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preveterinary medicine, or prepodiatry curriculum or equivalent.

(b) Students enrolled in accredited health professional or allied health professional programs which lead to eligibility for licensure, certification, registration or other types of credentials required for the practice of a health or allied health profession are ineligible for scholarships under this subdivision. Examples of health professions and allied health professions that will not be considered for funding include but are not limited to: nursing, audiology, medical technology, dental hygiene, dental technicians, engineering, radiologic technology, dietitian, nutritionist, social work, health education, physical therapy, occupational therapy and pharmacy. Scholarships for students in these programs are provided under Subdivision J-4 of this subpart.

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(c) Have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Secretary the desire and capability to successfully complete courses of study in a pregraduate education program meeting the criteria in § 36.370;

(d) Be accepted for enrollment in or

be enrolled in any accredited pregraduate education curriculum meeting the criteria in §36.370 of this subdivision; and

(e) Be a citizen of the United States.

§ 36.372 Application and selection.

(a) An application for a pregraduate scholarship grant under this subdivision shall be submitted in such form and at such time as the Secretary may prescribe. However, an application

must indicate:

(1) The pregraduate program in which the applicant is or wishes to enter, and (2) Whether the applicant intends to provide health services to Indians upon completion of health professions education or training by serving as described in §36.332 or otherwise as indicated on the application.

(b) Within the limits of available funds, the Director, IHS, shall make pregraduate scholarship grant awards for a period not to exceed four academic years of an individual's pregraduate education to eligible applicants taking into consideration: (1) Academic performance; (2) Work experience;

(3) Faculty or employer recommendation;

(4) Stated reasons for asking for the scholarship; and

(5) The relative needs of the IHS and Indian health organizations for persons in specific health professions.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0915-0080)

§ 36.373 Scholarship and tuition.

(a) Scholarship grant awards under this subdivision shall consist of:

(1) A stipend of $400 per month adjusted in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section; and

(2) An amount determined by the Secretary for transportation, tuition, fees, books, laboratory expenses and other necessary educational expenses.

(b) The portion of the scholarship for the costs of tuition and fees as indicated in the grant award will be paid directly to the school upon receipt of an invoice from the school. The stipend and remainder of the scholarship grant award will be paid monthly to the grantee under the conditions specified in the grant award.

(c) The amount of the monthly stipend specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall be adjusted by the Secretary for each academic year ending in a fiscal year beginning after September 30, 1978, by an amount (rounded down to the next lowest multiple of $1) equal to the amount of such stipend multiplied by the overall percentage (as set forth in the report transmitted to the Congress under section 5305 of title 5, United States Code) of the adjustment in the rates of pay under the General Schedule made effective in the fiscal year in which such academic year ends.

§ 36.374 Availability of list of recipients.

The IHS will provide to any person requesting it a list of the recipients of scholarship grants under this subdivision, including the school attended and tribal affiliation of each recipient.

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Roentgenographic Examinations §37.1 Scope.

The provisions of this subpart set forth the specifications for giving, interpreting, classifying, and submitting chest roentgenograms required by section 203 of the act to be given to underground coal miners and new miners.

§ 37.2 Definitions.

Any term defined in the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 and not defined below shall have the meaning given it in the act. As used in this subpart:

(a) Act means the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. 801, et seq.).

(b) ALOSH means the Appalachian Laboratory for Occupational Safety and Health, Box 4258, Morgantown, WV 26505. Although the Division of Respiratory Disease Studies, National Institute for Occupational Safety and

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(d) Convenient time and place with respect to the conduct of any examination under this subpart means that the examination must be given at a reasonable hour in the locality in which the miner resides or a location that is equally accessible to the miner. For example, examinations at the mine during, immediately preceding, or immediately following work and a "no appointment" examination at a medical facility in a community easily accessible to the residences of a majority of the miners working at the mine, shall be considered of equivalent convenience for purposes of this paragraph.

(e) Institute and NIOSH mean the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Center for Disease Control, Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services.

(f) ILO-U/C Classification means the classification of radiographs of the pneumoconioses devised in 1971 by an international committee of the International Labor Office and described in "Medical Radiography and Photography," volume 48, No. 3, December 1972. "ILO Classification" means the classification of radiographs of the pneumoconioses revised in 1980 by an international committee of the International Labor Office and described in "Medical Radiography and Photography" volume 57, No. 1, 1981, and in ILO publication 22 (revised 1980) from the ILO Occupational Safety and Health Series.

