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authorized within the legislation. In other nuclear proliferation related activity, the Committee on Armed Services offered, at the request of the Committee on International Relations, an amendment to the Energy Research and Development Agency Administration Act of 1978 Civilian Applications, deleting funds for research and development of peaceful nuclear explosive applications. The Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs and the Committee on International Relations worked together in support of a budgetary reprograming action designed to strengthen the capabilities of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's International Program Division.

Legislative history

May 16, 197-H.R. 6796 reported by House Committee on Science and
Technology. House Report 95-349, Part 1.

May 16, 1977-H.R. 6796 jointly referred to Committees on Armed Serv-
ices and International Relations for a period ending not later than
June 2, 1977; for concurrent consideration of only such portions of
the bill as fall within the jurisdictions of those committees under
rule X, clause 1(c) (11) and clause 1(k) (15), respectively.
May 24, 1977-H.R. 6796 considered in open hearing and markup session
by full committee, amended, and ordered favorably reported by voice

June 2, 1977-H..R. 6796: Committee was granted an extension for an
additional period ending not later than June 8, 1977 for reconsidera-
tion of the bill, in order to rectify a parliamentary situation.
June 7, 1977-H.R. 6796 considered in open markup session by full com-
mittee; original vote reconsidered, and ordered favorably reported by
voice vote without amendment.

June 8, 1977-H.R. 6796 reported. House Report. 95-254, Pt. III.
June 8, 1977-H.R. 6796: House Armed Services Committee reported
with amendment, Pt. II.

June 9, 1977-H.R. 6796 rule requested.

June 21, 1977-H.R. 6796: Hearing on request for rule. Rule granted.
H. Res. 657. House Report 95-463.

July 1, 1977-S. 1811 reported in Senate by Senate Committee on Energy
and Natural Resources Senate Report 95-328.

July 11, 1977-S. 1811 considered by Senate.

July 12, 1977-S. 1811 passed Senate by voice vote.

Sept. 9, 1977-H.R. 6796: Rule passed House by a vote of 338 yeas to 15


Sept. 13, 20, 21, 1977-H.R. 6796 considered in House and amended. Sept. 23, 1977-H.R. 6796 passed House by a vote of 317 yeas to 47 nays. Subsequently this passage was vacated and S. 1811, a similar-passed Senate bill was passed in lieu, after being amended to contain the language of the House bill as passed. House insisted on its amendments, asked a conference with the Senate, and appointed as conferees: Representatives Teague, Fuqua, Flowers, McCormack, Brown of California, Thornton, Ottinger, Harkin, Amro, Lloyd, Watkins, Wydler, Winn, Frey, Goldwater, and Gary A. Myers.

Sept. 27, 1977-S. 1811: Senate disagreed to House amendments, agreed to conference with the House, and appointed as conferees: Senators Jackson, Church, Bumpers, Abourezk, Ford, Durkin, Matsunaga, Hansen, Hatfield, Domenici, McClure, and Bartlett.

Sept. 29; Oct. 4, 1977-Conferees met.

Oct. 5, 1977-Conferees met and agreed to file conference report.
Oct. 7, 1977-Conference report filed in Senate. Senate Report 95-482.
Oct. 7, 1977-Conference report filed in House. House Report 95-671.
Oct. 12, 1977-Senate agreed to conference report by voice vote.
Oct. 14, 1977-House insisted on its amendments, and requested addi-
tional conference with the Senate.

Oct. 17, 1977-Senate disagreed to the House amendments, and agreed
to further conference with the House.

Oct. 17, 1977-Conference report filed in House. House Report 95-715. Oct. 20, 1977-House agreed to conference report by a vote of 366 yeas to 52 nays.

Oct. 20, 1977-Senate agreed to conference report by voice vote.
Nov. 5, 1977-Vetoed by President.

Dec. 7, 1977-House passed S. 1340, a modified version of S. 1811, by
voice vote; agreed to an amendment in the nature of a substitute
to the text of the bill that contains the language of the conference
version of S. 1811, but without the authorization for the Clinch River
Breeder Reactor and language concerning uranium enrichment serv-
ices pricing.

Feb. 8, 1978-Senate agreed to House amendments to S. 1340.
Feb. 25, 1978-Approved. Public Law 95-238.

13. International Petroleum Exposition-H.J. Res. 923 (S.J. Res. 154) (by Mr. Jones of Oklahoma, for himself, and Representatives Steed, English, Risenhoover, Watkins, and Edwards of Oklahoma)

The purpose of House Joint Resolution 923 was to authorize and request the President of the United States to invite the States of the Union and foreign nations to participate in the International Petroleum Exposition to be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1979.

