PUEBLO, CO Norwest Bank Building 201 West 8th Street Pueblo, CO 81003 (719) 544-3142 FAX (719) 544-6719 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 303 2nd Street Marathon Plaza, Room 141-S San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 512-2270 FAX (415) 512-2276 SEATTLE, WA 915 Second Avenue Room 194, Federal Building Seattle, WA 98174 (206) 553-4270 FAX (206) 553-6717 WASHINGTON, DC U.S. Government Printing Office 710 North Capitol Street, NW Washington, DC 20401 (202) 512-0132 FAX (202) 512-1355 510 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 653-5075 FAX (202) 376-5055 REFERENCE SOURCES The Budget of the United States Government The Budget of the United States Government sets forth the President's comprehensive financial plan and indicates the President's priorities for the Federal government. Information on programs by function, agency, and account, and detailed budget estimates is located in the Budget. Federal programs listed in the Catalog may be identified by the 11-digit budget account identification code listed in the Budget. These codes also appear in the Financial Information section of each Catalog program. A complete explanation of the identification code is provided in Appendix III of the Catalog (the Budget Functional Code Appendix). The Budget may be purchased from the Government Printing Office in the Washington, DC area and the U.S. Government bookstores listed in this Appendix. The Code of Federal Regulations The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by executive departments and agencies of the Federal government. It includes all statutory regulations of Federal agencies, and is divided into 50 titles, which represent broad subject areas of Federal regulations (e.g., Housing and Urban Development, Public Health, Public Welfare, or Transportation). Each title is divided into chapters, which usually bear the name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further subdivided into parts covering specific regulatory areas. The number preceding the CFR citation is the title or volume number. The CFR is kept up-todate by the individual issues of the Federal Register; these two publications must be used together to determine the latest version of any given rule. Individual volumes of the CFR are revised at least once each calendar year and issued on a staggered quarterly basis. The CFR thus serves as a convenient reference for the citizen desiring a comprehensive source for general and permanent Federal regulations. A General index to the entire Code of Federal Regulations, the CFR Index, is revised as of July 1 each year. The numerical Finding Aids, a cumulative list of CFR Sections affected is published monthly and is cumulated for 12 months, keyed to the revision dates of the various CFR volumes. The Code of Federal Regulations is available in Federal depository libraries and most major libraries or Federal bookstores. Individual copies may be purchased from the Government Printing Office. The Federal Register The Federal Register, published daily, is the medium for making available to the public Federal agency regulations and other legal documents of the Executive Branch. These documents cover a wide range of government activities. Here, government requirements are published which involve environmental protection, consumer product safety, food and drug standards, occupational health and safety, and many more areas of concern to the public. The Federal Register includes proposed changes in regulated areas. Each proposed change published carries an invitation for any citizen or group to participate in the consideration of the proposed regulation through the submission of written data, views, or arguments, and sometimes by oral presentations. Through the publication of proposed rules and notices of public meetings, citizens are given the opportunity to be informed about and participate in the workings of their government. The Federal Register is also a vehicle for the announcement of newly authorized and/or funded programs, notifications of funding availability, (NOFAs), program application deadlines, and other important program information. The Federal Register Index is based on a consolidation of entries appearing in the issues of the Federal Register together with broad references. It is published monthly and is cumulative for 12 months. The Federal Register and the Federal Register Index are available in Federal depository libraries and most major libraries or Federal bookstores. Additional Federal Register resources include, the Statistical Abstract of the United States; Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents; The Federal Register: What It Is and How To Use It. All Federal Register publications may be purchased from: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Information Resources for Legislative Research and Inquiry Senate Document Room: (202) 224-7701 House Document Room: (202) 225-3456 Government Printing Office Order Desk: (202) 512-1800 Federal Register Inquiry Desk: (202) 523-5215 The following World Wide Web Sites provide valuable additional information: Senate: http://www.senate.gov/ House of Representatives: http://www.house.gov/ Library of Congress: http://thomas.loc.gov/ Office of Management and Budget: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/ Additional resources available from GPO are: House and Senate Calendars (Monday edition only), How Our Laws Are Made, Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, United States Government Manual, Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications. Stock numbers and prices of these publications can be obtained by calling or writing the GPO. To order or inquire about congressional documents from GPO, call: (202) 512-2465. To order or inquire about any other government publications, call the Order Desk: (202) 512-1800. APPENDIX VI: DEVELOPING AND WRITING GRANT PROPOSALS PART ONE: DEVELOPING A