Chap. I II III I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XII XX XXV Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 1-999) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Federal National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Title 24-Housing and Urban Development SUBTITLE A-—OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING SUBTITLE B-REGULATIONS RELATING TO HOUSING AND URBAN DE VELOPMENT Office of Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 100-199) Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Com- Government National Mortgage Association, Department of Office of Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Depart- Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and De- Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Housing Assistance Programs and Public and Indian Housing Programs) (Parts 700-799) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Section 8 Housing Assistance Programs, Section 202 Direct Loan Program, Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons With Disabilities Program) (Parts 800-899) Office of Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, De- Office of Inspector General, Department of Housing and Urban Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (Parts 4100-4199) Chap. I II III IV V VI VII Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior (Parts 1299) Indian Arts and Crafts Board, Department of the Interior (Parts 300-399) National Indian Gaming Commission, Department of the Inte- Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (Parts 700-799) Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, Department of Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians, Department of the Interior (Part 1200) Title 26-Internal Revenue I Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 1799) Title 27-Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms I Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Department of the Treasury (Parts 1-299) Title 28-Judicial Administration Department of Justice (Parts 0–199) Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Department of Justice (Parts 300-399) Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice (Parts 500-599) Offices of Independent Counsel, Department of Justice (Parts 600-699) Office of Independent Counsel (Parts 700-799) Title 29-Labor SUBTITLE A-OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF LABOR (PARTS 0-99) SUBTITLE B-REGULATIONS RELATING TO LABOR National Labor Relations Board (Parts 100-199) Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor (Parts 200-299) National Railroad Adjustment Board (Parts 300-399) Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor (Parts 400-499) Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor (Parts 500-899) Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission (Parts 900-999) National Mediation Board (Parts 1200-1299) Chap. XII XIV XVII XX XXV XXVII XL I II III IV VI VII I II IV V VI VII VIII I V Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (Parts 1400-1499) Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (Parts 2200– Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Department of Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission (Parts 2700- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (Parts 4000-4999) Title 30-Mineral Resources Mine Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 1-199) Minerals Management Service, Department of the Interior (Parts 200-299) Board of Surface Mining and Reclamation Appeals, Department Geological Survey, Department of the Interior (Parts 400-499) Title 31-Money and Finance: Treasury SUBTITLE A-OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY (PARTS SUBTITLE B-REGULATIONS RELATING TO MONEY AND FINANCE Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Department of the Treasury Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Department of the Office of International Investment, Department of the Treasury Title 32-National Defense SUBTITLE A-DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary of Defense (Parts 1-399) VI Department of the Navy (Parts 700-799) Chap. VII Department of the Air Force (Parts 800-1099) SUBTITLE B-OTHER REGULATIONS RELATING TO NATIONAL DE- Defense Logistics Agency (Parts 1200-1299) XII XVI Selective Service System (Parts 1600-1699) XVIII National Counterintelligence Center (Parts 1800-1899) XIX Central Intelligence Agency (Parts 1900-1999) XX XXI XXIV XXVII XXVIII XXIX I Information Security Oversight Office, National Archives and National Security Council (Parts 2100-2199) Office of Science and Technology Policy (Parts 2400-2499) Title 33-Navigation and Navigable Waters Coast Guard, Department of Transportation (Parts 1-199) II Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army (Parts 200-399) IV I II III IV V VI Title 34-Education SUBTITLE A-OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF EDU- SUBTITLE B-REGULATIONS OF THE OFFICES OF THE DEPARTMENT Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education (Parts 100–199) Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Depart- Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Department of Edu- Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Department of Chap. I Panama Canal Regulations (Parts 1-299) I II Title 36-Parks, Forests, and Public Property III IV V National Park Service, Department of the Interior (Parts 1–199) VII VIII IX X XI XII XIV Library of Congress (Parts 700-799) Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Parts 800-899) Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 1200-1299) Title 37-Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights I Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce (Parts 1-199) II Copyright Office, Library of Congress (Parts 200-299) IV Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy, Department of Commerce (Parts 400-499) V Under Secretary for Technology, Department of Commerce (Parts 500-599) Title 38-Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief I V VII Title 40-Protection of Environment Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1-799) Council on Environmental Quality (Parts 1500-1599) Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Defense; Title 41-Public Contracts and Property Management SUBTITLE B-OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO PUBLIC CONTRACTS |