nent thereof if the value of the multiyear contract would exceed $500,000,000 unless specifically provided in this Act: Provided further, That no multiyear procurement contract can be terminated without 10-day prior notification to the Committees on Appropriations and Armed Services of the House of Representatives and the Senate: Provided further, That the execution of multiyear authority shall require the use of a present value analysis to determine lowest cost compared to an annual procurement. Funds appropriated in title III of this Act may be used for multiyear procurement contracts as follows: MK19-3 grenade machine guns; M249 Squad Automatic Weapons; SEC. 8012. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a qualified Indian Tribal corporation or Alaska Native Corporation furnishing the product of a responsible small business concern shall not be denied the opportunity to compete for and be awarded a procurement contract pursuant to section 2323 of title 10, United States Code, solely because the Indian Tribal corporation or Alaska Native Corporation is not the actual manufacturer or processor of the product to be supplied under the contract. SEC. 8014. None of the funds made available by this Act shall be used in any way, directly or indirectly, to influence congressional action on any legislation or appropriation matters pending before the Congress. SEC. 8020. None of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be available to convert to contractor performance an activity or function of the Department of Defense that, on or after the date of enactment of this Act, is performed by more than ten Department of Defense civilian employees until a most efficient and cost-effective organization analysis is completed on such activity or function and certification of the analysis is made to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate: Provided, That this section shall not apply to a commercial or industrial type function of the Department of Defense that: (1) is included on the procurement list established pursuant to section 2 of the Act of June 25, 1938 (41 U.S.C. 47), popularly referred to as the JavitsWagner-O'Day Act; (2) is planned to be converted to performance by a qualified nonprofit agency for the blind or by a qualified nonprofit agency for other severely handicapped individuals in accordance with that Act; or (3) is planned to be converted to performance by a qualified firm under 51 percent Native American ownership. SEC. 8021. All new Department of Defense procurements shall separately identify software costs in the work breakdown structure defined by MIL-STD-881 in those instances where software is considered to be a major category of cost. SEC. 8021A. Funds appropriated in title III of this Act for the Department of Defense Pilot Mentor-Protege Program may be transferred to any other appropriation contained in this Act solely for the purpose of implementing a Mentor-Protege Program developmental assistance agreement pursuant to section 831 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 (Public Law 101-510; 10 U.S.C. 2301 note), as amended, under the authority of this provision or any other transfer authority contained in this Act. SEC. 8023. Funds appropriated or made available in this Act shall be obligated and expended to continue to fully utilize the facilities at the United States Army Engineer's Waterways Experiment Station, including the continued availability of the supercomputer capability: Provided, That none of the funds in this Act may be used to purchase any supercomputer which is not manufactured in the United States, unless the Secretary of Defense certifies to the Armed Services and Appropriations Committees of Congress that such an acquisition must be made in order to acquire capability for national security purposes that is not available from United States manufacturers. SEC. 8025. Of Of the funds appropriated to the Army, $203,736,000_shall be available only for the Reserve Component Automation System (RCAS): Provided, That none of these funds can be expended (1) except as approved by the Chief of the National Guard Bureau; (2) unless RCAS resource management functions are performed by the National Guard Bureau; (3) to pay the salary of an RCAS program manager who has not been selected and approved by the Chief of the National Guard Bureau and chartered by the Chief of the National Guard Bureau and the Secretary of the Army; (4) unless the Program Manager (PM) charter makes the PM accountable to the Chief of the National Guard Bureau and fully defines his authority, responsibility, reporting channels and organizational structure; (5) to pay the salaries of individuals assigned to the RCAS program management office unless such organization is comprised of personnel chosen jointly by the Chiefs of the National Guard Bureau and the Army Reserve; (6) to pay contracted costs for the acquisition of RCAS unless RCAS is an integrated system consisting of software, hardware, and communications equipment and unless such contract continues to preclude the use of Government furnished equipment, operating systems, and executive applications software; and (7) unless RCAS performs its own classified information processing: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the funds appropriated shall be available for procurement of computers for the Army Reserve Component which are used to network or expand the capabilities of existing or future information systems or duplicate functions to be provided under the RCAS contract unless the procurement meets the following criteria: (A) at 89-263 95-15 sites scheduled to receive RCAS equipment prior to September 30, 1995, RCAS ADP equipment may be procured and only in the numbers and types allocated by the RCAS program to each site; and at sites scheduled to receive RCAS equipment after September 30, 1995, RCAS ADP equipment or ADP equipment from a list of RCAS compatible equipment approved by the Chief of the National Guard Bureau or his designee, may be procured and only in the numbers and types allocated by the RCAS program to each site; (B) the requesting organizational element has insufficient ADP equipment to perform administrative functions but not to exceed the number of work stations determined by the RCAS program for that site; (C) replacement equipment will not exceed the minimum required to maintain the reliability of existing capabilities; (D) replacement will be justified on the basis of cost and feasibility of repairs and maintenance of present ADP equipment as compared to the cost of replacement; and (E) the procurement under this policy must be approved by the Chief of the National Guard Bureau or his designee, provided that the procurement is a one for one replacement action of existing equipment. SEC. 8025A. Of the funds made available by this Act in title III, Procurement, $8,000,000, drawn pro rata from each appropriations account in title III, shall be available for incentive payments authorized by section 504 of the Indian Financing Act of 1974, 25 U.S.C. 1544. These payments shall be available only to contractors which have submitted subcontracting plans pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 637(d), and according to regulations which shall be promulgated by the Secretary of Defense within 90 days of the passage of this Act. SEC. 8026. None of the funds in