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ated reports of the teeth being responsible for all the ills that flesh is heir to; to offset this menace it should be the aim of every component society to bring about a better understanding between the two professions in their districts.

There is another menace confronting us from this hysteria and it is the most serious of all for it comes from within the ranks and this is the tendency on the part of many dentists to capitalize this fear that has such a grip on our patients. I do not believe there ever were so many high class fakirs as at the present. These men are not without skill or judgment, they are without consience. Their motto is "Get the Money." A stricter adherence to that code embraced in three words-The Golden Rule -would be beneficial to us all. The demand for honest dental service is tremendous. We have the confidence of our patients, let us see that this confidence is not betrayed.

In conclusion, I desire to thank the officers, trustees, committeemen and all who have contributed their time, energy and influence during the past year to the upbuilding of this splendid organization. To Dr. Melendy I am indeed grate

ful for accepting the responsibility and work of the Treasurer on the death of our dear colleague, Dr. McFadden, and in behalf of the National Dental Association, and for myself personally, I desire to say that no words can adequately express our appreciation of our Secretary and acting editor Dr. King. Members, but a few of you have the slightest idea of the work this man accomplishes. Like the poet, he was born, not made. Το you, members of the House of Delegates, I offer my thanks for the loyalty you have shown by coming, many of you, clear across the continent, to attend to the business of our association, and to the members of the National Dental Association, I thank you for the great honor you did me by electing me your President for the past year.

I have but one request to make of you, and that is that during the next year you will be boosters for the association. The growth this year is three thousand. Next year it must be greater. I believe that our meeting next year will be the greatest in the history of the Association. Let us adopt the slogan suggested by our Secretary, "20,000 members in 1916." We can get them, if we want them."




Held at San Francisco, California, September 1-2, 1915.


First Session-Wednesday, September 1, 1915.

HE House of Delegates met in Municipal Auditorium, San Francisco, September 1, 1915, at 1:30 P. M., and was called to order by the President, Dr. Donald M. Gallie, of Chicago.

THE SECRETARY called the roll and the delegates who responded were regularly enrolled and entitled to seats in the House of Delegates.

It was moved, seconded and carried that those delegates whose names were called and who were not in attendance at the time, be not marked as present for this session.

THE PRESIDENT announced a quorum present and said the House of Delegates was ready for the transaction of business.

THE PRESIDENT announced the ap pointment of the following Reference Committees:


H. J. Burkhart, Batavia, New York.

T. Sidney, Smith, Palo Alto, California. G. A. Braly, Honolulu, Hawaii.


F. C. Friesell, Pittsburg, Pa.

D. F. Spinney, Brookline, Massachusetts.

F. J. Prow, Bloomington, Indiana.


S. W. Wherry, Ogden, Utah.

Bush Jones, Dallas, Texas.

R. S. Henry,, Chattanooga, Tennessee.


R. H. Volland, Chairman, Iowa City, Iowa.
W. H. G. Logan, Chicago, Illinois.

H. B. Tileston, Louisville, Kentucky.
Wallace Wood, New Orleans, Louisiana.
L. E. Ford, Los Angeles, California.
M. E. Vance, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Wm. A. Giffin, Detroit, Michigan.
Tom Smith, London, North Dakota.
J. L. Howell, Denver, Colorado.


G. T. Williams, Chairman, Seattle, Washington. J. C. Jones, Portland, Oregon.

C. E. Bergson, Leavenworth, Kansas.

President Gallie then delivered his address to the House of Delegates, VicePresident Dotterer occupying the Chair during its delivery.

President's address on page 371.

The address was referred to the Reference Committee on reports of Officers.

THE SECRETARY read a telegram addressed to President Gallie announcing the death of Dr. G. V. Black.

PRESIDENT GALLIE stated that the Association had already sent a message and had ordered a floral contribution, and that suitable resolutions would be adopted later by the Association.

THE SECRETARY read the report of the Judicial Council.


To the House of Delegates of the National Dental Association:

I wish to report as Chairman of The Judicial Council, that we have no unfinished business nor has any new business been presented to this Committee during the year.

J. R. CALLAHAN, Chairman.

IT WAS MOVED that this report be accepted and placed on file.

Seconded and carried.

H. E. FRIESELL, Chairman, Pittsburg, read the report of the Committee on Dental Education, which was referred to the Reference Committee on Dental Education.


To The National Dental Association:

Your Committee on Dental Education is pleased to report that the outlook in dental education is at his time exceptionally promising. The agita

tion that has been felt for the past three or four years has culminated in a definite stand on the part of several national organizations for what is deemed a necessary advance in dental education; namely the extension of the dental course in our colleges to four years.


The Dental Educational Council of America, the National Association of Dental Examiners, the American Institute of Dental Teachers have all strongly urged the adoption of the four course. In January, at its meeting in Ann Arbor, the National Association of Dental Faculties unanimously voted to begin the four year courses in 1917.

The Dental Faculties Association of America Universities, in Philadelphia in February, voted to do the same at as early date as its members found possible.

