HOUSING ACT OF 1949 THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY, Washington, D. C. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a. m., the Hon. Brent Spence, chairman, presiding. Present: Messrs. Spence, Brown, Patman, Monroney, Hays, Rains, Buchanan, Multer, Deane, Mrs. Woodhouse, Messrs. McKinnon, Addonizio, Dollinger, Mitchell, O'Hara, Wolcott, Gamble, Kunkel, Talle, Kilburn, Cole, Hull, and Nicholson. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will be in order. We will now consider H. R. 4009, a bill to establish a national housing objective and the policy to be followed in the attainment thereof, to provide Federal aid to assist slum-clearance projects and low-rent public housing projects initiated by local agencies, to provide for financial assistance by the Secretary of Agriculture for farm housing, and for other purposes. (The bill referred to is as follows:) [H. R. 4009, 81st Cong., 1st sess.] A BILL To establish a national housing objective and the policy to be followed in the attainment thereof, to provide Federal aid to assist slum-clearance projects and low-rent public housing projects initiated by local agencies, to provide for financial assistance by the Secretary of Agriculture for farm housing, and for other purposes Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Housing Act of 1949." DECLARATION OF NATIONAL HOUSING POLICY SEC. 2. The Congress hereby declares that the general welfare and security of the Nation and the health and living standards of its people require housing production and related community development sufficient to remedy the serious housing shortage, the elimination of substandard and other inadequate housing through the clearance of slums and blighted areas, and the realization as soon as feasible of the goal of a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family, thus contributing to the development and redevelopment of communities and to the advancement of the growth, wealth, and security of the Nation. The Congress further declares that such production is necessary to enable the housing industry to make its full contributions toward an economy of maximum employment, production, and purchasing power. The policy to be followed in attaining the national housing objective hereby established shall be: (1) private enterprise shall be encouraged to serve as large a part of the total need as it can; (2) governmental assistance shall be utilized where feasible to enable private enterprise to serve more of the total need; (3) appropriate local public bodies shall be encouraged and assisted to undertake positive programs of encouraging and assisting the development of well-planned, integrated residential neighborhoods, the development and redevelopment of communities, and the production, at lower costs, of housing of sound standards of design, construction, livability, and size for adequate family life; (4) governmental assistance to eliminate substandard and other inadequate housing through the clearance 1 of slums and blighted areas, to facilitate community development and redevelopment, and to provide adequate housing for urban and rural nonfarm families with incomes so low that they are not being decently housed in new or existing housing shall be extended to those localities which estimate their own needs and demonstrate that these needs are not being met through reliance solely upon private enterprise, and without such aid; and (5) governmental assistance for decent, safe, and sanitary farm dwellings and related facilities shall be extended where the farm owner demonstrates that he lacks sufficient resources to provide such housing on his own account and is unable to secure necessary credit for such housing from other sources on terms and conditions which he could reasonably be expected to fulfill. The Housing and Home Finance Agency and its constituent agencies, and any other departments or agencies of the Federal Government having powers, functions, or duties with respect to housing, shall exercise their powers, functions, and duties under this or any other law, consistently with the national housing policy declared by this Act and in such manner as will facilitate sustained progress in attaining the national housing objective hereby established, and in such manner as will encourage and assist (1) the production of housing of sound standards of design, construction, livability, and size for adequate family life; (2) the reduction of the costs of housing without sacrifice of such sound standards; (3) the use of new designs, materials, techniques, and methods in residential construction, the use of standardized dimensions and methods of assembly of home-building materials and equipment, and the increase of efficiency in residential construction and maintenance; (4) the development of well-planned, integrated, residential neighborhoods and the development and redevelopment of communities; and (5) the stabilzation of the housing industry at a high annual volume of residential construction. TITLE I-SLUM CLEARANCE AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT LOCAL RESPONSIBILITIES SEC. 101. In extending financial assistance under this title, the Administrator shall (a) give consideration to the extent to which appropriate local public bodies have undertaken positive programs (1) for encouraging housing cost reductions through the adoption, improvement, and modernization of building and other local codes and regulations so as to permit the use of appropriate new materials, techniques, and methods in land and residential planning, design, and construction, the increase of efficiency in residential construction, and the elimination of restrictive practices which unnecessarily increase housing costs, and (2) for preventing the spread or recurrence, in such community, of slums and blighted areas through the adoption, improvement, and modernization of local codes and regulations relating to land use and adequate standards of health, sanitation, and safety for dwelling accommodations; and (b) encourage the operations of such local public agencies as are established on a State, or regional (within a State), or unified metropolitan basis or as are established on such other basis as permits such agencies to contribute effectively toward the solution of community development or redevelopment problems on a State, or regional (within a State), or unified metropolitan basis. LOANS SEC. 102. (a) To assist local communities in eliminating their slums and blighted areas and in providing maximum opportunity for the redevelopment of project areas by private enterprise, the Administrator may make temporary and definitive loans to local public agencies for the undertaking of projects for the assembly, clearance, preparation, and sale and lease of land for redevelopment. Such loans (outstanding at any one time) shall be in such amounts not exceeding the expenditures to be made by the local public agency as part of the gross project cost, bear interest at such rate (not less than