GRANT PROPOSAL Preparation A successful grant proposal is one that is well-prepared, thoughtfully planned, and concisely packaged. The potential applicant should become familiar with all of the pertinent program criteria related to the Catalog program from which assistance is sought. Refer to the information contact person listed in the Catalog program description before developing a proposal to obtain information such as whether funding is available, when applicable deadlines occur, and the process used by the grantor agency for accepting applications. Applicants should remember that the basic requirements, application forms, information and procedures vary with the Federal agency making the grant award. Individuals without prior grant proposal writing experience may find it useful to attend a grantsmanship workshop. A workshop can amplify the basic information presented here. Applicants interested in additional readings on grantsmanship and proposal development should consult the references listed at the end of this section and explore other library resources. INITIAL PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT Developing Ideas for the Proposal When developing an idea for a proposal it is important to determine if the idea has been considered in the applicant's locality or State. A careful check should be made with legislators and area government agencies and related public and private agencies which may currently have grant awards or contracts to do similar work. If a similar program already exists, the applicant may need to reconsider submitting the proposed project, particularly if duplication of effort is perceived. If significant differences or improvements in the proposed project's goals can be clearly established, it may be worthwhile to pursue Federal assistance. Community Support Community support for most proposals is essential. Once proposal summary is developed, look for individuals or groups representing academic, political, professional, and lay organizations which may be willing to support the proposal in writing. The type and caliber of community support is critical in the initial and subsequent review phases. Numerous letters of support can be persuasive to a grantor agency. Do not overlook support from local government agencies and public officials. Letters of endorsement detailing exact areas of project sanction and commitment are often requested as part of a proposal to a Federal agency. Several months may be required to develop letters of endorsement since something of value (e.g., buildings, staff, services) is sometimes negotiated between the parties involved. Many agencies require, in writing, affiliation agreements (a mutual agreement to share services between agencies) and building space commitments prior to either grant approval or award. A useful method of generating community support may be to hold meetings with the top decision makers in the community who would be concerned with the subject matter of the proposal. The forum for discussion may include a query into the merits of the proposal, development of a contract of support for the proposal, to generate data in support of the proposal, or development of a strategy to create proposal support from a large number of community groups. Identification of a Funding Resource A review of the Objectives and Uses and Use Restrictions sections of the Catalog program description can point out which programs might provide funding for an idea. Do not overlook the related programs as potential resources. Both the applicant and the grantor agency should have the same interests, intentions, and needs if a proposal is to be considered an acceptable candidate for funding. Once a potential grantor agency is identified, call the contact telephone number identified in Information Contacts and ask for a grant application kit. Later, get to know some of the grantor agency personnel. Ask for suggestions, criticisms, and advice about the proposed project. In many cases, the more agency personnel know about the proposal, the better the chance of support and of an eventual favorable decision. Sometimes it is useful to send the proposal summary to a specific agency official in a separate cover letter, and ask for review and comment at the earliest possible convenience. Always check with the Federal agency to determine its preference if this approach is under consideration. If the review is unfavorable and differences cannot be resolved, ask the examining agency (official) to suggest another department or agency which may be interested in the proposal. A personal visit to the agency's regional office or headquarters is also important. A visit not only establishes face-to-face contact, but also may bring out some essential details about the proposal or help secure literature and references from the agency's library. Federal agencies are required to report funding information as funds are approved, increased or decreased among projects within a given State depending on the type of required reporting. Also, consider reviewing the Federal Budget for the current and budget fiscal years to determine proposed dollar amounts for particular budget functions. The applicant should carefully study the eligibility requirements for each Federal program under consideration (see the Applicant Eligibility section of the Catalog program description). The applicant may learn that he or she is required to provide services otherwise unintended such as a service to particular client groups, or involvement of specific institutions. It may necessitate the modification of the original concept in order for the project to be eligible for funding. Questions about eligibility should be discussed with the appropriate program officer. Deadlines for submitting applications are often not negotiable. They are usually associated with strict timetables for agency review. Some programs have more than one application deadline during the fiscal