On June 25th, in response to an invitation from President James of the University of Illinois to the Presidents and Deans of the Universities of California, Harvard, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Northwestern, Ohio State, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and Washington, representatives of those institutions met in Chicago and agreed to begin the four year dental course in 1917, and adopted a curriculum covering approximately 4800 hours.

The State of Pennsylvania in January enacted a law requiring a four year course in dentistry after 1917 in that commonwealth.

The work of the Joint Tabulation Committee

of the National Association of Dental Examiners, and the National Association of Dental Faculties, in keeping cumulative statistics of the State Board Examinations; and the work of the Dental Educational Council in the inspection of dental schools has produced a decided improvement in the work done in the schools; in the character of their output, and in the better observance of the entrance requirements.

One of the duties of this committee, according to the constitution, is to make suggestions whereby the National Dental Association may bring its influence to bear favorably upon the problems of dental education.

In this respect your Committee would recommend that the National Dental Association lend more active financial and moral support to the Educational Council in that body's work in the inspection of dental schools and the establishing of suitable standards by which the dental schools of the country may be classified.

Up to this time the schools themselves have contributed approximately 90 per cent of the cost of this work. The National Dental Association has now assumed such proportions, numerically and financially, as to warrant its taking a much more active part in this important work, to the end that, in a few years, it may be in a position to supervise and to influence dental education in a manner similar to that exerted by the American Medical Association over the medical schools of America.

[blocks in formation]

the President's address last year and approved by the House of Delegates :

A Bill to Increase the Efficiency of the Dental Corps of the United States Army.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled:

Section 1. That for the purpose of securing a reserve corps of dental officers available for military service, the President of the United States is authorized to issue commissions as first lieutenants therein to such graduates of reputable schools of Dentistry, citizens of the United States, as shall from time to time, upon examination to be prescribed by the Secretary of War, be found physically, mentally and morally qualified to hold such commissions, the persons so commissioned to constitute and be known as the Dental Reserve Corps. The commissions so given shall confer upon the holders all the authority, rights and privileges of commissioned officers of the like grade in the Dental Corps of the United States Army, except promotions, but only when called into active duty, as hereinafter provided and during the period of such active duty. Officers of the Dental Reserve Corps shall have rank in said Corps according to date of their commissions therein, and when employed in active duty, as hereinafter provided, shall rank next below all other officers of like grade in the Dental Corps of the United States Army; PROVIDED, That Acting Dental Surgeons now in the military service, who receive the favorable recommendation of the Surgeon General of the Army, shall be eligible for appointment in said Dental Reserve Corps without further examination.

Sec. 2. That in emergencies the Secretary of War may order officers of the Dental Reserve Corps to active duty in the service of the United States in such numbers as the public interests may require, and may relieve them from such duty when their services are no longer necessary: PROVIDED, That nothing in this act shall be construed as authorizing an officer of the Dental Reserve Corps to be ordered upon active duty as herein provided who is unwilling to accept such service, nor prohibit an officer of the Dental Reserve Corps not designed for active duty from service with the militia, or with volunteer troops of the United States, or in the service of the United States in any other capacity, and when so serving officers of the Dental Reserve Corps shall not be subject to call for duty under the terms of this section: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That any officer of the Dental Reserve Corps who is subject to call and who shall be unwilling and refuse to accept such service shall forfeit his commission.

Sec. 3. That officers of the Dental Reserve Corps when called upon active duty in the service of the United States, as provided in section 2 of this act, shall be subject to the laws, regulations and orders for the government of the Regular

Army, and during the period of such service shall be entitled to the pay and allowances of first lieutenants of the Dental Corps with increase for length of service now allowed by law, said increase to be computed only for the time of active duty; PROVIDED, That no officer of the Dental Reserve Corps shall be entitled to retirement or retirement pay, nor shall he be entitled to pension except for physical disability incurred in the line of duty while in active service: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the appointment, in the time of war, of Dental Officers of volunteers in such numbers and with such rank and pay as may be provided by law.

Sec. 4. PROVIDED, That the total number in active service in the Dental Corps and Dental Reserve Corps shall not exceed the proportion of one to one thousand of the authorized strength of the Army including the Hospital Corps and Quartermaster Corps.

Sec. 5. That hereafter the Dental Corps shall consist of a Chief of the Dental Corps, with rank of Colonel, acting under the direction of the Surgeon General, majors, captains and first lieutenants whose rank, pay and allowance shall be the same as that of officers of corresponding grades in the Medical Corps and whose promotion in the Dental Corps shall be governed by the same laws governing promotions in the Medical Corps: PROVIDED, That the number of majors shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the authorized strength of the Dental Corps and that the total number in the Dental Corps shall not exceed the number specified in section 4. PROVIDED, That, the right of officers of the Dental Corps and Dental Reserve Corps to command shall be limited to the Dental Corps and Dental Reserve Corps and to enlisted men detailed therein.

Sec. 6. That appointees to the grade of first lieutenant, Dental Corps, shall not be less than twenty-two nor more than thirty years of age.