the applicable going Federal rate), be secured in such manner, and be repaid within such period (not exceeding, in the case of definitive loans, forty years from the date of the bonds evidencing such loans), as may be deemed advisable by the Administrator. (b) In connection with any project on land which is open, or predominantly open, the Administrator may make temporary loans to municipalities or other public bodies for the provision of public buildings or facilities necessary to serve or support the new uses of land in the project area. Such temporary loans shall be in such amounts not exceeding the expenditures to be made for such purpose, bear interest at such rate (not less than the applicable going Federal rate), be secured in such manner, and be repaid within such period (not exceeding ten years from the date of the obligations evidencing such loans), as may be deemed advisable by the Administrator. (c) Loans made pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) hereof may be made subject to the condition that, if at any time or times or for any period or periods during the life of the loan contract the local public agency can obtain loan funds from sources other than the Federal Government at interest rates lower than provided in the loan contract, it may do so with the consent of the Administrator at such times and for such periods without waiving or surrendering any rights to loan funds under the contract for the remainder of the life of such contract and, in any such case, the Administrator is authorized to consent to a pledge by the local public agency of the loan contract, and any or all of its rights thereunder, as security for the repayment of the loan funds so obtained from other sources. (d) The Administrator may make advances of funds to local public agencies for surveys and plans in preparation of projects which may be assisted under this title, and the contracts for such advances of funds may be made upon the condition that such advances of funds shall be repaid, with interest at not less than the applicable going Federal rate, out of any moneys which become available to such agency for the undertaking of the project or projects involved. (e) To obtain funds for loans under this title, the Administrator, on and after July 1, 1949, may, with the approval of the President, issue and have outstanding at any one time notes and obligations for purchase by the Secretary of the Treasury in an amount not to exceed $25,000,000, which limit on such outstanding amount shall be increased by $225,000,000 on July 1, 1950, and by further amounts of $250,000,000 on July 1 in each of the years 1951, 1952, and 1953, respectively: Provided, That (subject to the total authorization of not to exceed $1,000,000,000) such limit, and any such authorized increase therein, may be increased, at any time or times, by not to exceed in any fiscal year an additional $250,000,000 upon a determination by the President, after receiving advice from the Council of Economic Advisers as to the general effect of such increase upon the conditions in the building industry and upon the national economy, that such action is in the public interest. (f) Notes or other obligations issued by the Administrator under this title shall be in such forms and denominations, have such maturities, and be subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Administrator, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. Such notes or other obligations shall bear interest at a rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, taking into consideration the current average rate on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States as of the last day of the month preceding the issuance of such notes or other obligations. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to purchase any notes and other obligations of the Administrator issued under this title and for such purpose is authorized to use as a public debt transaction the proceeds from the sale of any securities issued under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, and the purposes for which securities may be issued under such Act, as amended, are extended to include any purchases of such notes and other obligations. The Secretary of the Treasury may at any time sell any of the notes or other obligations acquired by him under this section. All redemptions, purchases, and sales by the Secretary of the Treasury of such notes or other obligations shall be treated as public debt transactions of the United States. (g) Obligations, including interest thereon, issued by the local public agencies for projects assisted pursuant to this title, and income derived by such agencies from such projects, shall be exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed by the United States. CAPITAL GRANTS SEC. 103. (a) The Administrator may make capital grants to local public agencies to enable such agencies to make land in project areas available for redevelopment at its fair value for the uses specified in the redevelopment plans: Provided, That the Administrator shall not make any contract for capital grant with respect to a project which consists of open unplatted urban or suburban land. The aggregate of such capital grants with respect to all the projects of a local public agency on which contracts for capital grants have been made under this title shall not exceed two-thirds of the aggregate of the net project costs of such projects, and the capital grants with respect to any individual project shall not exceed the difference between the net project cost and the local grantsin-aid actually made with respect to the project. (b) The Administrator, on and after July 1, 1949, may, with the approval of the President, contract to make capital grants, with respect to projects assisted under this title, aggregating not to exceed $100,000,000, which limit shall be increased by further amounts of $100,000,000 on July 1 in each of the years 1950, 1951, 1952, and 1953, respectively: Provided, That (subject to the total authorization of not to exceed $500,000,000) such limit, and any such authorized increase therein, may be increased, at any time or times, by not to exceed in any fiscal year an additional $100,000,000 upon a determination by the President, after receiving advice from the Council of Economic Advisers as to the general effect of such increase upon the conditions in the building industry and upon the national economy, that such action is in the public interest. The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of all capital grants contracted for under this title, and there are hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the amounts necessary to provide for such payments. REQUIREMENTS FOR LOCAL GRANTS-IN-AID SEC. 104. Every contract for capital grant under this title shall require local grants-in-aid in connection with the project involved which, together with the local grants-in-aid to be provided in connection with all other projects of the local public agency on which