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care being taken that it does not boil. Wash it thoroly in water and then decolorize by immersing it in a solution of any dilute mineral acid for about a minute. Then make a contrast stain with solution of Loeffler's methylene blue for about a minute; wash it again and examin with oil immersion lens. The tubercle bacilli will appear as thin, red rods, while all other bacteria will appear blue.

6. "Rabies may be diagnosed in an animal by observing the course of the disease, by autopsy and by inoculation of test animals and observation of the course of the disease in them. If the suspected animal be caged, the question of rabies may be settled in a few days, for, if he is mad, the raging stage will be quickly followed by the characteristic paralysis and death. If the animal has been killed, a careful autopsy may reveal the absence of food from the digestiv tract and the presence there of abnormal ingested material (grass, wood or stones), highly suggestiv of rabies. scopic examination of the central nervous system may reveal the Negri bodies, characteristic of the disease. For confirmation of the diagnosis a portion of the brain or spinal cord, removed without contamination, should be injected into the brain of guineapigs and rabbits and the effects observed. This last test carried out by an experienced observer is the most trustworthy of all."-(MacNeal's "Pathogenic Microorganisms.")


7. To demonstrate gonococci: On a cover glass make a smear with the discharge as thin as possible, and let it dry in the air; cover it with a freshly made solution of anilin-oilgentian-violet for one or two minutes; wash it in distilled water; leave it in Gram's solution for two minutes; wash it in 95% alcohol until decolorized; wash it in distilled water; counterstain with a dilute carbolfuchsin without heat, or with a saturated aqueous solution of Bismarck brown; wash in distilled water, dry with filter paper, mount, and examin with an oil-immersion lens. The gonococci will appear as diplococci within the leucocytes, which have been decolorized by Gram's stain, and have taken the counterstain.

8. Infection is the invasion of the body by living pathogenic organisms under conditions suitable to the life and growth of the latter.

9. Five culture media: Agar, blood, milk, potato and gelatin. 10. The characteristics of the bacillus of diphtheria: The bacilli are from 2 to 6 mikrons in length and from 0.2 to 1.0 mikron in breadth; are slightly curved, and often have clubbed and rounded ends; occur either singly or in pairs, or in irregular groups, but do not form chains; they have no flagella, are non-motil, and aerobic; they are noted for their pleomorphism; they do not stain uniformly, but stain well by Gram's method and very beautifully with Loeffler's alkalin-methylene blue.

A steril swab is rubbed over any visible membrane on the tonsils or throat, and is then immediately passed over the surface of the serum in a culture tube. The tube of culture thus inoculated, is placed in an incubator at 37° C. for about twelve hours, when it is ready for examination. A steril platinum wire is inserted into the culture tube, and a number of colonies of a whitish color are removed by it and placed on a clean cover slip and smeared over its surface. The smear is allowed to dry, is passed two or three times thru a flame to fix the bacteria, and is then covered for about five or six minutes with a Loeffler's methylene-blue solution. The cover slip is then rinsed in clean water, dried, and mounted. The bacilli of diphtheria appear as short, thick rods with rounded ends; irregular forms are characteristic of this bacillus, and the staining will appear pronounced in some parts of the bacilli and deficient in other parts.-Medical Record.

(To be continued.)


COLLECTED PAPERS BY THE STAFF OF ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL (MAYO CLINIC) FOR 1913. 819 pages, 335 illustrations. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Co., 1914. Cloth, $5.50 net.

The pages taken up by cancer and ulcer form a feature of great value. The Uro-genital Organs, the Ductless Glands, the Head, Trunk and Extremities, Technic, and General Papers, have much interest for the practising physician. The article on "Anaphylaxis and Asthma" starts new ideas thru the mind of the reader. The use of O'Dwyer's tube in treatment of hysterical hiccup is described, with successful outcome. A discussion upon "Various Anesthetics and Methods"; on "Ether Anesthesia"; and on "Novocain as a Local Anesthetic," has value. A "Simple Instrument for Transfusion" and "A Simple Apparatus for Transfusion by the Aspiration-Injection Method" will interest everyone. Thruout the text, those de

prived of opportunity for frequent visits to great surgical clinics will find records of the newest and best ideas in operativ procedure. No single volume, to our knowledge, gives so much surgical information along modern lines, in so interesting a manner, as does this text; one will read it when he would not think of studying a cut-and-dried work on and he will remember it, too.-A. L. R. surgery,

CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CLINICAL STUDY OF THE SO-CALLED BLOOD DISEASES AND OF ALLIED DISORDERS. By Gordon R. Ward, M.D., Fellow of the Royal 394 Society of Medicin, Medical Society of London, etc. pages, illustrated. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Co., 1914. Cloth, $3.50 net.

The design of the text is to emphasize the importance of clinical study of so-called blood diseases, which are being overshadowed by exclusivly pathologic investigations. It considers the following, by chapters: The Blood-Forming Organs; Method of Making a Blood Examination; Generalized Affections of Blood-Forming Tissues; Chloroma and Myelemia; Hodgkin's Disease and Splenomegaly; Localized Affections of Blood-Forming Tissues; Increast Red Cell Formation; Acute Aplastic Anemia; Atrophic Anemias and other Secondary Anemias; Cholemia; Addisonian Anemia; Hemachromatosis, Hematoporphyrinuria, Hemoglobinuria; Parasitic Diseases of the Circulating Red Cells; Cyanosis; Leucocytosis; Chlorosis; Hemophilia; Purpura; Leukanemia; The Blood in Surgical Diagnosis; Methods of Treatment; The Blood in Various Diseases. Thruout the text lucidity and conciseness are prominent. It is excellently devised for the practical use of general practicians, who must be practical men. The articles on the "Medical Treatment of Hemorrhage,” and on "Administration of Iron" are of markt value.-A. L. R.

THE CLINICS OF JOHN B. MURPHY, M.D., AT MERCY HOSPITAL, CHICAGO. Volume III, Number IV. 254 pages, 65 illustrations. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Co., 1914. Published bi-monthly. Price per year: Paper, $8; Cloth, $12.

It has 44 pages of Surgical and General Diagnosis; Arthroplasty of Hip; Malignant Papillomatous Cyst of the Breast, diagnosis, operation; Paralytic Ileus from Cryptogenic Peritonitis; Old Ununited Colles' Fracture; Left Facial Nerve Paralysis of Congenital Origin; Paralysis of the Right Facial Nerve, Result of a Basal Skull Fracture; Intrauterin Fibroid; Carcinoma of the Rectum with Ulceration, radical excision; Sarcoma of Humerus; Cerebellar Tumor, suboccipital decompression; Congenital Luxation of the Patella, reduction; Recurrent Luxation of Left Patella; Post-Operativ Ventral Hernia following Appendiceal Abscess, Imbrication Operation. The well-known faculty possest by Dr. Murphy of driving the salient points home in an entertaining manner makes the reading of the text easy and instructiv, and the points on diagnosis make the volume of immense value to every practician.-A. L. R.

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k” may be separated from THE WORLD by cutting this and the next leaf on this line.

Thus "Talk" without the medical part may be passed among lay friends, or given to the editor of the local paper to copy fro

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and compensation, agreement for surgical operation, res ipsa loquitur (legal philosophy), civil malpractise, criminal malpractise, false representations, anesthetics; insanity-mental faculties, in criminal law, in civil law; wounds, blood stains, crimes with medical aspects, statutes of limitations, business contracts, work on Sunday, coroners, boards of health, medical services required by law, malingerers, contracts in restraint of professional activity, asexualization and sterilization, vaccination, charitable institutions, inmates of public hospitals, jury service, libel and slander, gifts and legacies. These are all very thoroly and ably considered and the book will furnish the doctor with a working knowledge of the subject and would constitute a splendid post-graduate study.-J. C. R.

EVERY-DAY DISEASES OF CHILDREN AND THEIR RATIONAL TREATMENT. By George H. Candler, M.D. 432 pages, Publisht by The Abbott Press, Chicago, Ill. Price, $1.