(g) Miner means any individual including any coal mine construction worker who is working in or at any underground coal mine, but does not include any surface worker who does not have direct contact with underground coal mining or with coal processing operations.

(h) Operator means any owner, lessee, or other person who operates, controls,

or supervises an underground coal mine or any independent contractor performing services or construction at such mine.

(i) Panel of 'B' Readers means the U.S. Public Health Service Consultant Panel of "B" Readers, c/o ALOSH, P.O. Box 4258, Morgantown, WV 26505.

(j) Preemployment physical examination means any medical examination which includes a chest roentgenographic examination given in accordance with the specifications of this subpart to a person not previously employed by the same operator or at the same mine for which that person is being considered for employment.

(k) Secretary means the Secretary of Health and Human Services and any other officer or employee of the Department of Health and Human Services to whom the authority involved may be delegated.

(1) MSHA means the Mine Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor.

[43 FR 33715, Aug. 1, 1978, as amended at 49 FR 7563, Mar. 1, 1984]

§37.3 Chest roentgenograms required for miners.

(a) Voluntary examinations. Every operator shall provide to each miner who is employed in or at any of its underground coal mines and who was employed in underground coal mining prior to December 30, 1969, or who has completed the required examinations under §37.3(b) an opportunity for a chest roentgenogram in accordance with this subpart:

(1) Following August 1, 1978 ALOSH will notify the operator of each underground coal mine of a period within which the operator may provide examinations to each miner employed at its coal mine. The period shall begin no sooner than the effective date of these regulations and end no later than a date specified by ALOSH separately for each coal mine. The termination date of the period will be approximately 5 years from the date of the first examination which was made on a miner employed by the operator in its coal mine under the former regulations of this subpart adopted July 27, 1973. Within the period specified by ALOSH for each mine, the operator may select

a 6-month period within which to provide examinations in accordance with a plan approved under §37.5.

Example: ALOSH finds that between July 27, 1973, and March 31, 1975, the first roentgenogram for a miner who was employed at mine Y and who was employed in underground coal mining prior to December 30, 1969, was made on January 1, 1974. ALOSH will notify the operator of mine Y that the operator may select and designate on its plan a 6-month period within which to offer its examinations to its miners employed at mine Y. The 6-month period shall be scheduled between August 1, 1978 and January 1, 1979 (5 years after January 1, 1974).

(2) For all future voluntary examinations, ALOSH will notify the operator of each underground coal mine when sufficient time has elapsed since the end of the previous 6-month period of examinations. ALOSH will specify to the operator of each mine a period within which the operator may provide examinations to its miners employed at its coal mine. The period shall begin no sooner than 31⁄2 years and end no later than 41⁄2 years subsequent to the ending date of the previous 6-month period specified for a coal mine either by the operator on an approved plan or by ALOSH if the operator did not submit an approved plan. Within the period specified by ALOSH for each mine, the operator may select a 6-month period within which to provide examinations in accordance with a plan approved under §37.5.

Example: ALOSH finds that examinations were previously provided to miners employed at mine Y in a 6-month period from July 1, 1979, to December 31, 1979. ALOSH notifies the operator at least 3 months before July 1, 1983 (31⁄2 years after December 31, 1979) that the operator may select and designate on its plan the next 6-month period within which to offer examinations to its miners employed at mine Y. The 6-month period shall be scheduled between July 1, 1983, and July 1, 1984 (between 31⁄2 and 42 years after December 31, 1979).

(3) Within either the next or future period(s) specified by ALOSH to the operator for each of its coal mines, the operator of the coal mine may select a different 6-month period for each of its mines within which to offer examinations. In the event the operator does not submit an approved plan, ALOSH will specify a 6-month period to the operator within which miners shall have the opportunity for examinations.

(b) Mandatory examinations. Every operator shall provide to each miner who begins working in or at a coal mine for the first time after December 30, 1969:

(1) An initial chest roentgenogram as soon as possible, but in no event later than 6 months after commencement of employment. A preemployment physical examination which was made within the 6 months prior to the date on which the miner started to work will be considered as fulfilling this requirement. An initial chest roentgenogram given to a miner according to former regulations for this subpart prior to August 1, 1978 will also be considered as fulfilling this requirement.

