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(3) Availability of relevant environmental studies and environmental information;

(4) Need for, appropriate level and scope of any environmental studies or information which the Commission may require to be submitted in connection with an application or petition for rulemaking;

(5) Public meetings with NRC staff.

(c) Questions concerning environmental matters should be addressed to the following NRC staff offices as appropriate:

(1) Utilization facilities: Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Telephone: (301) 492-1270.

(2) Production facilities: Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Telephone: (301) 492-3352.

(3) Materials licenses: Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Telephone: (301) 492-3352.

(4) Rulemaking: Director, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Telephone: (301) 4923700.

(5) General Environmental Matters: Executive Director for Operations, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Telephone: (301) 492-1700.

[49 FR 9381, Mar. 12, 1984, as amended at 53 FR 13399, Apr. 25, 1988]

$51.41 Requirement to submit environmental information.

The Commission may require an applicant for a permit, license, or other form of permission, or amendment to or renewal of a permit, license or other form of permission, or a petitioner for rulemaking to submit such information to the Commission as may be useful in aiding the Commission in complying with section 102(2) of NEPA. The Commission will independently evaluate and be responsible for the reliability of any information which it uses.


$51.45 Environmental report.

(a) General. As required by §§51.50, 51.53, 51.54, 51.60, 51.61, 51.62 or §51.68, as appropriate, each applicant or petitioner for rulemaking shall submit with its application or petition for rulemaking one signed original of a separate document entitled "Applicant's" or "Petitioner's Environmental Report," as appropriate, and the number of copies specified in §§ 51.55, 51.66 or §51.69. An applicant or petitioner for rulemaking may submit a supplement to an environmental report at any time.

(b) Environmental considerations. The environmental report shall contain a description of the proposed action, a statement of its purposes, a description of the environment affected, and discuss the following considerations:

(1) The impact of the proposed action on the environment. Impacts shall be discussed in proportion to their significance;

(2) Any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented;

(3) Alternatives to the proposed action. The discussion of alternatives shall be sufficiently complete to aid the Commission in developing and exploring, pursuant to section 102(2)(E) of NEPA, "appropriate alternatives to recommended courses of action in any proposal which involves unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources." To the extent practicable, the environmental impacts of the proposal and the alternatives should be presented in comparative form;

(4) The relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity; and

(5) Any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented.

(c) Analysis. The environmental report shall include an analysis which considers and balances the environmental effects of the proposed action and the alternatives available for reducing or avoiding adverse environ

mental effects, as well as the environmental, economic, technical and other benefits of the proposed action. The analysis shall, to the fullest extent practicable, quantify the various factors considered. To the extent that there are important qualitative considerations or factors that cannot be quantified, those considerations or factors shall be discussed in qualitative terms. The environmental report should contain sufficient data to aid the Commission in its development of an independent analysis.

(d) Status of compliance. The environmental report shall list all Federal permits, licenses, approvals and other entitlements which must be obtained in connection with the proposed action and shall describe the status of compliance with these requirements. The environmental report shall also include a discussion of the status of compliance with applicable environmental quality standards and requirements including, but not limited to, applicable zoning and land-use regulations, and thermal and other water pollution limitations or requirements which have been imposed by Federal, State, regional, and local agencies having responsibility for environmental protection. The discussion of alternatives in the report shall include a discussion of whether the alternatives will comply with such applicable environmental quality standards and requirements.

(e) Adverse information. The information submitted pursuant to paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section should not be confined to information supporting the proposed action but should also include adverse information.


$51.50 Environmental report-construction permit stage.

Each applicant for a permit to construct a production or utilization facil

ity covered by §51.20 shall submit with its application the number of copies, as specified in §51.55, of a separate document, entitled "Applicant's Environmental Report-Construction Permit Stage," which shall contain the information specified in §§ 51.45, 51.51 and 51.52. Each environmental report shall identify procedures for reporting and keeping records of environmental data, and any conditions and monitoring requirements for protecting the nonaquatic environment, proposed for possible inclusion in the license as environmental conditions in accordance with §50.36b of this chapter.

$51.51 Uranium fuel cycle environmental data-Table S-3.

(a) Every environmental report prepared for the construction permit stage of a light-water-cooled nuclear power reactor, and submitted on or after September 4, 1979, shall take Table S-3, Table of Uranium Fuel Cycle Environmental Data, as the basis for evaluating the contribution of the environmental effects of uranium mining and milling, the production of uranium hexafluoride, isotopic enrichment, fuel fabrication, reprocessing of irradiated fuel, transportation of radioactive materials and management of low level wastes and high level wastes related to uranium fuel cycle activities to the environmental costs of licensing the nuclear power reactor. Table S-3 shall be included in the environmental report and may be supplemented by a discussion of the environmental significance of the data set forth in the table as weighed in the analysis for the proposed facility.

(b) Table S-3.

TABLE S-3-TABLE OF URANIUM FUEL CYCLE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA1 [Normalized to model LWR annual fuel requirement [WASH-1248] or reference reactor year [NUREG-0116]] [See footnotes at end of this table]

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[Normalized to model LWR annual fuel requirement [WASH-1248] or reference reactor year (NUREG-0116]]
[See footnotes at end of this table]

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[Normalized to model LWR annual fuel requirement [WASH-1248] or reference reactor year [NUREG-0116]]
[See footnotes at end of this table]

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1 In some cases where no entry appears it is clear from the background documents that the matter was addressed and that, in effect, the Table should be read as if a specific zero entry had been made. However, there are other areas that are not addressed at all in the Table. Table S-3 does not include health effects from the effluents described in the Table, or estimates of releases of Radon-222 from the uranium fuel cycle or estimates of Technetium-99 released from waste management or reprocessing activities. These issues may be the subject of litigation in the individual licensing proceedings.