House Joint Resolution 923 was introduced on May 18, 1978, and referred to the Committee on International Relations. On May 26, the joint resolution was referred to the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade. The subcommittee held a hearing on the joint resolution on August 3, and on August 7, the subcommittee, by voice vote, ordered House Joint Resolution 923 favorably reported to the full committee without amendment. The committee considered the resolution on August 9, and by voice vote, ordered the joint resolution favorably reported. On September 25, 1978, Senate Joint Resolution 154, an identical Senate passed resolution passed the House in lieu of House Joint Resolution 923 by voice vote under suspension of the rules. Senate Joint Resolution 154 was signed into law by the President on October 5, 1978, and became Public Law 95-411.

Legislative history

May 26, 1978-H.J. Res. 923 referred to Subcommittee on International
Economic Policy and Trade.

Aug. 3, 1978-Considered in open session by subcommittee.

Aug. 7, 1978-Considered in open markup session by subcommittee and approved for full committee action by voice vote.

Aug. 9, 1978-Considered in open markup session by full committee, and ordered favorably reported by unanimous voice vote.

Aug. 16, 1978-Reported. House Report 95-1501.

Aug. 24, 1978-S.J. Res. 154 reported in Senate by Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations. Senate Report 95-1145.

Sept 7, 1978-Passed Senate by voice vote.

Sept. 25, 1978-Passed House by voice vote in lieu of H.J. Res. 923.
Oct. 5, 1978-Approved. Public Law 95-411

14. North Atlantic Alliance-S.J. Res. 137 (H.J. Res. 921) (by Mr. Robert C. Byrd, for himself, and Senators Baker, Stennis, Sparkman, Kennedy, Nunn, Griffin, Tower, Percy, and Danforth)

Senate Joint Resolution 137 reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to the unity of the North Atlantic Alliance. Additionally, the resolution expressed congressional recognition of the extraordinary success of the North Atlantic Alliance in fulfilling its goals of safeguarding freedom,

and the principles of democracy. Lastly, the resolution declared the support of the Congress for efforts to reaffirm the unity of NATO to strengthen its defensive capabilities and on this basis to persevere in its attempts to lessen tensions with the Warsaw Pact states. The resolution was precipitated by the NATO summit meeting in Washington, D.C., in May of 1978.

Legislative history

May 22, 1978-H.J. Res. 921 considered in open session by full committee, and ordered favorably reported by voice vote.

May 24, 1978-S.J. Res. 137 passed Senate, as amended by voice vote. May 25, 1978-Passed House in lieu of H.J. Res. 921 without reference to committee by a vote of 370 yeas.

May 30, 1978-Approved. Public Law 95-287.

15. Academy for Peace and Conflict Resolution

On January 24 and 25, 1978, the Subcommittee on International Operations held hearings on H.R. 10192, introduced by Mrs. Meyner, which contained proposals to establish a commission to study proposals for a National Academy of Peace and Conflict Resolution. This legislation was incorporated into H.R. 12598, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1978. Although this provision was stricken from H.R. 12598 on the House floor, similar language was added as an amendment. to H.R. 15, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Amendments of 1978, which became Public Law 95-561 on November 1, 1978.


A. 1977

1. Urging the Canadian Government to Reassess Its Policy of Permitting the Killing of Newborn Harp Seals-H. Con. Res. 142 (by Mr. Ryan, for himself, and Represenatives John L. Burton, Drinan, Kemp, and Ottinger)

The purpose of House Concurrent Resolution 142 was to express the concern of the Congress that the cruel practice of killing newborn harp seals in Canadian waters could cause the extinction of that species of seals, and to urge the Government of Canada to reassess its present policy of permitting such killing in Canadian waters.

The committee noted that the killing of newborn harp seals in Canadian waters could be likened to other such hunted animal species as the Asian tiger, the African rhinoceros, and various species of whales. The committee further noted that the annual 6-week Canadian harp seal hunt which was slated to begin on or about March 12, 1977, amidst substantial public protest, had increased its quota to 170,000 or 90 percent of the newborn seal pup population.

It was the committee's intent that this resolution should serve as a timely reminder to the Canadian Government of the concern of the Congress with respect to the seal killings and other such practices which could endanger various species of the animal kingdom.

House Concurrent Resolution 142 passed the House on March 22, 1977 under suspension of the rules. On March 31, the Senate amended House Concurrent Resolution 142 to retain the phrase "cruel practice" which had been amended during consideration by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Other technical amendments were also agreed to by the Senate. On April 6, 1977, the House agreed to the Senate amendments.

Legislative history

Mar. 15, 1977-H. Con. Res. 142 considered in open markup session by
full committee and ordered favorably reported by voice vote.
Mar. 21, 1977-Reported. House Report 95-99.

Mar. 22, 1977-Passed House by voice vote under suspension of rules.
Mar. 23, 1977-Referred to Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Mar. 25, 1977-Report received from State.

Mar. 29, 1977-Considered in open session by Senate committee and
favorably reported with amendments. Senate Report 95-71.

Mar. 31, 1977-Passed Senate, amended by voice vote.

Apr. 6, 1977-House agreed to Senate amendments.

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