year. Applicants should plan proposal development around the established deadlines. Getting Organized to Write the Proposal Throughout the proposal writing stage keep a notebook handy to write down ideas. Periodically, try to connect ideas by reviewing the notebook. Never throw away written ideas during the grant writing stage. Maintain a file labeled "Ideas" or by some other convenient title and review the ideas from time to time. The file should be easily accessible. The gathering of documents such as articles of incorporation, tax exemption certificates, and bylaws should be completed, if possible, before the writing begins. REVIEW Criticism At some point, perhaps after the first or second draft is completed, seek out a neutral third party to review the proposal working draft for continuity, clarity and reasoning. Ask for constructive criticism at this point, rather than wait for the Federal grantor agency to volunteer this information during the review cycle. For example, has the writer made unsupported assumptions or used jargon or excessive language in the proposal? Signature Most proposals are made to institutions rather than individuals. Often signatures of chief administrative officials are required. Check to make sure they are included in the proposal where appropriate. Neatness Proposals should be typed, collated, copied, and packaged correctly and neatly (according to agency instructions, if any). Each package should be inspected to ensure uniformity from cover to cover. Binding may require either clamps or hard covers. Check with the Federal agency to determine its preference. A neat, organized, and attractive proposal package can leave a positive impression with the reader about the proposal contents. Mailing A cover letter should always accompany a proposal. Standard U.S. Postal Service requirements apply unless otherwise indicated by the Federal agency. Make sure there is enough time for the proposals to reach their destinations. Otherwise, special arrangements may be necessary. Always coordinate such arrangements with the Federal grantor agency project office (the agency which will ultimately have the responsibility for the project), the grant office (the agency which will coordinate the grant review), and the contract office (the agency responsible for disbursement and grant award notices), if necessary. PART TWO: WRITING THE GRANT PROPOSAL The Basic Components of a Proposal There are eight basic components to creating a solid proposal package: (1) the proposal summary; (2) introduction of organization; (3) the problem statement (or needs assessment); (4) project objectives; (5) project methods or design; (6) project evaluation; (7) future funding; and (8) the project budget. The following will provide an overview of these components. The Proposal Summary: Outline of Project Goals The proposal summary outlines the proposed project and should appear at the beginning of the proposal. It could be in the form of a cover letter or a separate page, but should definitely be brief --no longer than two or three paragraphs. The summary would be most useful if it were prepared after the proposal has been developed in order to encompass all the key summary points necessary to communicate the objectives of the project. It is this document that becomes the cornerstone of your proposal, and the initial impression it gives will be critical to the success of your venture. In many cases, the summary will be the first part of the proposal package seen by agency officials and very possibly could be the only part of the package that is carefully reviewed before the decision is made to consider the project any further. The applicant must select a fundable project which can be supported in view of the local need. Alternatives, in the absence of Federal support, should be pointed out. The influence of the project both during and after the project period should be explained. The consequences of the project as a result of funding should be highlighted. Introduction: Presenting a Credible Applicant or Organization The applicant should gather data about its organization from all available sources. Most proposals require a description of an applicant's organization to describe its past and present operations. Some features to consider are: • A brief biography of board members and key staff members. • The organization's goals, philosophy, track record with other grantors, and any success stories. The data should be relevant to the goals of the Federal grantor agency and should establish the applicant's credibility. The Problem Statement: Stating the Purpose at Hand The problem statement (or needs assessment) is a key element of a proposal that makes a clear, concise, and well-supported statement of the problem to be addressed. The best way to collect information about the problem is to conduct and document both a formal and informal needs assessment for a program in the target or service area. The information provided should be both factual and directly related to the problem addressed by the proposal. Areas to document are: The purpose for developing the proposal. • The beneficiaries -- who are they and how will they benefit. • The social and economic costs to be affected. The nature of the problem (provide as much hard evidence as possible). • How the applicant organization came to realize the problem exists, and what is currently being done about the problem. • The remaining alternatives available when funding has been exhausted. Explain what will happen to the project and the impending implications. • Most importantly, the specific manner through which problems might be solved. Review the resources needed, considering how they will be used and to what end. There is a considerable body of literature on the exact assessment techniques to be used. Any local, regional, or State government planning office, or local university offering course work in planning and evaluation techniques should