Data supporting this table are given in the "Environmental Survey of the Uranium Fuel Cycle," WASH-1248, April 1974; the "Environmental Survey of the Reprocessing and Waste Management Portion of the LWR Fuel Cycle," NUREG-0116 (Supp.1 to WASH-1248); the "Public Comments and Task Force Responses Regarding the Environmental Survey of the Reprocessing and Waste Management Portions of the LWR Fuel Cycle," NÜREG-0216 (Supp. 2 to WASH-1248); and in the record of the final rulemaking pertaining to Uranium Fuel Cycle Impacts from Spent Fuel Reprocessing and Radioactive Waste Management, Docket RM-50-3. The contributions from reprocessing, waste management and transportation of wastes are maximized for either of the two fuel cycles (uranium only and no recycle). The contribution from transportation excludes transportation of cold fuel to a reactor and of irradiated fuel and radioactive wastes from a reactor which are considered in Table S 4 of §51.20(g). The contributions from the other steps of the fuel cycle are given in columns A-E of Table S-3A of WASH-1248.

2 The contributions to temporarily committed land from reprocessing are not prorated over 30 years, since the complete temporary impact accrues regardless of whether the plant services one reactor for one year or 57 reactors for 30 years. 3 Estimated effluents based upon combustion of equivalent coal for power generation.

41.2 percent from natural gas use and process.

[49 FR 9381, Mar. 12, 1984; 49 FR 10922, Mar. 23, 1984]

§ 51.52 Environmental

effects of transportation of fuel and wasteTable S-4.

Every environmental report prepared for the construction permit stage of a light-water-cooled nuclear power reactor, and submitted after February 4, 1975, shall contain a statement concerning transportation of fuel and radioactive wastes to and from the reactor. That statement shall indicate that the reactor and this transportation either meet all of the conditions in paragraph (a) of this section or all of the conditions in paragraph (b) of this section.

(a)(1) The reactor has a core thermal power level not exceeding 3,800 megawatts;

(2) The reactor fuel is in the form of sintered uranium dioxide pellets having a uranium-235 enrichment not exceeding 4% by weight, and the pellets are encapsulated in zircaloy rods;

(3) The average level of irradiation of the irradiated fuel from the reactor does not exceed 33,000 megawatt-days per metric ton, and no irradiated fuel assembly is shipped until at least 90 days after it is discharged from the reactor;

(4) With the exception of irradiated fuel, all radioactive waste shipped from the reactor is packaged and in a solid form;

(5) Unirradiated fuel is shipped to the reactor by truck; irradiated fuel is shipped from the reactor by truck, rail, or barge; and radioactive waste other than irradiated fuel is shipped from the reactor by truck or rail; and

(6) The environmental impacts of transportation of fuel and waste to and from the reactor, with respect to normal conditions of transport and possible accidents in transport, are as set forth in Summary Table S-4 in paragraph (c) of this section; and the values in the table represent the contribution of the transportation to the environmental costs of licensing the reactor.

(b) For reactors not meeting the conditions of paragraph (a) of this section, the statement shall contain a full description and detailed analysis of the environmental effects of transportation of fuel and wastes to and from the reactor, including values for the environmental impact under normal

conditions of transport and for the environmental risk from accidents in transport. The statement shall indicate that the values determined by the analysis represent the contribution of such effects to the environmental costs of licensing the reactor.



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'Data supporting this table are given in the Commission's "Environmental Survey of Transportation of Radioactive Materials to and from Nuclear Power Plants," WASH-1238, December 1972, and Supp. 1 NUREG-75/038 April 1975. Both documents are available for inspection and copying at the Commission's Public Document Room, 2120 L Street NW., Washington, DC and may be obtained from National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. WASH-1238 is available from NTIS at a cost of $5.45 (microfiche, $2.25) and NUREG-75/038 is available at a cost of $3.25 (microfiche, $2.25).

2 The Federal Radiation Council has recommended that the radiation doses from all sources of radiation other than natural background and medical exposures should be limited to 5,000 millirem per year for individuals as a result of occupational exposure and should be limited to 500 millirem per year for individuals in the general population. The dose to individuals due to average natural background radiation is about 130 millirem per year.

Man-rem is an expression for the summation of whole body doses to individuals in a group. Thus, if each member of a population group of 1,000 people were to receive a dose of 0.001 rem (1 millirem), or if 2 people were to receive a dose of 0.5 rem (500 millirem) each, the total man-rem dose in each case would be 1 man-rem.

*Athough the environmental risk of radiological effects stemming from transportation accidents is currently incapable of being numerically quantified, the risk remains small regardless of whether it is being appiled to a single reactor or a multireactor site.

[49 FR 9381, Mar. 12, 1984; 49 FR 10922, Mar. 23, 1984, as amended at 53 FR 43420, Oct. 27, 1988]

$51.53 Supplement to environmental report.

(a) Operating license stage. Each applicant for a license or for renewal of a license to operate a production or utilization facility covered by §51.20 shall submit with its application the number of copies, as specified in §51.55, of a separate document, entitled "Supplement to Applicant's Environmental ReportOperating License Stage," which will update "Applicant's Environmental Report Construction Permit Stage."

Unless the applicant requests the renewal of an operating license or unless otherwise required by the Commission, the applicant for an operating license for a nuclear power reactor shall submit this report only in connection with the first licensing action authorizing full power operation. In this report, the applicant shall discuss the same matters described in §§ 51.45, 51.51 and 51.52, but only to the extent that they differ from those discussed or reflect new information in addition to that discussed in the final environmental impact statement prepared by the Commission

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