Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
ambao amended Angwenyi Anyang'-Nyong'o ask the Minister Assistant Minister aware beg to reply Budget cent Chanzu Clause coffee Committee constituency COTU duty economy farmers Finance Bill Gatabaki give going Government hakuna hapa hawana House income tax industry issue Kakamega Kalulu KANU katika Kenya Revenue Authority Kiangoi kidogo Kisii Kulundu kuwasaidia kwa sababu lakini land lazima liberalisation look mambo medical training colleges Member Michuki Migori Minister for Finance Minister for Public Ministry Mudavadi Mungiki Nairobi Nairobi City Council Ndicho Ngutu Nyachae Ochuodho Ongeri organisations pension funds pesa petroleum plot allocations Poghisio point of order presumptive tax problem promoted proposals Public Health Prof raise rationalisation Reuters saying sector Sifuna Spika taabu talking taxation measures teachers Telkom Kenya tell Temporary Deputy Speaker things Uriri Water vatable Wabunge watoto watu Waziri Wilaya Wizara