this Act may be available for the purchase by the Department of Defense (and its departments and agencies) of welded shipboard anchor and mooring chain 4 inches in diameter and under unless the anchor and mooring chain are manufactured in the United States from components which are substantially manufactured in the United States: Provided, That for the purpose of this section manufactured will include cutting, heat treating, quality control, testing of chain and welding (including the forging and shot blasting process): Provided further, That for the purpose of this section substantially all of the components of anchor and mooring chain shall be considered to be produced or manufactured in the United States if the aggregate cost of the components produced or manufactured in the United States exceeds the aggregate cost of the components produced or manufactured outside the United States: Provided further, That when adequate domestic supplies are not available to meet Department of Defense requirements on a timely basis, the Secretary of the service responsible for the procurement may waive this restriction on a case-bycase basis by certifying in writing to the Committees on Appropriations that such an acquisition must be made in order to acquire capability for national security purposes. SEC. 8028. None of the funds available to the Department of the Navy may be used to enter into any contract for the overhaul, repair, or maintenance of any naval vessel homeported on the West Coast of the United States which includes charges for interport differential as an evaluation factor for award. SEC. 8038. None of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be available for payments under the Department of Defense contract with the Louisiana State University Medical Center involving the use of cats for Brain Missile Wound Research, and the Department of Defense shall not make payments under such contract from funds obligated prior to the date of the enactment of this Act, except as necessary for costs incurred by the contractor prior to the enactment of this Act: Provided, That funds necessary for the care of animals covered by this contract are allowed. SEC. 8041A. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each contract awarded by the Department of Defense in fiscal year 1995 for construction or service performed in whole or in part in a State which is not contiguous with another State and has an unemployment rate in excess of the national average rate of unemployment as determined by the Secretary of Labor shall include a provision requiring the contractor to employ, for the purpose of performing that portion of the contract in such State that is not contiguous with another State, individuals who are residents of such State and who, in the case of any craft or trade, possess or would be able to acquire promptly the necessary skills: Provided, That the Secretary of Defense may waive the requirements of this section in the interest of national security. SEC. 8043. None of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be available to perform any cost study pursuant to the provisions of OMB Circular A-76 if the study being performed exceeds a period of twenty-four months after initiation of such study with respect to a single function activity or forty-eight months after initiation of such study for a multi-function activity. SEC. 8048.1 (a) Of the funds for the procurement of supplies or services appropriated by this Act, qualified nonprofit agencies for the blind or other severely handicapped shall be afforded the maximum practicable opportunity to participate as subcontractors and suppliers in the performance of contracts let by the Department of Defense. (b) During the current fiscal year, a business concern which has negotiated with a military service or defense agency a subcontracting plan for the participation by small business concerns pursuant to section 8(d) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(d)) shall be given credit toward meeting that subcontracting goal for any purchases made from qualified nonprofit agencies for the blind or other severely handicapped. 1 Section 8048 and similar provisions contained in previous appropriations Acts have been codified into section 2410d of title 10, United States Code, by section 808 of Public Law 102484 (effective October 1, 1993). (c) For the purpose of this section, the phrase "qualified nonprofit agency for the blind or other severely handicapped" means a nonprofit agency for the blind or other severely handicapped that has been approved by the Committee for the Purchase from the Blind and Other Severely Handicapped under the Javits-WagnerO'Day Act (41 U.S.C. 46-48). * SEC. 8050. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation, ships designated T-AGS 63, T-AGS 64 and T-AGS 65 must utilize remanufactured milspec SASS multibeam sonars: Provided, That the Secretary of the Navy may waive this restriction by certifying in writing to the Committees on Appropriations that an alternative acquisition must be made in order to acquire capability for national security purposes. * SEC. 8056. For the purposes of this Act, the term "congressional defense committees" means the Committees on Armed Services, the Committees on Appropriations, and the subcommittees on Defense of the Committee on Appropriations, of the Senate and the House of Representatives. SEC. 8057. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, during the current fiscal year, the Department of Defense may acquire the modification, depot maintenance and repair of aircraft, vehicles and vessels as well as the production of components and other Defenserelated articles, through competition between Department of Defense depot maintenance activities and private firms: Provided, That the Senior Acquisition Executive of the military department or defense agency concerned, with power of delegation, shall certify that successful bids include comparable estimates of all direct and indirect costs for both public and private bids: Provided further, That Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76 shall not apply to competitions conducted under this section. SEC. 8058.2 [41 U.S.C. 10b-2] (a)(1) If the Secretary of Defense, after consultation with the United States Trade Representative, determines that a foreign country which is party to an agreement described in paragraph (2) has violated the terms of the agreement by discriminating against certain types of products produced in the United States that are covered by the agreement, the Secretary of Defense shall rescind the Secretary's blanket waiver of the Buy American Act with respect to such types of products produced in that foreign country. (2) An agreement referred to in paragraph (1) is any reciprocal defense procurement memorandum of understanding, between the United States and a foreign country pursuant to which the Secretary of Defense has prospectively waived the Buy American Act for certain products in that country. (b) The Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress a report on the amount of Department of Defense purchases from foreign entities in fiscal year 1995. Such report shall separately indicate the dollar value of items for which the Buy American Act was 2 A provision similar to section 8058 is contained in section 849(c) of Public Law 103–160, set forth on page 360. |