contracts for capital grants have theretofore been made, will be at least equal to one-third of the aggregate net project costs involved (it being the purpose of this provision and section 103 to limit the aggregate of the capital grants made by the Administrator with respect to all the projects of a local public agency on which contracts for capital grants have been made under this title to an amount not exceeding two-thirds of the difference between the aggregate of the gross project costs of all such projects and the aggregate of the total sales prices and capital values referred to in section 110 (f) of land in such projects). LOCAL DETERMINATIONS SEC. 105. Contracts for financial aid shall be made only with a duly authorized local public agency and shall require that— (a) The redevelopment plan for the project area be approved by the governing body of the locality in which the project is situated, and that such approval include findings by the governing body that (i) the financial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the land in the project area to be redeveloped in accordance with the redevelopment plan; (ii) the redevelopment plans for the redevelopment areas in the locality will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of such areas by private enterprise; and (iii) the redevelopment plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; (b) When land acquired or held by the local public agency in connection with the project is sold or leased, the purchasers or lessees shall be obligated (i) to devote such land to the uses specified in the redevelopment plan for the project area; (ii) to begin the building of their improvements on such land within a reasonable time; and (iii) to comply with such other conditions as the Administrator finds, prior to the execution of the contract for loan or capital grant pursuant to this title, are necessary to carry out the purposes of this title; (c) There be a feasible method for the temporary relocation of families displaced from the project area, and that there are or are being provided, in the project area or in other areas not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities and at rents or prices within the financial means of the families displaced from the project area, decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of and available to such displaced families and reasonably accessible to their places of employment: Provided, That in view of the existing acute housing shortage, each such contract entered into prior to July 1, 1951, shall further provide that there shall be no demolition of residential structures in connection with the project assisted under the contract prior to July 1, 1951, if the local governing body determines that the demolition thereof would reasonably be expected to create undue housing hardship in the locality. GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 106. (a) In the performance of, and with respect to, the functions, powers, and duties vested in him by this title, the Administrator, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, shall— (1) appoint a Director to administer the provisions of this title under the direction and supervision of the Administrator and the basic rate of compensation of such position shall be the same as the basic rate of compensation established for the heads of the constituent agencies of the Housing and Home Finance Agency; (2) prepare annually and submit a budget program as provided for wholly owned Government corporations by the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended; (3) maintain an integral set of accounts which shall be audited annually by the General Accounting Office in accordance with the principles and procedures applicable to commercial transactions as provided by the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended, and no other audit shall be required: Provided, That such financial transactions of the Administrator as the making of advances of funds, loans, or capital grants and vouchers approved by the Administrator in connection with such financial transactions shall be final and conclusive upon all officers of the Government; and (4) make an annual report to the President, for transmission to the Congress, to be submitted as soon as practicable following the close of the year for which such report is made. (b) Funds made available to the Administrator pursuant to the provisions of this title shall be deposited in a checking account or accounts with the Treasurer of the United States. Receipts and assets obtained or held by the Administrator in connection with the performance of his functions under this title shall be available for any of the purposes of this title (except for capital grants pursuant to section 103 hereof), and all funds available for carrying out the functions of the Administrator under this title (including appropriations therefor, which are hereby authorized), shall be available, in such amounts as may from year to year be authorized by the Congress, for the administrative expenses of the Administrator in connection with the performance of such functions. (c) In the performance of, and with respect to, the functions, powers, and duties vested in him by this title, the Administrator, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, may (1) sue and be sued; (2) foreclose on any property or commence any action to protect or enforce any right conferred upon him by any law, contract, or other agreement, and bid for and purchase at any foreclosure or any other sale any project or part thereof in connection with which he has made a loan or capital grant pursuant to this title. In the event of any such acquisition, the Administrator may, notwithstanding any other provision of law relating to the acquisition, handling, or disposal of real property by the United States, complete, administer, dispose of, and otherwise deal with, such project or part thereof: Provided, That any such acquisition of real property shall not deprive any State or political subdivision thereof of its civil jurisdiction in and over such property or impair the civil rights under the State or local laws of the inhabitants on such property; (3) enter into agreements to pay annual sums in lieu of taxes to any State or local taxing authority with respect to any real property so acquired or owned, and such sums shall approximate the taxes which would be paid upon such property to the State or local taxing authority, as the case may be, if such property were not exempt from taxation; (4) sell or exchange at public or private sale, or lease, real or personal property, and sell or exchange any securities or obligations, upon such terms as he may fix; (5) obtain insurance against loss in connection with property and other assets held; (6) subject to the specific limitations in this title, consent to the modification, with respect to rate of interest, time of payment of any installment of principal or interest, security, amount of capital grant, or any other |