle Monuments Commission (Parts 400-499)

V Smithsonian Institution (Parts 500-599)

VI American Revolution Bicentennial Administration (Parts 600699)

VII Library of Congress (Parts 700–799)

VIII Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Parts 800-899)

Title 37-Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights

I Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce (Parts 0-199)

II Copyright Office, Library of Congress (Parts 200-299)

Title 38-Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief I Veterans Administration (Parts 0–99)

Title 39-Postal Service

I United States Postal Service (Parts 0-999) III Postal Rate Commission (Parts 3000-3099)

Title 40-Protection of Environment

I Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 0-1399)

IV Low-Emission Vehicle Certification Board (Parts 1400–1499)
V Council on Environmental Quality (Parts 1500-1599)

Title 41-Public Contracts and Property Management
SUBTITLE A-Federal Procurement Regulations System

1 Federal Procurement Regulations (Parts 1-1-1-30)

3 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Parts 3-13-75)

4 Department of Agriculture (Parts 4—1—4—50)

5 General Services Administration (Parts 5-1-5-60)

5A Federal Supply Service, General Services Administration (Parts 5A-1-5A-76)

5B Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration (Parts


6 Department of State (Parts 6-1-6-60)

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