Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Abdirahman afford Applause Archbishop Ondiek ask the Minister Assistant Minister Awori bank beg to reply Bondo District borrowing cent Chepkirui crocodiles diseases district hospital Dzoro fall sick free primary education Goldenberg scandal Government happening Harambees health centres Health Insurance Scheme HIV/AIDS Home Affairs hospital bills House implementation Insurance Scheme NSHIS issue Kajwang Katuku Kembi-Gitura Kenyans Khamasi Kimeto Kosgei Kshs83 billion Kulundu Loud consultations Maj-Gen matter medical services Members of Parliament million Minister for Finance Minister for Health Minister for Home Ministerial Statement Ministry mission hospitals Muiruri National Social Health Ngilu NHIF North Eastern Province Nyachae Office Oniang'o personnel point of order police poverty Question by Private released River Yala rural areas Salat sector Sessional Paper Sirma Social Health Insurance Sungu talk Tarus Temporary Deputy Speaker Thank Toro Turkana District Uhuru Kenyatta Vice-President and Minister wananchi Wario Wildlife women