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The regular annual meeting of the members of the Dental Protective Association of the United States was held at the LaSalle Hotel in the city of Chicago on Monday afternoon, December 21st, 1914. Due notice in writing was given to each member of the Association of this meeting in compliance with the requirements of the by-laws and notification was also published in the daily press. The president, Dr. J. G. Reid, presided. An unusually large number of members was present but in order to give to those who were unable to attend some idea of the present status of the Association those at the meeting proposed that a brief synopsis of the secretary's and treasurer's report be published in one or more publications of general circulation among dentists.

The secretary, Dr. J. P. Buckley, presented a detailed report of the activities of the officers and directors during the year, described the organization of the board, the election of the officers and the taking over of the books and records of the Association from the administrative officers of the preceding years. He commented particularly upon the thoro, accurate and business-like manner in which the former president, Dr. J. N. Crouse, had kept the books and records of the Association and carried on the voluminous correspondence entailed by the agreement entered into with Dr. W. H. Taggart on behalf of the Association.

The Association has now about eight thousand (8,000) members upon its books, nearly five thousand (5,000) of whom paid the special assessment in 1900 while over forty-two hundred (4200)

availed themselves during 1910 to 1912 of the agreement entered into with Dr. Taggart and paid the requisite fifteen dollars ($15).

The officers of the Association increased the annual revenue by changing the investments during the year in purchasing twenty-one thousand dollars ($21,000) of municipal bonds of the highest grade at exceptionally low prices, as the bonds were purchased at the time when the market was at the lowest ebb, due to the foreign war. About five thousand dollars ($5,000) in cash remains on deposit at a low rate of interest in substantial savings banks in the city in charge of Dr. D. M. Gallie, treasurer, who has given a Surety Company's bond to the Association in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000). The directors during the year amended the bylaws so as to require that the secureties and other valuable papers of the Association be deposited in a box rented in the name of the Association in one of the large safety deposit company's vaults with the requirement that the box may be opened only in the presence of two members of the Board.

Certain doubtful assets which have remained stagnant for many years were converted and are being liquidated in a satisfactory manner so that the finances of the Association are in excellent condition.

The secretary further called attention to the statement which he caused to be published in the Bulletin of the National Dental Association in the October issue emphasizing the fact that the Dental Protective Association of the United States was still in active business, had

more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) in the treasury and was prepared at all times to carry out the purpose of its organization. To this published statement of October last the secretary now directs the attention of all members who are still in doubt as to their status under the Taggart agreement.

From the treasurer's report for the year ending December 10th, 1914, the following facts may be mentioned:

The treasurer received as a cash balance on hand at the beginning of the year twenty-five thousand, six hundred twenty-eight dollars and thirty-five cents ($25,628,35). The receipts during the year from all sources amounted to two thousand thirty-six dollars and sev enty-eight cents ($2036.78). The disbursements during the year were two hundred forty-seven dollars and five

cents ($247.05) exclusive of the purchase of twenty-one thousand dollars ($21,000) of bonds, which amounted to a change merely in the form of the assets. The total assets of the Association on December 19, 1914, amounted to thirty-five thousand, two hundred eighty-seven dollars and fifty-eight cents ($35,287.58), of which twenty-seven thousand two hundred eighty-seven dollars and fifty-eight cents ($27,287.58) was in municipal bonds and cash and eight thousand dollars ($8,000) in individual notes secured by a corporation note for three times the amount.

The present Board of Directors were re-elected for the ensuing year.

Signed: J. G. REID,

J. P. BUCKLEY, D. M. GALLIE, Board of Directors.


At the annual meeting of the Dental Protective Association, held in December 1914, being the first meeting subsequent to the death of Dr. Crouse, a committee was appointed to prepare for publication a statement which might serve to show the appreciation of the members of the Association for the character and great services to the dental profession of Dr. J. N. Crouse, who organized the Association and was its President and executive head till shortly before his death.

Dr. Crouse displayed great ability and tremendous force of character, and enthusiasm and perseverence which finally overcame the general indifference, and much active opposition of the dental profession, and won a sufficiently numerous membership in the Protective Association to provide enough funds to resist successfully the claims of the Crown

and Bridge Company. The defense was so complete that the Crown and Bridge Company never collected anything of consequence from the dental profession. If the dentists had been obliged, for a year or two at first, to pay the licenses demanded by the Crown Company as they had previously done for many years to the Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Company the great services rendered by Dr. Crouse thru the Dental Protective Association would have been universally acknowledged. As it was, appreciation for his services was less in evidence than a persistent and essentially unfair complaint and criticism of Dr. Crouse personally, and of his management of the affairs of the Protective Association. It did not seem to be understood that a plan of organization similar to that of our dental societies is not well adapted

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