This excellent book gives its author's experience in the treatment of diseases of children, not being a compilation from others' writing. The chapter on "Pertinent Points" is well worth the price of the book. The author has produced a splendid work on treatment of these diseases, which will constitute an appreciated reference book on the subject, and be found valuable by the busy physician who wants treatment in brief, concise form without the necessity of reading many pages to get a few paragrafs. It is well indext.-J. C. R.

THE BACKWARD BABY. A Treatise on Idiocy and the Allied Mental Deficiencies in Infancy and Early Childhood. By H. B. Sheffield, M.D., Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicin, etc. Awarded the Alvarenga Prize of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, July 14, 1914. 184 pages, 22 original illustrations. Publisht by Rebman Co., Herald Square Bldg., New York. Price, $1.00.

The aim of the author is to present a practical survey of the etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of the diverse mental deficiencies in children under five years of age. The existing monografs are devoted almost exclusivly to feeblemindedness in children of school age and older. The earlier in life these problems are attackt, the better for the child. The book is a pioneer in this field and ably presents its author's experiences. By its help physicians will be enabled the sooner to recognize mental deficiencies in infancy, distinguishing their earliest manifestations.-J. C. R.

A MANUAL OF BIOLOGIC THERAPEUTICS. Sera, Bacterins, Phylacogens, Tuberculins, Glandular Extracts, Toxins, Cultures, Antigens, etc. 190 pages and illustrations. Publisht by Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich., 1914.

This is a very pretty little manual describing the various bacteriologic products now on the market made by this firm, and gives tuberculin, Wassermann, Bordet-Gengou, and diazo reactions; describes the vaccines and sera, and which to use, and gives a great deal of information on these subjects. In addition it is beautifully illustrated with colored and half-tone pictures. It is sent on request by the publishers.-J. C. R.


Stomach Disorders Requiring Surgical Intervention from the Viewpoint of an Internist. By Chas. D. Aaron, M.D., Sc.D., Detroit, Mich.

A Sign Indicativ of Chronic Appendicitis. By Chas. D. Aaron, Sc.D., M.D., Detroit, Mich. Vital Statistics. A discussion of what they are and their uses in public health administration. By John W. Trask, Asst. Surg. Gen., U. S. P. H. S. Supplement No. 12 to Public Health Reports, Washington, D. C.



How careful an editor must be to weigh every word that he writes-and even then somebody is sure to be displeased. I received only one criticism of December Talk, and here it is:

C. F. TAYLOR; DEAR SIR-THE MEDICAL WORLD for December at hand. I have been a reader for some years, but I shall have to give it up. What you say about Wilson's administration and about not being prepared to take care of ourselves is too, too. Can you mention any nation unarmed that survived against an armed nation? Take the Peruvian Indians or the Mexican Indians. Surely, as Greeley would say, the fools are not all dead yet. I return your bill and don't want your WORLD. Yours, Allendale, N. J. G. H. PARKHURST, M.D.

I cannot put my finger on just the lines that the gentleman objects to, but it must be in the part of the Talk continued on adv. page xxii, perhaps the last several lines of the Talk. So he gets his full measure of medical matter, but throws all that away because some sentence on an advertising page did not suit him! Evidently he has been reading Roosevelt. I am compelled to agree that as long as some nations are warlike, all must be, in their own defense. China, for example, has had to "eat humble pie" because she was not ready to fight. But in the eternal judgment, the brutal nations that have taken advantage of China's military weakness will be condemned.

Admitting all that the gentleman says, is it not high time that civilization should take care of itself by combining against military barbarians by each nation that is sufficiently civilized retiring its own military establishment, and contributing to an international military establishment that will be so strong that the barbarian nations can be effectivly controlled? This is what I had in my mind, and I think all the other readers got my meaning correctly, as there were no further complaints. One subscriber, incidental to sending his renewal, said that the December Monthly Talk was worth the subscription price for an entire year.

