STUDENT REGISTRATION To enter kindergarten, a youngster must be five years of age by December first of that school year. To enter first grade, a youngster must be six years of age by December first of that school year. A birth certificate is necessary to enter kindergarten or to enter first grade if the youngster has not previously attended kindergarten. A child who has been in regular attendance in another school district, provided he was not a resident of District 64 at that time, may be enrolled without meeting the age requirement. Each youngster shall be required to have a complete physical examination, by a li censed physician upon entering kindergarten or first grade, upon entering fifth grade, and upon entering school in any grade from out of state. In addition to the physical examination, each youngster prior to or upon entering kindergarten or first grade and any pupil first entering school in any public, private, or parochial school in this state shall be immunized against measles, smallpox, tetanus, diptheria, poliomyelitis, and pertussis. All students participating on district athletic teams shall be examined annually by the school physician previous to participation. LUNCH PROGRAM Type A hot lunches are available in all elementary schools. They are prepared at Novak-King and A. J. Kctzenmaier Schools, and then delivered to South, Yeager, Forrestal, Green Bay, North, and Central elementary schools. The Neal Junior High school students are served in the Neal cafeteria. All students attending the district's nine schools now have the option of participating in the hot lunch program thanks to the efforts and cooperation of the total staff. Weekly menus are published and circulated within the schools. Further information may be obtained by calling the individual school or the Education Center. CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT Citizen involvement is at an all time high in District 64 due mostly to the increase in interest by the parents. Concerned citizens and school officials meet regularly to evaluate and suggest improvements in the overall operation of the district. The Citizens Advisory Committee on Equal Educational Opportunity is an active group vitally interested in maintaining quality integrated education. The school-community liaison program is made up of citizens from the community, one assigned to each school building. Their responsibility is that of a daily com municator between the school and the school-community. The liaison aides have enlisted the aid of parent volunteers who further enhance the services offered to the students. The familiar P.T.O. organizations are active in all buildings promoting programs for student benefit. Parent resource volunteers and groups also contribute to the education of the students by coming into the class to share their specific knowledge and experiences. Thus, parents, administrators, teachers, students all play a vital role in the process of education in School District 64. TRANSPORTATION Over forty percent of the students attending schools in District 64 are transported by bus daily, providing they reside over one mile from the school to which they are assigned. These buses are also used for excursions such as field trips and social and athletic events. Bus safety programs are conducted in each school to ensure the student is thoroughly acquainted with the district rules and regulations and proper passenger etiquette. As schedules vary from school to school, specific information may be obtained by calling a school official. Chairman PERKINS. Congressman Madigan. STATEMENT OF HON. EDWARD R. MADIGAN, A REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FROM THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ACCOMPANIED BY MS. JUNE K. QUINT, BUSINESS MANAGER AND LEGISLATIVE COORDINATOR, RANTOUL CITY SCHOOLS, DISTRICT 137, RANTOUL, ILL. Chairman PERKINS. Mr. Madigan, we are glad to have you with us this morning. Introduce the lady with you. Mr. MADIGAN. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, I wish to thank you for the privilege of appearing before this hearing on behalf of Impact Aid. I have with me June Quint, Business Manager and Legislative Coordinator of the Rantoul City Schools, District 137, Rantoul, Illinois, who has prepared a statemnet on what effect the Impact Aid Law, P.L. 874, has on her district, as well as the nearly 200 other Impact Aid Districts in Illinois. I would like her statement included in the record, Mr. Chairman. Chairman PERKINS. Without objection, Ms. Quint's prepared statement will be inserted in the record in total and you make any observations you wish to make. [The prepared statement of Ms. Quint follows:] |