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It is estimated that the student body would be comprised of 2,000 undergraduate students and 500 or more graduate and inservice teachers. It is anticipated that the college would enroll about as many students in the late afternoon, evening, and Saturday program as in the regular day program.


At the outset the college of arts and sciences would concentrate on offering a strong core of basic liberal studies: In the sciences-physics, chemistry, biology; in mathematics; in the social sciences-history, geography, economics, sociology, government; in the humanities-English, foreign languages, literature, speech; and in the fine arts-art, music, drama. The professional program of teacher preparation would remain about the same as in the present teachers college, except that it would be adapted as needed to meet the changing demands of the schools. Course offerings leading to the master's degree would be added as directed by the Board of Higher Education.

We are aware that the objectives of a liberal arts college differ from those of a teachers college and that careful thought must be given to this aspect of the new institution. As the District of Columbia Teachers College program provides for a strong base of liberal studies, and is so recognized by the regional accrediting association, orientation of the faculty to a liberal arts program would not be difficult. It has not proved to be a difficult step in the past for singlepurpose teachers colleges to move into a multipurpose program. With curriculums which emphasize liberal studies, with strong subject matter and professional division, and with a faculty well prepared in subject matter and in professional education, the base of a new multipurpose institution of higher education, as authorized in S. 293, already exists in the District of Columbia Teachers College.

Education and mobility of persons

States and municipalities are no longer provincial but maintain a reciprocal relationship in the ends they seek through higher education. Modern mobility is such that an architect educated in Oregon may serve the people of Kentucky, or a scientist educated in Virginia may use his scientific knowledge in Colorado. Individuals educated in any part of the country may serve in some other area, or even in another land. Thus every State has the responsibility to provide diversified education for its citizens so that not only the Nation but the world may benefit from their education. And the District must share in this responsibility through its system of public higher education.

The States over the years have found no substitute for publicly supported higher education for their citizens and neither can the District of Columbia. Both public and private institutions are needed in our complex civilization. Each has and will continue to make a distinct contribution in services to youth and adults. It is, I believe, an accepted fact that a democratic system of higher education need not accord all students the privilege of attending the same kinds of institutions any more than its need permit all to pursue the same curriculums. The important thing is that equal opportunity is accorded to every American to attain the highest level of education of which he is capable. Education is the most profitable investment society can make and "the richest reward it can confer."

New physical plant needed

The time has come when the need for a new physical plant is imperative for the District of Columbia Teachers College, if it is to continue to function as an institution of higher education. The present buildings are obsolete and wornout. Would it not make sense to build a new college of arts and sciences which would include a program of teacher education instead of building another singlepurpose teachers college? The answer is obvious.


A community (or junior) college and a college of liberal arts and sciences, under public sponsorship, would greatly expand educational opportunities for the residents of the District of Columbia. The accelerating expansion of knowledge, the growing complexity of our society, and the rapid advances in technology call for persons with high levels of educational preparation. Individuals must be prepared to meet the problems of the community in which they live and of the world which they will inherit and help to shape. We cannot wait until tomorrow to educate for tomorrow's needs. Already the District of Columbia has waited

too long to expand its publicly supported higher education. It is imperative that the city and the Congress provide resources at once to carry out the recommendations of the President's Committee on Public Higher Education in the District of Columbia, otherwise, higher education opportunities will remain considerably limited for many individuals in this community, especially for those who come from low-income families. Colleges planned to meet the needs of the youth and adults of the District would be a powerful factor in helping thousands of individuals realize their full potential.

Mr. Chairman, I urge the favorable action of this committee on S. 293 without delay.

Dr. CARR. First, on January 5, 1966, the faculty of the District of Columbia Teachers College voted unanimously in favor of the creation of a comprehensive community or junior college and of a college of liberal arts and sciences as recommended by the President's Committee on Public Higher Education and as provided for in the bills currently before this Senate committee.

The faculty favored the recommendation to merge the District of Columbia Teachers College into the new college of arts and sciences. They believe that the present program of teacher education would be strengthened by placing it in a liberal arts setting where those preparing to teach would be in close association and in academic competition with those preparing for other professions.

