Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Act of Parliament Anyang'-Nyong'o Anyona Applause appointed ask the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General beg to reply Bill Chairman civic education Clause Co-operative Societies consensus Consolidated Constitution of Kenya Constitutional Review Commission constitutional review process court crime current Act debate District document draft ensure Farmers Co-operative Union Farmers Sacco Society Government Gusii Imanyara important IPPG issue Keah Kenya Review Act Kenya Review Amendment Khaniri kiosk owners Madoka malaria matter Minister aware Minister for Agriculture Ministry Mugama Farmers Co-operative Murata Farmers Sacco Muriuki Murungi Nairobi National Assembly Nyagah Nyeri Obure Ochuodho Orengo organisations Parliamentary Select Committee participate people-driven Plots Allocation Committee point of order powers President Maj Prof pythons Question by Private Raila Raila Odinga referendum Sirma Telkom Kenya Temporary Deputy Speaker treatment posts Ufungamano Initiative Union and Murata Wako World Bank Yash Pal Ghai