And the war goes dramatically and foolishly on! Ignorance pays a terrible price. The interests of every one of the belligerents could be served a hundred fold better by an intelligent international government of which each one would be a part, than by war. Upon all of them, dreadful suffering is imposed by the war. An international government composed of all of them would protect all of them from danger and in innumerable ways it would serve the interests of all. It is a matter of enlightenment. As long as nations are barbarians toward one another, they will fight like barbarians. When they can act in a civilized way toward one another, they will act toward one another as civilized people act toward one another.

Dr. Waugh has evidently heard from some of his German friends. He sends me an article, saying that he does not expect me to publish it, as I wrote him that I could not use any more war matter. I have read the article several times, but I simply cannot return it to the Doctor. It is too good to keep from my readers. His knowledge of history and peoples is wide. I have not seen his broad view exprest anywhere else. I do not think it would be right to keep it from you. I don't see how our German friends can object to it, unless they demand that every expression permitted on this topic shall be emphatically pro-German.

There is nothing anti-German in the article. Here it is:

The World's Hugest Crime.

In times like these, when men's passions are heated to the boiling point, the position of a neutral is not appreciated. Fighting men will not consent to neutrality, or believe in it. If one is not for you, unqualifiedly, he is against you. But in all the warring billion are there not some who keep their heads and can look on things as they are, dispassionately, discriminately, without partisanship?

I am neither German, English, French, Russian, Montenegrin, Austro-Hungarian, Belgian, Japanese or Servian; but simply American, if an unbroken lineage of American ancestry for 200 years make me such. By age and disposition I am judicial and conservativ. I have neither interests nor connections that could sway me to one side or the other. I claim the right to my opinions; and in answer to German critics who object to my previous article, I would suggest that they might more profitably ask themselves why under these conditions I, and the vast body of my countrymen, feel as I do. For after allowing full values for the German greatness of qualities and achievement, the truth is that Germany has not won the confidence or the liking of any country or people beyond her own limits.

Let us look at the matter broadly: For it is evident that each of the contending parties is in deadly fear of the other, and sees safety to herself only in establishing_her own military supremacy over them; as to England, in providing such a naval force as will surely counterpoise the immense military machines of the Continent. Europe's motto is"Do the other man before he can do you."

Survey the field of Europe, and note France, with the subdivision of her arable land pushed to the ultimate possibility, and a population scarcely sustaining its numbers. True, Africa has opened to her an outlet, for her surplusage of men, money and energies; and it may be that a vivifying circulation there may be establisht whereby the home stagnation shall be relieved. To this and to democracy may be attributed the difference between France in the present conflict and the showing she made in 1870.

Comes Germany, whose prolific womb sends forth her yearly swarm of youth, as in Caesar's days; and as pressingly insistent in their need of breathing room. That these should seek new homes is mathematically certain; and so every new land welcomes the German immigrant, every virgin soil is turned by the German plow. But Germany's rulers prefer to keep this surplus under their own control, to add it to their own power. Hence the cry of Germany for more European and colonial space, for expansion under her own flag.

Back of Germany stand the thronging multitudes of the Slavs. Even more prolific than the Teutons, their masses grow yearly more portentous, as a menace to their neighbors. They threaten all their boundaries, not by military tendencies or disposition, but by the sheer force of numbers. Eastward they have


room to expand in Siberia, but the impulse of the Aryan has ever been westward. sides, to the east of the Slav he comes in contact with a race still more innumerable, still more densely packt, still more readily handled in mass, still more formidable-the Mongol. Forty millions of French are prest upon by one hundred millions of Germans, who themselves feel the pressure of two hundred millions of Slavs, over whom impend the coming avalanche of five hundred millions of Chinese.

That Germany should exert pressure toward the south is inevitable; but a German claim for domination must arouse in opposition every particle of red blood in the Latins. Drop this tendency and substitute a peaceful invasion; that three hundred thousand Teutons were domiciled in and about Paris when the war broke out, shows that the infiltration of this people is natural, and would be welcomed were they not distrusted and feared. Remove this sentiment, and the commingling should go on as peacefully as it does here.