(2) A second chest roentgenogram, in accordance with this subpart, 3 years following the initial examination if the miner is still engaged in underground coal mining. A second roentgenogram given to a miner according to former regulations under this subpart prior to August 1, 1978 will be considered as fulfilling this requirement.

(3) A third chest roentgenogram 2 years following the second chest roentgenogram if the miner is still engaged in underground coal mining and if the second roentgenogram shows evidence of category 1, category 2, category 3 simple pneumoconioses, or complicated pneumoconioses (ILO Classification).

(c) ALOSH will notify the miner when he or she is due to receive the second or third mandatory examination under (b) of this section. Similarly, ALOSH will notify the coal mine operator when the miner is to be given a second examination. The operator will be notified concerning a miner's third examination only with the miner's written consent, and the notice to the operator shall not state the medical reason for the examination nor that it is the third examination in the series. If the miner is notified by ALOSH that the third mandatory examination is due and the operator is not so notified, availability of the roentgenographic examination under the operator's plan shall constitute the operator's compliance with the requirement to provide a third mandatory examination even if the miner refuses to take the examination.

(d) The opportunity for chest roentgenograms to be available by an operator for purposes of this subpart shall be provided in accordance with a plan which has been submitted and approved in accordance with this subpart.

(e) Any examinations conducted by the Secretary in the National Study of Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis after January 1, 1977, but before August 1, 1978 shall satisfy the requirements of this section with respect to the specific examination given (see § 37.6(d)).

[43 FR 33715, Aug. 1, 1978; 43 FR 38830, Aug. 31, 1978, as amended at 49 FR 7563, Mar. 1, 1984]

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(a) Every plan for roentgenographic examinations of miners shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the Secretary to ALOSH within 120 calendar days after August 1, 1978. In the case of a person who after August 1, 1978, becomes an operator of a mine for which no plan has been approved, that person shall submit a plan within 60 days after such event occurs. A separate plan shall be submitted by the operator and by each construction contractor for each underground coal mine which has a MSHA identification number. The plan shall include:

(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the operator(s) submitting the plan;

(2) The name, MSHA identification number for respirable dust measurements, and address of the mine included in the plan;

(3) The proposed beginning and ending date of the 6-month period for voluntary examinations (see §37.3(a)) and the estimated number of miners to be given or offered examinations during the 6-month period under the plan;

(4) The name and location of the approved X-ray facility or facilities, and the approximate date(s) and time(s) of day during which the roentgenograms will be given to miners to enable a determination of whether the examinations will be conducted at a convenient time and place;

(5) If a mobile facility is proposed, the plan shall provide that each miner be given adequate notice of the opportunity to have the examination and that no miner shall have to wait for an

examination more than 1 hour before or after his or her work shift. In addition, the plan shall include:

(i) The number of change houses at the mine.

(ii) One or more alternate nonmobile approved facilities for the reexamination of miners and for the mandatory examination of miners when necessary (see §37.3(b)), or an assurance that the mobile facility will return to the location(s) specified in the plan as frequently as necessary to provide for examinations in accordance with these regulations.

(iii) The name and location of each change house at which examinations will be given. For mines with more than one change house, the examinations shall be given at each change house or at a change house located at a convenient place for each miner.

(6) The name and address of the "A" or "B" reader who will interpret and classify the chest roentgenograms.

(7) Assurances that: (i) The operator will not solicit a physician's roentgenographic or other findings concerning any miner employed by the operator,

(ii) Instructions have been given to the person(s) giving the examinations that duplicate roentgenograms or copies of roentgenograms will not be made and that (except as may be necessary for the purpose of this subpart) the physician's roentgenographic and other findings, as well as the occupational history information obtained from a miner unless obtained prior to employment in a preemployment examination, and disclosed prior to employment, will not be disclosed in a manner which will permit identification of the employee with the information about him, and

(iii) The roentgenographic examinations will be made at no charge to the miner.

(b) Operators may provide for alternate facilities and "A" or "B" readers in plans submitted for approval.

(c) The change of operators of any mine operating under a plan approved pursuant to §37.5 shall not affect the plan of the operator which has transferred responsibility for the mine. Every plan shall be subject to revision

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