be able to provide excellent background references. Types of data that may be collected include: historical, geographic, quantitative, factual, statistical, and philosophical information, as well as studies completed by colleges, and literature searches from public or university libraries. Local colleges or universities which have a department or section related to the proposal topic may help determine if there is interest in developing a student or faculty project to conduct a needs assessment. It may be helpful to include examples of the findings for highlighting in the proposal. Project Objectives: Goals and Desired Outcome Program objectives refer to specific activities in a proposal. It is necessary to identify all objectives related to the goals to be reached, and the methods to be employed to achieve the stated objectives. Consider quantities or things measurable and refer to a problem statement and the outcome of proposed activities when developing a well-stated objective. The figures used should be verifiable. Remember, if the proposal is funded, the stated objectives will probably be used to evaluate program progress, so be realistic. There is literature available to help identify and write program objectives. Program Methods and Program Design: A Plan of Action The program design refers to how the project is expected to work and solve the stated problem. Sketch out the following: The activities to occur along with the related resources and staff needed to operate the project (inputs). • A flow chart of the organizational features of the project. Describe how the parts interrelate, where personnel will be needed, and what they are expected to do. Identify the kinds of facilities, transportation, and support services required (throughputs). • Explain what will be achieved through 1 and 2 above (outputs); i.e., plan for measurable results. Project staff may be required to produce evidence of program performance through an examination of stated objectives during either a site visit by the Federal grantor agency and or grant reviews which may involve peer review committees. • It may be useful to devise a diagram of the program design. For example, draw a three column block. Each column is headed by one of the parts (inputs, throughputs and outputs), and on the left (next to the first column) specific program features should be identified (i.e., implementation, staffing, procurement, and systems development). In the grid, specify something about the program design, for example, assume the first column is labeled inputs and the first row is labeled staff. On the grid one might specify under inputs five nurses to operate a child care unit. The throughput might be to maintain charts, counsel the children, and set up a daily routine; outputs might be to discharge 25 healthy children per week. This type of procedure will help to conceptualize both the scope and detail of the project. • Wherever possible, justify in the narrative the course of action taken. The most economical method should be used that does not compromise or sacrifice project quality. The financial expenses associated with performance of the project will later become points of negotiation with the Federal program staff. If everything is not carefully justified in writing in the proposal, after negotiation with the Federal grantor agencies, the approved project may resemble less of the original concept. Carefully consider the pressures of the proposed implementation, that is, the time and money needed to acquire each part of the plan. A Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) chart could be useful and supportive in justifying some proposals. • Highlight the innovative features of the proposal which could be considered distinct from other proposals under consideration. • Whenever possible, use appendices to provide details, supplementary data, references, and information requiring in-depth analysis. These types of data, although supportive of the proposal, if included in the body of the design, could detract from its readability. Appendices provide the proposal reader with immediate access to details if and when clarification of an idea, sequence or conclusion is required. Time tables, work plans, schedules, activities, methodologies, legal papers, personal vitae, letters of support, and endorsements are examples of appendices. Evaluation: Product and Process Analysis The evaluation component is two-fold: (1) product evaluation; and (2) process evaluation. Product evaluation addresses results that can be attributed to the project, as well as the extent to which the project has satisfied its desired objectives. Process evaluation addresses how the project was conducted, in terms of consistency with the stated plan of action and the effectiveness of the various activities within the plan. Most Federal agencies now require some form of program evaluation among grantees. The requirements of the proposed project should be explored carefully. Evaluations may be conducted by an internal staff member, an evaluation firm or both. The applicant should state the amount of time needed to evaluate, how the feedback will be distributed among the proposed staff, and a schedule for review and comment for this type of communication. Evaluation designs may start at the beginning, middle or end of a project, but the applicant should specify a start-up time. It is practical to submit an evaluation design at the start of a project for two reasons: • Convincing evaluations require the collection of appropriate data before and during program operations; and, • If the evaluation design cannot be prepared at the outset then a critical review of the program design may be advisable. Even if the evaluation design has to be revised as the project progresses, it is much easier and cheaper to modify a good design. If the problem is not well defined and carefully analyzed for cause and effect relationships then a good