And, Mr. Chairman, I have a copy of this resolution, signed by the members of the faculty organization in which the faculty endorses the general idea and also S. 293 which I would like to have you make a part of the record if you will accept it.

Senator MORSE. The resolution will be printed in the record following your testimony, Dr. Carr.

Dr. CARR. I am here today to testify in favor of the creation of the two new colleges referred to above and which are provided for in S. 293, a bill to establish a Board of Higher Education to plan, establish, organize, and operate a public community college and a public college of arts and sciences in the District of Columbia.

A community the size of the District of Columbia with 4,000-5,000 graduates of the public high schools annually and with from 1,200 to 1,500 graduates of the private and parochial high schools should, without question, have publicly supported higher education which includes more than teacher education.

At the beginning of my testimony, Mr. Chairman, I want to express my enthusiastic support of the concept of a Board of Higher Education with so much freedom to organize and administer the proposed colleges.

This is a very commendable feature of the bill and a condition which is essential for the healthy growth of the two colleges. In studying the provisions of S. 293 I am concerned, however, about one thing. Does this bill as it is written protect the tenure rights, retirement benefits earned to date, and the health and insurance benefits of the faculty of the District of Columbia Teachers College?

If the teachers college is merged into the college of arts and sciences under a Board of Higher Education what will be the status of the faculty, exclusive of the laboratory schools? They will no longer be under the Board of Education and no provision is made for them to be covered by the present District of Columbia Teachers' Salary Act, as amended.

On behalf of the faculty of the teachers college, I am requesting an examination of the provisions of S. 293 in regard to pay scales, tenure rights, retirement benefits, and health and life insurance benefits. The faculty should not lose any benefits now enjoyed as employees of the Board of Education if and when they come under the Board of Higher Education.

Senator MORSE. The chairman assigns to counsel for the subcommittee the responsibility of preparing a memorandum dealing with the question that you have just raised. When the memorandum has been completed it will be submitted to you, Dr. Carr, and to the others in the public school system of the District for their comment because there is no intention of the chairman of this committee to work an inequity in any way upon the faculty of your college.

Dr. CARR. Thank you very much.

Now, to the community or junior college.

First, I should like to state my belief that the recommendation of the President's Committee on Public Higher Education in the District of Columbia for two separate institutions is educationally sound.

A community college has very different purposes from those which should give direction to a 4-year college of arts and sciences. Each type college has its own basic philosophy which determines its objectives and curriculums.

The community college should be established with a definite purpose in view at its opening and this basic purpose should underlie the formulation of all policies concerning the organization of basic facilities and curriculums.

This institution should be established and the curriculums developed with the understanding that it is to remain a 2-year community college and that it will continue to serve youth and adults who have a need for and an interest in its curriculums.

I mention this, Mr. Chairman, because there are certain individuals and groups, I believe, who say that why not start with the 2-year community college and then if it is successful develop into the 4-year institutions.

I believe that philosophy is unsound for the simple reason that a community college has an entirely different motivation from the college of arts and sciences.

The community college would be organized and administered to accommodate persons with a wide range of abilities, educational backgrounds, and career goals. No one with the ability to profit from education beyond high school should be excluded.

Students would be admitted to a particular curriculum. They should be qualified to pursue successfully the curriculum chosen. The 4-year college of arts and sciences should establish and maintain admission requirements far more rigid than those proposed here for the community college.

And then continue, the community college would certainly be concerned with the recognition of individual differences.

The individual differences certainly characterize our vocational high schools and we should recognize that they do exist beyond the secondary school level.

Community colleges are designed primarily to provide postsecondary school education for those who are interested in pursuing various careers in business and in other semiprofessional areas.

If the community college does not provide opportunities for these individuals to prepare themselves for positions of a managerial, technical, or semiprofessional type, there is little excuse for its existence.

Few people with a background of information in the field of higher education would ever attempt to justify the existence of a public community college just to provide the first 2 years of general education to prepare a student for transfer to a 4-year college or university.

Transfer curriculums would be available, but the point I am emphasizing here is that the community college would give great emphasis to occupational curriculums and that is a great need in the District as well as elsewhere.