Sec. 7. That no person shall receive an appointment as first lieutenant in the Dental Corps unless he shall have served at least a total of three years as contract dental surgeon, acting dental surgeon, or first lieutenant, Dental Reserve Corps, on active duty, and unless he shall have been examined and approved by an army dental Board to consist of one officer of the Medical Corps and not less than two officers of the Dental Corps, and that service heretofore performed as contract dental surgeon or acting dental surgeon shall be considered as commissioned service; PROVIDED FURTHER, That, promotion in the Dental Corps shall be subject to such examination before an army dental board consisting of one officer of the Medical Corps and not less than two officers of the Dental Corps as the Secretary of War may prescribe; PROVIDED FURTHER, That upon the passage of this act and thereafter when a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chief of the Dental

Corps, the President may appoint to such vacancy, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, an officer of the Dental Corps, who shall hold office for a term of four years; PROVIDED, That no officers below the grade of major shall be eligible to appointment as Chief of the Dental Corps except that, until the vacancies in the grade of Major shall have been filled, selection may be made from the fifteen senior officers of the Dental Corps; AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That upon the passage of this act the officers of the Dental Corps now in the military service shall be recommissioned and promoted to the vacancies in the grades to which their service entitles them to be promoted under this act, subject to such examination as the Secretary of War may prescribe; PROVIDED, That no officer of the Dental Corps now in the military service shall be promoted to the grade of major until he shall have served a total of ten years as contract dental surgeon, acting dental surgeon or officer of the Dental Corps.

Sec. 8. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the above provisions relating to the Dental Corps and Dental Reserve Corps be and are hereby repealed.

At this conference it was arranged that Drs. Wheeler, Gifford and your Chairman should go to Washington some time after the holidays, to confer with the government officials. It was also suggested that Dr. Tignor, of the Army Dental Corps, This located at Fortress Monroe, meet with us. meeting was called for January 18th, and we were fortunate in being able to see the Secretary of War, the Surgeon General of the Army and the Surgeon General of the Navy. Our reception and the consideration given the matters we presented indicated that these officials hold The National Dental Association in very high regard. conferred with several congressmen and we agreed that it was not a favorable time to attempt to introduce the bill or have it offered as an amendment to the appropriation bill, which had been suggested and even urged by some.

We also

In going over this bill with Major Noble, of the Surgeon General's office, he expressed his personal opinion as favoring the eliminating of all of section of 2, following "no longer necessary." This is in keeping with the objection offered by Dr. C. R. E. Koch. In this respect, we followed the exact wording of the Medical Reserve Corps Act, but Major Noble stated that he favors eliminating this feature from their law. It would seem that his position is well taken since there is no good reason for commissioning members in either corps and then permitting them to decline to serve in the event that any occasion comes up where their services are required.

A full and detailed report of our Washington trip was made to the President and General Secretary and to the members of the Legislative Committee. under date of January 21st. We sent this out promptly in order that the Board of Trustees, which was to meet at Ann Arbor soon after this,

could give the result of our trip to Washington such consideration as seemed advisable.

However, it was not long until there was a report that some general plan of reorganization of the Army was under consideration and our legislative program was not pushed, but a few weeks ago, the matter was again taken up with the Surgeon General of the Army. A copy of this correspondence is herewith attached to the report.

Another matter of legislation is of considerable importance to our profession, namely, the Harrison Narcotic law, which went into effect March 1st, 1915. Subdivision "a" of section 2, reads as follows:

(a) To the dispensing or distribution of any of the aforesaid drugs to a patient by a physician, dentist or veterinary surgeon registered under this Act in the course of his professional practice only: PROVIDED, That such physician, dentist, or veterinary surgeon shall keep a record of all such drugs dispensed or distributed, showing the amount dispensed or distributed, the date, and the name and address of the patient to whom such drugs are dispensed or distributed, except such as may be dispensed or distributed to a patient upon whom such physician, dentist or veterinary shall personally attend; and such record shall be kept for a period of two years from the date of dispensing or distributing such drugs, subject to inspection, as provided in this Act.

The first instructions were to the effect that dentists were exempt from keeping a detailed record, when personally using these drugs in the office, and this would seem to be in strict conformHowity with the letter and spirit of this Section. ever, a later ruling issued by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, defining personal attendance, The defiwhich completely changes the situation. nition is as follows:

"A physician, dentist or veterinarian must actually be absent from his office and in personal attendance upon a patient in order to come within the exemption of Section 2, paragraph A, of this law."

In the same circular of rulings we find the following:


"DRUGS DISPENSED, Record of.-A physician or dentist who administers minute quantities of drugs coming within the scope of this law in his office may keep a record of the date when stock solution is made, and date the when such stock solution is exhausted without keeping record of the name and address of each patient to whom such drugs are administered. This plan will be allowed, however, only in cases of those physicians and dentists who use minute quantities of these drugs, such as eculists, aurists, and other specialists; but where a physician engaged in a general practice otherwise administers such drugs it will be necessary for him to keep a record of the name and address of the patient, of all drugs dispensed, distributed, or administered in his office, and of such drugs

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