evaluation design may be difficult to achieve. Sometimes a pilot study is needed to begin the identification of facts and relationships. Often a thorough literature search may be sufficient. Evaluation requires both coordination and agreement among program decision makers (if known). Above all, the Federal grantor agency's requirements should be highlighted in the evaluation design. Also, Federal grantor agencies may require specific evaluation techniques such as designated data formats (an existing information collection system) or they may offer financial inducements for voluntary participation in a national evaluation study. The applicant should ask specifically about these points. Also, consult the Criteria For Selecting Proposals section of the Catalog program description to determine the exact evaluation methods to be required for the program if funded. Future Funding: Long-Term Project Planning Describe a plan for continuation beyond the grant period, and/or the availability of other resources necessary to implement the grant. Discuss maintenance and future program funding if program is for construction activity. Account for other needed expenditures if program includes purchase of equipment. The Proposal Budget: Planning the Budget Funding levels in Federal assistance programs change yearly. It is useful to review the appropriations over the past several years to try to project future funding levels (see Financial Information section of the Catalog program description). However, it is safer to never anticipate that the income from the grant will be the sole support for the project. This consideration should be given to the overall budget requirements, and in particular, to budget line items most subject to inflationary pressures. Restraint is important in determining inflationary cost projections (avoid padding budget line items), but attempt to anticipate possible future increases. Some vulnerable budget areas are: utilities, rental of buildings and equipment, salary increases, food, telephones, insurance, and transportation. Budget adjustments are sometimes made after the grant award, but this can be a lengthy process. Be certain that implementation, continuation and phase-down costs can be met. Consider costs associated with leases, evaluation systems, hard/soft match requirements, audits, development, implementation and maintenance of information and accounting systems, and other long-term financial commitments. A well-prepared budget justifies all expenses and is consistent with the proposal narrative. Some areas in need of an evaluation for consistency are: (1) the salaries in the proposal in relation to those of the applicant organization should be similar; (2) if new staff persons are being hired, additional space and equipment should be considered, as necessary; (3) if the budget calls for an equipment purchase, it should be the type allowed by the grantor agency; (4) if additional space is rented, the increase in insurance should be supported; (5) if an indirect cost rate applies to the proposal, the division between direct and indirect costs should not be in conflict, and the aggregate budget totals should refer directly to the approved formula; and (6) if matching costs are required, the contributions to the matching fund should be taken out of the budget unless otherwise specified in the application instructions. It is very important to become familiar with Government-wide circular requirements. The Catalog identifies in the program description section (as information is provided from the agencies) the particular circulars applicable to a Federal program, and summarizes coordination of Executive Order 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Programs" requirements in Appendix I. The applicant should thoroughly review the appropriate circulars since they are essential in determining items such as cost principles and conforming with Government guidelines for Federal domestic assistance. GUIDELINES AND LITERATURE United States Government Manual OMB Circular Nos. A-87, A-102, A-110, and A-133, and Executive Order 12372: Publications Office Office of Administration Room 2200, 725 Seventeenth Street, NW. Washington, DC 20503 Government Printing Office (GPO) Resources The government documents identified above as available from the GPO can be requested (supply the necessary identifying information) by writing to: Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 Regional and Federal Depository Libraries Regional libraries can arrange for copies of Government documents through an interlibrary loan. All Federal Depository Libraries will receive copies of the Catalog directly. A list of depository and regional libraries is available by writing: Chief, Library Division, Superintendent of Documents, Stop SLL, Washington, DC 20402. Appendix VII: Historical Profile of Catalog Programs The following list shows all programs printed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance beginning with the 1965 edition and the subsequent action taken related to that program. For the years 1965, 1967, and 1969 the programs did not have numbers. They were identified only by their titles. Therefore, the first part of each agency listing shows programs by their title if they were in existence before 1970. The program numbering system was instituted in 1970. The first line shows the number and title of the program when it was added to the Catalog. The second and subsequent lines show the year the program was added and any additional transactions, e.g., title changes, transfers, deletes, consolidations, agency reorganizations, number changes, etc., that may have followed. The alphabet B or U that follows a given year, indicates the transaction was made either in the basic (B) or the update (U) publication of the Catalog. In some instances, there is also a Ul and U2 behind the year. The U1 and U2 are the first and second updates respectively, published that year. |