Certainly, the curriculums of the community college would be geared to meet the needs of our local community, and I am confident that through them the economic improvement of many young people in the District now untrained for productive years would be greatly improved.

Also, we should keep in mind, I think, that there should be a balance between specialized information and basic principles in a junior college or a community college curriculum. Such a balance in the curriculums would give students the capability of acquiring other skills with a minimum of reeducation as machines and processes become obsolete. Also students enrolled in the occupational education curriculums would have work in the basic academic disciplines to the fullest extent of their capacity to profit from this work.

In these days of rapid obsolescence of many specific kinds of skills, education should be as basic and generic as possible.

Another advantage of the community college is the close relationship to the public schools. As has already been mentioned here this morning that the hope of a college to which these young men and women might go following high school graduation would be a great incentive in keeping them in the secondary schools.

I think that this hope of continuing education in the college is a strong factor in favor of a junior college in the District.

The success of a community college is measured in terms of its responsiveness to local needs. Thus the doors of the college would be open to adults, as well as to high school graduates, who need to improve their skills or to retrain themselves for changing job specifications or for new employment opportunities.

Similarly, others who desire to remedy their educational deficiencies or to enrich their lives culturally would be encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities offered in their community college. Undoubtedly an adult program would constitute a very vital function of this college.

Then, Mr. Chairman, on page 4 I mentioned the need for skilled and semiskilled workers which I doubt because of the limitation of time if I need to read it.

The important point here is that there is an increasing demand for young men and women who have developed skills and many of these skills can be best developed on the junior college level, and unless you think that this part should be read, I will go on.

Senator MORSE. I think not, it is already in the hearing record.

Dr. CARR. The important thing is, as I mentioned at the bottom of the page, that these skills must be developed through educational

institutions. And the junior college here can make its great contribution.

Then the major curriculums that would be in our judgment emphasized would be those on general education; business education, and technical education, organized in 2 years that would end with the associate in arts degree.

Now, turning to the college of liberal arts and sciences. All surveys of high school seniors indicate that there are a substantial number of students who graduate from the high schools in the District who are able to profit by a 4-year general college education but who cannot do sc because of cost. They deserve an opportunity for a college education equal to that available to high school students throughout the United States.

Public higher education on the degree granting level must no longer be limited to teacher education in the District of Columbia. This is undemocratic and indefensible.

I have been asked at times what would be the goals, in my judgment, of a 4-year college of arts and sciences, and my only answer is this, that it would be those of any good liberal arts college.

The college would be organized and administered to serve the people of Washington. However, I do think that the major responsibility of the college for the foreseeable future would be to prepare teachers.

The program, while including teacher education, would not be limited to this area of preparation as is that of the Teachers College. Students with no interest in teacher preparation would be able to complete majors in acadamic areas of study.

The extent of the offerings would depend, of course, on the resources of the college.

As far as the admission standards are concerned they would differ substantially from those of the community college. They would follow the admission standards found in most liberal arts colleges throughout the country.

The privilege of transferring from the community college to the college of arts and sciences would be available to students who can qualify for this transfer.

It is estimated, however, as has already been brought out, that the student body would soon reach 2,000 undergraduate students and perhaps 500 or more on the graduate level if the Board of Education should establish the graduate program.

As far as the curriculums are concerned, at the outset the college of arts and sciences would concentrate on offering a strong core of basic liberal studies: in the sciences: physics, chemistry, biology; in mathematics; in the social sciences-history, geography, economics, sociology, Government; in the humanities-English, foreign languages, literature, speech; and in the fine arts-art, music, drama.

We are aware that the objectives of a liberal arts college differ from those of a teachers college and that careful thought must be given to this aspect of the new institution. As the District of Columbia Teachers College program provides for a strong base of liberal studies, and is so recognized by the regional accrediting association, orientation of the faculty to a liberal arts program would not be difficult.

It has not proved to be a difficult step in the past for single purpose teachers colleges to move into a multipurpose program. With curriculums which emphasize liberal studies, with strong subject matter

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