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(2) by striking out the period at the end of paragraph (2) and by inserting ", and" in lieu thereof; and

(3) by inserting immediately after paragraph (2) the following new paragraph:

"(3) must, in the case of grants for the use of treatment facilities for narcotic addicts, and other per

sons with drug abuse or drug dependence problems, be

made in accordance with the provisions of section 257 of this Act."

SEC. 5. Part D of the Community Mental Health Cen11 ters Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the fol12 lowing new section:




"SEC. 257. (a) No application for a grant authorized 15 by section 251 or 256 of this part shall be approved by the 16 Secretary unless such application is made by a State agency 17 (1) which is established, with the assistance of the Secre18 tary, for the purpose of receiving, administering, and dis19 tributing such grants to community-based multimodality. 20 treatment programs; (2) which has submitted to the Secre21 tary a comprehensive plan, prepared with the assistance of 22 the Secretary, for the development of community-based 23 multimodality treatment programs based upon a detailed sur24 vey by such State agency of the narcotic addict treatment 25 needs of the State; and (3) which has established, with the


1 assistance of the Secretary, such standards as are necessary

2 to provide criteria for the continuation of narcotic addict


treatment programs in effect immediately prior to the effec4 tive date of this Act, and for the establishment of community5 based multimodality treatment programs; (4) which agrees 6 that the State agency will from time to time, but not less 7 often than annually, review its State plan and submit to the 8 Secretary an analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of 9 the prevention and treatment programs and activities carried 10 out under the plan, and any modifications in the plan which 11 it considers necessary; (5) which agrees to fund only those 12 community-based multimodality treatment programs which 13 agree to treat addicts who have been committed for treat14 ment either under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act of 15 1966 or under a State civil commitment program.


"(b) No application for a grant authorized by section 17 251 or 256 of this part shall be approved by the Secretary 18 unless the State applying for such grant agrees to offer 19 treatment in lieu of prosecution for an addict charged with 20 both a State and Federal offense and who is not prosecuted 21 for such Federal offense but would otherwise be eligible for 22 treatment in lieu of prosecution under the Narcotic Addict 23 Rehabilitation Act of 1966.

24 "(c) For the purposes of this section, the term 'com25 munity-based multimodality treatment program' means



a program for the treatment of narcotic addicts, and other 2 persons with drug abuse and drug dependence problems, 3 established by a State, or a political subdivision thereof, 4 for the purpose of providing comprehensive treatment, in5 cluding maintenance, detoxification, social and vocational 6 rehabilitation, and other forms of treatment suited to the 7 individual needs of the person treated. Such program may 8 include such public and nonprofit private treatment agencies 9 and organizations as subsidiary components of such program 10 as may be necessary to provide such comprehensive treat11 ment. Any such program shall be organized in conformity 12 with the State plan and standards referred to in subsection 13 (a)."


SEC. 6. (a) (1) Section 301 (b) (4) of the Omnibus 15 Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 is amended by 16 striking out ", centers for the treatment of narcotic addicts". 17 (2) Any sum authorized to be appropriated to make 18 grants for constructing centers for the treatment of narcotic 19 addicts for the purposes of such section 301 (b) (4) are 20 authorized to be appropriated for the purposes of section 251 21 of the Community Mental Health Centers Act in addition to 22 any other sums authorized to be appropriated for the pur23 poses of such section 251.


(b) Section 453 (4) of such Act is amended by striking 25 out "halfway houses,".


SEC. 7. Notwithstanding the amendments made by sec2 tion 1 to 5 of this title, grants may be made to public or 3 private nonprofit agencies and organizations pursuant to the 4 provisions of former sections 251, 254, 256, and 264 of the 5 Community Mental Health Centers Act during the period 6 beginning on the date of enactment of this Act and ending 7 June 30, 1974, but not thereafter.

[H.R. 10546, introduced by Mr. Hudnut (for himself, Mr. Shriver, and Mr. Wyman) on September 26, 1973;

H.R. 11156, introduced by Mr. Shriver (for himself, Mr. Hudnut, Mr. Wyman, Ms. Chisholm, Mr. Shipley, Mr. Madigan, Mr. Eilberg, Mr. Robison of New York, Mr. Stubblefield, Mr. White, Mr. Gilman, Mr. Gray, Mr. Tiernan, Mr. Burke of Massachusetts, Mr. Thompson of New Jersey, Mr. Thone, and Mr. Johnson of Pennsyl vania) on October 29, 1973;

H.R. 11157, introduced by Mr. Shriver (for himself, Mr. Hudnut, Mr. Wyman, Mr. Gunter, Mr. McCloskey, Mr. Mosher, Mr. Winn, Mr. Hansen of Idaho, Mr. Archer, Mr. Keating, Mr. Sebelius, Mr. Passman, Mr. Patman, Mr. Cotter, Mr. Van Deerlin, Mr. Whitehurst, Mr. Railsback, Mr. Derwinski, Mr. Riegle, Mr. Horton, Mr. Burgener, Mr. Mitchell of Maryland, Mr. Moakley, Mr. Hogan, and Mr. Melcher) on October 29, 1973;

H.R. 11271, introduced by Mr. Forsythe on November 6, 1973;

H.R. 11352, introduced by Mr. Dulski on November 8, 1973;

H.R. 11388, introduced by Mr. Shriver (for himself, Mr. Hudnut, Mr. Wyman, Mr. Anderson of Illinois, Mr. Bauman, Mr. Butler, Mr. Frenzel, Mr. Fulton, Mr. Harrington, Ms. Holtzman, Mr. Rees, Mr. Reid, Mr. Roe, and Mr. Towell of Nevada) on November 8, 1973;

H.R. 11393, introduced by Mr. Andrews of North Dakota on November 12, 1973; H.R. 11563, introduced by Mr. Hamilton on November 26, 1973;

H.R. 11669, introduced by Mr. Kuykendall on November 29, 1973;

H.R. 11790, introduced by Mr. Esch on December 5, 1973;

H.R. 11812, introduced by Mr. Bob Wilson on December 5, 1973;

H.R. 11889, introduced by Mr. Shriver (for himself, Mr. Hudnut, Mr. Wyman, Mr. Andrews of North Dakota, Mr. Biester, Mr. Blatnik, Ms. Boggs, Mr. Casey, Ms. Grasso, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Rhodes, and Mr. Rinaldo) on December 11, 1973;

H.R. 12105, introduced by Mr. Cronin on December 21, 1973;

H.R. 12291, introduced by Mr. Shriver (for himself, Mr. Hudnut, Mr. Wyman, and Mr. Wright) on January 24, 1974; and

H.R. 12328, introduced by Mr. Camp on January 29, 1974,

are identical as follows:]


To amend the Community Mental Health Centers Act to provide


for the extension thereof, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa

2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

3 That this Act may be cited as the "Community Mental

4 Health Centers Extension Act of 1973".









SEC. 2. (a) The Congress hereby finds that

(1) community care is the most effective and humane form of care for the majority of mentally ill and mentally retarded individuals;

(2) there is currently a shortage and maldistribution of quality community mental health care resources in

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