Most of the difficulty comes from the assumption that the land owns its inhabitants, instead of the men owning the land. The Germanic residents of Alsace, SchleswigHolstein and Courland, must choose if they shall side with the government under which they live, or with their own people. The same is true of the Italians of the Trentino and other Adriatic districts of the dual empire. If only these peoples were permitted to decide for themselves which government they prefer. Here we have the principle that has made America great-the will of the people as to their government. Our foreign-born citizens find no difficulty in retaining their love and pride in and for their nativ countries, and yet becoming good and loyal citizens of the United States. To their children, the European origin quickly subsides into a tradition.

Europe is characterized by separatism, as America is by fusion. Saxons were transported to Transylvania in the fourteenth century, and their descendants remain Saxons to-day-more Saxon than their cousins of Saxony proper; a separate, alien race, isolated among Magyars, Roumans, Serbs, Tzigany, Slovaks, Slovenians, and other subdivisions of the Slav stock; each of which preserves its identity, as little prone to mix as oil with water. Twenty-three races comprise the dual empire, each struggling among the others; while here they and many others freely unite, and contribute their racial strains to the formation of the coming race that will overtop all its constituents, the future American.


Europe and the world stand in need of the Franco-Latin; and all of art and industry for which he stands. She needs the sea power of England, to police the seas and hold them open for the free commerce of all. needs Germany, powerful in arms, and leading the world in all the lines of human development, a bulwark against the Slav, backt by the power and the sympathy of the south. She needs Russia and her developing masses, easily directed and not aggressiv, as a ram(Continued on page xx.)

Facts Regarding Calcreose

We desire to impress upon physicians the following facts in reference to the use of Calcreose in the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchitis and pneumonia, trusting that those who do not now employ it may be sufficiently impressed with its therapeutic value to give it a thorough and careful test, while those who do employ it may increase its range of usefulness.


Creosote has established value in throat and lung diseases.

Thompson (Text Book of Practical Medicine, page 272) says: "The creosote treatment of tuberculosis is a curious revival, after more than sixty years, of the use of a drug which fell into disfavor after its original trial. It is, on the whole, the most satisfactory drug for tuberculosis. It acts mainly by improving the appetite and digestion, and by checking fermentation in the bowel, thereby neutralizing the effect of much sputum that is swallowed."


The use of creosote has been limited, in comparison with its value, because of difficulty of administration.


Calcreose contains all the valuable properties of creosote and as high as 120 minims of creosote have been administered daily-through Calcreose— without difficulty and without disturbing the stomach in the slightest.


Calcium, according to authorities, plays an important part in tuberculosis medication.

Russell (Medical Record, November 27, 1909, and July 1, 1911) demonstrated that the cardinal factor in the development of tuberculosis is calcium starvation.


Calcreose is a chemical combination of creosote and calcium. It is a reddish-brown granular powder and contains 50% beechwood creosote which has been broken up and recombined with calcium, forming calcium guaiacol, calcium creosol (new chemical products) and the previously known calcium carbolate.

In the process of manufacture 50 pounds of U. S. P. beechwood creosote is used in making 100 pounds of Calcreose.


Calcreose has been, for several years, extensively and successfully employed by physicians in the treatment of throat and lung diseases. It is not

a specific, it is not a cure; reports in which results are negative are received. But on the whole, reports are favorable. For instance:

In the American Journal of Clinical Medicine (September, 1914), Dr. J. M. French says:

"My attention was called to calcium creosote (Calcreose) not very long ago by a medical friend who himself is a victim of tuberculosis, having suffered from repeated hemorrhages, but who still continues to do a good general practice in one of our New England cities. This doctor assured me at that time that he did not think he would still be alive were it not for the benefit which he had derived from the use of calcium creosote (Calcreose). So strongly was I impressed by this remark, coming from a man in whose judgment I had great confidence, that I at once began prescribing it for my own patients; and I have found it of great value."'


