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to fight a legal battle. It was indispensable, as in war, that one man should be in supreme command, able to choose his own helpers and subordinates, and to command the entire resources of the Association for instant action whenever necessary. So far as appears, there was no other man in the dental profession who had the ability, and the willingness to make the personal sacrifices necessary to accomplish what he did. The value of his services to the profession can never be known, that it amounted to millions of dollars there is no room to doubt.

Dr. Crouse always took an active interest in the welfare and progress of his profession and for many years he was a familiar figure to all who attended dental society meetings anywhere. He was one of the charter members of the Illinois State Dental Society, and for some time before his death he was the only surviving charter member who had maintained his membership continuously. He was active in the administrative affairs of the three principal societies to which he belonged-the Chicago Dental Society, the Illinois State Dental Sɔciety, and the American Dental Association. He was president of each of them.

The last important service to the Dental Protective Association was the arrangement with Dr. Taggart by which the members of the Association received licenses under his patents for a trifling sum. In this he had the active assist ance of the other directors, Dr. C. N. Johnson and Dr. J. P. Buckley, and without all three of them the plan would probably have failed.

Dr. Crouse did not receive in his lifetime the honor and appreciation from his profession that his great services deserved, and which will undoubtedly be accorded to him in the future. He will have a place among the great benefactors of the dental profession.



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Fadden was demonstrator of mechanical dentistry in the dental school of the University of Pennsylvania. He held membership in the National Dental Association, of which he was treasurer from 1911 until the time of his death; he was also a member of the Pennsylvania State Dental Society and its second vice-president, a member of the Academy of Stomatology of Philadelphia, the Odontographic Society of West Philadelphia, the First District Dental Society of the State of New York, and the Dental Alumni Society of the University of Pennsylvania. He was a member of the University of Pennsylvania Club of New York City, and various other social, Masonic, and professional organizations."

of the



Entered as second class matter, November 22, 1913,

at the Post Office at Huntington, Indiana,

under the Act of August 24, 1912. Published Quarterly.

All contributions and correspondence should be addrest to the General Secretary,

Huntington, Indiana.

Subscription to The Journal of the National Dental Association included in the annual dues. Subscription Price, for 1915, to non-members, living in all parts of United States, Hawaiian Islands, the Philippines, Guam, Porto Rico, Cuba, Canal Zone and Mexico, $1.00. Canada, $1.10. To other foreign countries, $1.40.

The editor and publishers are not responsible for the views of authors exprest in these pages.

VOL. 2

MAY, 1915


No. 2

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of the body, which means that a majority of those grave diseases which occur secondary to such foci may be prevented, or in many cases cured, by the elimination of the mouth suppurations. Herein lies the opportunity of which Dr. Black speaks.

. To take advantage of this opportunity the dentist must be prepared to make an examination which will lead to proper diagnosis. While it so happens that practically all chronic suppurations involving the dental tissues destroy more or less bone, it does not follow that radiographs alone are sufficient to a diagnosis. As a

rule, a thoro clinical examination should be made first, this should be supplemented by radiographs, and in many cases a second examination should be made with the radiographs before the operator.

Ability to make a proper diagnosis must be based on a good knowledge of the anatomical relations of the various tissues, and the pathological changes by which they may be involved. To this must be added experience in observation, in the technique of mouth examinations, and in the interpretation of radiographs. When a correct diagnosis has been reached, the possibilities of repair must be known if rational treatment is to be employed.

The members of the dental profession are being called upon to decide these questions. The future health of many people and the reputation of the dental profession are at stake. Teeth which are a menace to health should be properly treated or extracted; teeth which are not should be saved. Extraction should not be employed to cover ignorance.

An imperfect root canal filling is not necessarily a menace to health; a perfect root canal filling is not a guarantee of safety. An apparently good root filling, as shown by a radiograph, may be a very imperfect root filling-it may reach to the end of the root without filling the canal.

The radiograph is the most important aid in the diagnosis of chronic mouth foci which has come to the dental profession in many years. However, the development of skill in the exploration of

sinuses, and of pockets about the teeth, the acquirement of the finest sense of touch, and of keen observation, all stimulated by the habit of carefully recording the findings in each case, will serve to place the radiograph where it belongs, as a very important aid in diagnosis.


The Journal has adopted the system of spelling recommended by the "Simplified Spelling Board",

and on page 177 will be found a list of these words, which we publish for the guidance and use in preparation of all copy for publication in The Journal. Of the 300 words in this list, 153 had been recommended and used in the Government Printing Office for some time previous to September 4, 1906, when this list was adopted.

"It will be seen that of the three hundred simple forms included in the list, more than one-half are preferred by Webster's Dictionary, more than six-tenths are preferred by the Century, and two-thirds are preferred by the Standard: while nearly all the rest, except some of the inflected forms (which are often ignored), are allowed by all three dictionaries as alternative spellings, in many cases held equal in authority or superior in etymological accuracy to the form nominally preferred. The result is, in short, that nearly the whole list has the sanction of all the dictionaries current in the United States, either as preferred or alternative spellings."

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The next meeting of the Iowa State Board of Dental Examiners for the examination of candidates for licenses will he held at Iowa City, Iowa, commencing Monday, June 7th, at 9 A. M. For application blanks and so forth, address the secretary.

417 Utica Bldg.,
Des Moines, Iowa.


The next meeting of the State Board of Dental Examiners will be held in Jefferson City, June 7th, 8th and 9th. All applications must be accompanied by a diploma from a reputable college, and a certificate of Entrance to the dental college; the certificate to show 15 units of credit. All applications must be filed with the secretary five days previous to the examination.

For further information address,
DR. GEORGE E. HAIGH, Secretary,
Jefferson City, Mo.


The forty-fifth annual convention of the New Jersey State Dental Society will be held at Asbury Park, New Jersey, July 21st, 22d, 23d and 24th, 1915, with headquarters at the Coleman House. The exhibits and clinics will be held at the Casino on the beach just across the ocean drive from the Coleman House. This glass-enclosed pavillion is over the ocean, and is an ideal place for this part of the convention. Practically every exhibitor of the 1914 convention signified his intention of returning to the 1915 gathering. The chairman of this committee, Dr. Chauncey F. Egel, of Westfield, has already arranged with other manu

facturers for an exhibit, and is planning for a larger display than ever before.

Dr. W. W. Hodges, of Perth Amboy, Chairman of the Clinic Committee, is arranging for a course of clinics that will attract attention and be of great interest.

The ball room at the Coleman House will be used for the meetings of the Society. Dr. James I. Woolverton, Chairman of the Essay Committee, will have three essayists. The Executive office of the Society will be located in the Coleman House.



The next Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Dental Society will be held at Wrightsville Beach, June 23, 24, 25, 1915. R. M. SQUIRES, Sec'y, Wake Forest, N. C.



The next meeting of this Association will take place in the City of San Francisco, June 25th-26th, 1915.

Professor Lewis M. Terman, Stanford University, Stanford, Cal., is chairman of the Organizing Committee and chairman of the Program Committee. All communications relative to this meeting should be addrest to Prof. Terman.

Membership purchased in the American School Hygiene Association for 1914, entitles the holder to all privileges for membership for 1915. This action has been taken because the Association was unable to hold a meeting in 1914.

It is hoped that all members of the Association will make an effort to be present at the San Francisco meeting. Delegates should be sent from departments of education and departments of health in our city, county and state organizations. Our normal schools, colleges and universities should be repre

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