The demonstrated facts that the authorities place high value upon creosote and calcium in the treatment of tuberculosis; that creosote itself can only be administered in small doses, while Calcreose— which is a combination of calcium and creosotemay be given in large doses, naturally leads to the conclusion that in Calcreose we have an important addition to materia medica. THE PROOF:

It remains only to prove the value of Calcreose in actual practice and for this purpose we are always ready to supply Calcreose on approval. If it proves useful you will be glad to pay for it; if it does not prove satisfactory you are not expected to pay for it. You are to be sole judge and your verdict is final.

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part against Asia. When China really develops industrially, we are to find that no power of the white race can be spared.

The germ of hope lies in Socialism. The German socialists declared that they would not be led out to murder their brethren of other countries in a war that meant to them nothing desirable. True, they forgot it when the trumpet called; but the day will come when this thought will return-when the early warlike enthusiasm subsides, when taxes climb, and the land swarms with the disabled, when the wail of the widow and the orphan grows loud, and the cry for food insistent, the question of personal interest in the fight must

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Now let us think of ourselves and the coming year. What kind of a year will it be for us? Let us keep our heads and attend to our own business on this side of the Atlantic. At the same time we must not apply ourselves so completely to our own selfish personal interests that public affairs will suffer. The trouble with the nations is that each one is so bent on its own selfish interests that a clash comes that wrecks everything, even human life. That is not wise. Better sufficient attention to international interests to at least keep the international peace, and thus prevent wholesale destruction.

Governments all over the world were rapidly developing toward the better serving of the popular interests, until this dreadful war broke out. Then all government became military, for military purposes. War gives opportunities for corruption, both public and private. A generation in which a great war occurs is blasted in many ways. Recovery in both public and private morality and efficiency is not complete until about twenty or thirty years. Possibly our being three thousand miles away from the actual war may protect us from such contamination. I hope so. And will our cities continue to improve their charters and remove municipal corruption, and will our states continue to inquire, "What's the matter with state governments?" and will national public affairs continue to receive increasing public attention? I hope so.

But now we have an added duty. Being the chief neutral nation, we must be ready to extend our offices for international peace. Not to stop the war only, but to make conditions so that war will not be begun again. The latter is more important that the former. Will 1915 see a restoration of peace? If so, it will be entitled to as much favorable distinction as 1914 has of unfavorable distinction. But it will be only temporary patchwork if an international government is not formed, to relieve the constituent nations of their individual military burden, and to create a collectiv military establishment sufficiently strong to maintain internal peace and protect from external attack. This consummation would make the year 1915 distinguisht indeed.

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Probably no other form of electricity has brought such positiv results during the past year or two as the sinusoidal current. This is being employed successfully in many chronic conditions, such as constipation, splanchnic congestion, enteroptosis, many uterin disorders, prostatic troubles, etc. This can be used to great advantage by the man in general practise and is not a specialist's method. An extremely simple method of obtaining same is offered in the McIntosh Polysine Generator shown on adv. page xiv. An attractiv booklet giving clinical data on the subject, entitled "Sinusoidal Therapy," will be mailed to WORLD readers upon request to the McIntosh Battery and Optical Company, 322 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. Send for your copy to-day.

The country practician labors under a disadvantage in treating eye diseases. Distance and inaccessibility make frequent office treatments impossible; consequently he must rely almost entirely on the patient doing his share successfully in the home. Many remedies which the physician could apply personally with perfect safety are of no service, as their employment cannot be intrusted to inexperienced hands. It is a great satisfaction to have for these cases a remedy like Palpebrine, which may be depended on to relieve inflammation promptly, and yet is absolutely safe. After instruction as to the correct manner of instilling drops into the eye, it is a simple matter for the patient to apply Palpebrine himself, thereby insuring a regularity of treatment not otherwise possible. Palpebrine is employed successfully in all external eye diseases. Its action is antiseptic, palliativ and curativ, relieving inflammation and restoring the conjunctiva to a healthy condition. Try Palpebrine in your next case of conjunctivitis. Samples will be mailed on request by The Dios Chemical Company, St. Louis, Mo.

An announcement is appearing in medical journals over the signature of Parke, Davis & Co., bearing the title, "Fluid Extracts and Tinctures (Continued on page rxii.)

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